using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using NDesk.Options; using Substrate; namespace NBToolkit { public class OregenOptions : TKOptions, IChunkFilterable { private OptionSet _filterOpt = null; private ChunkFilter _chunkFilter = null; public int? OPT_ID = null; public int? OPT_DATA = null; public int? OPT_ROUNDS = null; public int? OPT_SIZE = null; public int? OPT_MIN = null; public int? OPT_MAX = null; public bool OPT_OO = false; public bool OPT_OA = false; public bool OPT_MATHFIX = true; public List OPT_OB_INCLUDE = new List(); public List OPT_OB_EXCLUDE = new List(); private class OreType { public int id; public string name; public int rounds; public int min; public int max; public int size; }; private OreType[] oreList = new OreType[] { new OreType() { id = 16, name = "Coal", rounds = 20, min = 0, max = 127, size = 16 }, new OreType() { id = 15, name = "Iron", rounds = 20, min = 0, max = 63, size = 8 }, new OreType() { id = 14, name = "Gold", rounds = 2, min = 0, max = 31, size = 8 }, new OreType() { id = 73, name = "Redstone", rounds = 8, min = 0, max = 31, size = 7 }, new OreType() { id = 56, name = "Diamond", rounds = 1, min = 0, max = 15, size = 7 }, new OreType() { id = 21, name = "Lapis", rounds = 1, min = 0, max = 31, size = 7 }, }; public OregenOptions () : base() { _filterOpt = new OptionSet() { { "b|Block=", "Generate blocks of type {ID} (0-255)", v => OPT_ID = Convert.ToByte(v) % 256 }, { "d|Data=", "Set the block's data value to {VAL} (0-15)", v => OPT_DATA = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 16 }, { "r|Rounds=", "Geneate {NUM} deposits per chunk", v => OPT_ROUNDS = Convert.ToInt32(v) }, { "min|MinDepth=", "Generates deposits no lower than depth {VAL} (0-127)", v => OPT_MIN = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 128 }, { "max|MaxDepth=", "Generates deposits no higher than depth {VAL} (0-127)", v => OPT_MAX = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 128 }, { "s|Size=", "Generates deposits containing roughly up to {VAL} blocks", v => OPT_SIZE = Convert.ToInt32(v) % 128 }, { "oo|OverrideOres", "Generated deposits can replace other existing ores", v => OPT_OO = true }, { "oa|OverrideAll", "Generated deposits can replace any existing block", v => OPT_OA = true }, { "oi|OverrideInclude=", "Generated deposits can replace the specified block type {ID} [repeatable]", v => OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Add(Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256) }, { "ox|OverrideExclude=", "Generated deposits can never replace the specified block type {ID} [repeatable]", v => OPT_OB_EXCLUDE.Add(Convert.ToInt32(v) % 256) }, { "nu|NativeUnpatched", "Use MC native ore generation algorithm without distribution evenness patch", v => OPT_MATHFIX = false }, }; _chunkFilter = new ChunkFilter(); } public OregenOptions (string[] args) : this() { Parse(args); } public override void Parse (string[] args) { base.Parse(args); _filterOpt.Parse(args); _chunkFilter.Parse(args); } public override void PrintUsage () { Console.WriteLine("Usage: nbtoolkit oregen -b -w [options]"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options for command 'oregen':"); _filterOpt.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); Console.WriteLine(); _chunkFilter.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine(); base.PrintUsage(); } public override void SetDefaults () { base.SetDefaults(); foreach (OreType ore in oreList) { if (OPT_ID != { continue; } if (OPT_ROUNDS == null) { OPT_ROUNDS = ore.rounds; } if (OPT_MIN == null) { OPT_MIN = ore.min; } if (OPT_MAX == null) { OPT_MAX = ore.max; } if (OPT_SIZE == null) { OPT_SIZE = ore.size; } } // Check for required parameters if (OPT_ID == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: You must specify a Block ID"); Console.WriteLine(); PrintUsage(); throw new TKOptionException(); } if (OPT_ROUNDS == null) { OPT_ROUNDS = 1; } if (OPT_MIN == null || OPT_MAX == null || OPT_SIZE == null) { if (OPT_MIN == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: You must specify the minimum depth for non-ore blocks"); } if (OPT_MAX == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: You must specify the maximum depth for non-ore blocks"); } if (OPT_SIZE == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: You must specify the deposit size for non-ore blocks"); } Console.