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Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Substrate
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim world As BetaWorld = BetaWorld.Open("F:\Minecraft\test")
Dim bm As BlockManager = world.GetBlockManager()
bm.AutoLight = False
Dim grid As New Grid()
Dim gen As New Generator()
Dim edges As List(Of Generator.Edge) = gen.Generate()
For Each e As Generator.Edge In edges
Dim x1 As Integer
Dim y1 As Integer
Dim z1 As Integer
gen.UnIndex(e.node1, x1, y1, z1)
Dim x2 As Integer
Dim y2 As Integer
Dim z2 As Integer
gen.UnIndex(e.node2, x2, y2, z2)
grid.LinkRooms(bm, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
' Entrance Room
grid.BuildRoom(bm, 2, 5, 2)
grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2)
grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 3, 5, 2)
grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 1)
grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 3)
grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 2)
' Exit Room
grid.BuildRoom(bm, 2, -1, 2)
grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, -1, 2, 2, 0, 2)
grid.AddPrize(bm, 2, -1, 2)
Console.WriteLine("Relight Chunks")
Dim cm As BetaChunkManager = world.GetChunkManager()
End Sub
Class Grid
Private originx As Integer
Private originy As Integer
Private originz As Integer
Private xlen As Integer
Private ylen As Integer
Private zlen As Integer
Private cellxlen As Integer
Private cellylen As Integer
Private cellzlen As Integer
Private wallxwidth As Integer
Private wallywidth As Integer
Private wallzwidth As Integer
Public Sub New()
originx = 0
originy = 27
originz = 0
xlen = 5
ylen = 5
zlen = 5
cellxlen = 5
cellylen = 5
cellzlen = 5
wallxwidth = 2
wallywidth = 2
wallzwidth = 2
End Sub
Public Sub BuildInit(bm As BlockManager)
For xi As Integer = 0 To xlen - 1
For yi As Integer = 0 To ylen - 1
For zi As Integer = 0 To zlen - 1
BuildRoom(bm, xi, yi, zi)
End Sub
Public Sub BuildRoom(bm As BlockManager, x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer)
Dim ox As Integer = originx + (cellxlen + wallxwidth) * x
Dim oy As Integer = originy + (cellylen + wallywidth) * y
Dim oz As Integer = originz + (cellzlen + wallzwidth) * z
' Hollow out room
For xi As Integer = 0 To cellxlen - 1
Dim xx As Integer = ox + wallxwidth + xi
For zi As Integer = 0 To cellzlen - 1
Dim zz As Integer = oz + wallzwidth + zi
For yi As Integer = 0 To cellylen - 1
Dim yy As Integer = oy + wallywidth + yi
bm.SetID(xx, yy, zz, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
' Build walls
For xi As Integer = 0 To cellxlen + (2 * wallxwidth - 1)
For zi As Integer = 0 To cellzlen + (2 * wallzwidth - 1)
For yi As Integer = 0 To wallywidth - 1
bm.SetID(ox + xi, oy + yi, oz + zi, CInt(BlockType.BEDROCK))
bm.SetID(ox + xi, oy + yi + cellylen + wallywidth, oz + zi, CInt(BlockType.BEDROCK))
For xi As Integer = 0 To cellxlen + (2 * wallxwidth - 1)
For zi As Integer = 0 To wallzwidth - 1
For yi As Integer = 0 To cellylen + (2 * wallywidth - 1)
bm.SetID(ox + xi, oy + yi, oz + zi, CInt(BlockType.BEDROCK))
bm.SetID(ox + xi, oy + yi, oz + zi + cellzlen + wallzwidth, CInt(BlockType.BEDROCK))
For xi As Integer = 0 To wallxwidth - 1
For zi As Integer = 0 To cellzlen + (2 * wallzwidth - 1)
For yi As Integer = 0 To cellylen + (2 * wallywidth - 1)
bm.SetID(ox + xi, oy + yi, oz + zi, CInt(BlockType.BEDROCK))
bm.SetID(ox + xi + cellxlen + wallxwidth, oy + yi, oz + zi, CInt(BlockType.BEDROCK))
' Torchlight
bm.SetID(ox + wallxwidth, oy + wallywidth + 2, oz + wallzwidth + 1, CInt(BlockType.TORCH))
bm.SetID(ox + wallxwidth, oy + wallywidth + 2, oz + wallzwidth + cellzlen - 2, CInt(BlockType.TORCH))
bm.SetID(ox + wallxwidth + cellxlen - 1, oy + wallywidth + 2, oz + wallzwidth + 1, CInt(BlockType.TORCH))
bm.SetID(ox + wallxwidth + cellxlen - 1, oy + wallywidth + 2, oz + wallzwidth + cellzlen - 2, CInt(BlockType.TORCH))
bm.SetID(ox + wallxwidth + 1, oy + wallywidth + 2, oz + wallzwidth, CInt(BlockType.TORCH))
bm.SetID(ox + wallxwidth + cellxlen - 2, oy + wallywidth + 2, oz + wallzwidth, CInt(BlockType.TORCH))
bm.SetID(ox + wallxwidth + 1, oy + wallywidth + 2, oz + wallzwidth + cellzlen - 1, CInt(BlockType.TORCH))
bm.SetID(ox + wallxwidth + cellxlen - 2, oy + wallywidth + 2, oz + wallzwidth + cellzlen - 1, CInt(BlockType.TORCH))
End Sub
Public Sub LinkRooms(bm As BlockManager, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, z1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer, z2 As Integer)
Dim xx As Integer = originx + (cellxlen + wallxwidth) * x1
Dim yy As Integer = originy + (cellylen + wallywidth) * y1
Dim zz As Integer = originz + (cellzlen + wallzwidth) * z1
If x1 <> x2 Then
xx = originx + (cellxlen + wallxwidth) * Math.Max(x1, x2)
For xi As Integer = 0 To wallxwidth - 1
Dim zc As Integer = zz + wallzwidth + (cellzlen \ 2)
Dim yb As Integer = yy + wallywidth
bm.SetID(xx + xi, yb, zc - 1, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xx + xi, yb, zc, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xx + xi, yb, zc + 1, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xx + xi, yb + 1, zc - 1, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xx + xi, yb + 1, zc, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xx + xi, yb + 1, zc + 1, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xx + xi, yb + 2, zc, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
ElseIf z1 <> z2 Then
zz = originz + (cellzlen + wallzwidth) * Math.Max(z1, z2)
For zi As Integer = 0 To wallxwidth - 1
Dim xc As Integer = xx + wallxwidth + (cellxlen \ 2)
Dim yb As Integer = yy + wallywidth
bm.SetID(xc - 1, yb, zz + zi, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xc, yb, zz + zi, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xc + 1, yb, zz + zi, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xc - 1, yb + 1, zz + zi, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xc, yb + 1, zz + zi, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xc + 1, yb + 1, zz + zi, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
bm.SetID(xc, yb + 2, zz + zi, CInt(BlockType.AIR))
ElseIf y1 <> y2 Then
yy = originy + (cellylen + wallywidth) * Math.Max(y1, y2)
For yi As Integer = 0 - cellylen + 1 To wallywidth
Dim xc As Integer = xx + wallxwidth + (cellxlen \ 2)
Dim zc As Integer = zz + wallzwidth + (cellzlen \ 2)
bm.SetID(xc, yy + yi, zc, CInt(BlockType.BEDROCK))
bm.SetID(xc - 1, yy + yi, zc, CInt(BlockType.LADDER))
bm.SetData(xc - 1, yy + yi, zc, 4)
bm.SetID(xc + 1, yy + yi, zc, CInt(BlockType.LADDER))
bm.SetData(xc + 1, yy + yi, zc, 5)
bm.SetID(xc, yy + yi, zc - 1, CInt(BlockType.LADDER))
bm.SetData(xc, yy + yi, zc - 1, 2)
bm.SetID(xc, yy + yi, zc + 1, CInt(BlockType.LADDER))
bm.SetData(xc, yy + yi, zc + 1, 3)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddPrize(bm As BlockManager, x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer)
Dim ox As Integer = originx + (cellxlen + wallxwidth) * x + wallxwidth
Dim oy As Integer = originy + (cellylen + wallywidth) * y + wallywidth
Dim oz As Integer = originz + (cellzlen + wallzwidth) * z + wallzwidth
Dim rand As New Random()
For xi As Integer = 0 To cellxlen - 1
For zi As Integer = 0 To cellzlen - 1
If rand.NextDouble() < 0.1 Then
bm.SetID(ox + xi, oy, oz + zi, CInt(BlockType.DIAMOND_BLOCK))
End If
End Sub
End Class
Class Generator
Public Structure Edge
Public node1 As Integer
Public node2 As Integer
Public Sub New(n1 As Integer, n2 As Integer)
node1 = n1
node2 = n2
End Sub
End Structure
Private xlen As Integer
Private ylen As Integer
Private zlen As Integer
Private _edges As List(Of Edge)
Private _cells As Integer()
Public Sub New()
xlen = 5
ylen = 5
zlen = 5
_edges = New List(Of Edge)()
_cells = New Integer(xlen * zlen * ylen - 1) {}
For x As Integer = 0 To xlen - 1
For z As Integer = 0 To zlen - 1
For y As Integer = 0 To ylen - 1
Dim n1 As Integer = Index(x, y, z)
_cells(n1) = n1
For x As Integer = 0 To xlen - 2
For z As Integer = 0 To zlen - 1
For y As Integer = 0 To ylen - 1
Dim n1 As Integer = Index(x, y, z)
Dim n2 As Integer = Index(x + 1, y, z)
_edges.Add(New Edge(n1, n2))
For x As Integer = 0 To xlen - 1
For z As Integer = 0 To zlen - 2
For y As Integer = 0 To ylen - 1
Dim n1 As Integer = Index(x, y, z)
Dim n2 As Integer = Index(x, y, z + 1)
_edges.Add(New Edge(n1, n2))
For x As Integer = 0 To xlen - 1
For z As Integer = 0 To zlen - 1
For y As Integer = 0 To ylen - 2
Dim n1 As Integer = Index(x, y, z)
Dim n2 As Integer = Index(x, y + 1, z)
_edges.Add(New Edge(n1, n2))
End Sub
Public Function Generate() As List(Of Edge)
Dim rand As New Random()
Dim passages As New List(Of Edge)()
' Randomize edges
Dim redges As New Queue(Of Edge)()
While _edges.Count > 0
Dim index As Integer = rand.[Next](_edges.Count)
Dim e As Edge = _edges(index)
End While
While redges.Count > 0
Dim e As Edge = redges.Dequeue()
If _cells(e.node1) = _cells(e.node2) Then
Continue While
End If
Dim n1 As Integer = _cells(e.node2)
Dim n2 As Integer = _cells(e.node1)
For i As Integer = 0 To _cells.Length - 1
If _cells(i) = n2 Then
_cells(i) = n1
End If
End While
Return passages
End Function
Public Function Index(x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer) As Integer
Return (x * zlen + z) * ylen + y
End Function
Public Sub UnIndex(index As Integer, ByRef x As Integer, ByRef y As Integer, ByRef z As Integer)
x = index \ (zlen * ylen)
Dim xstr As Integer = index - (x * zlen * ylen)
z = xstr \ ylen
Dim ystr As Integer = xstr - (z * ylen)
y = ystr
End Sub
End Class
End Module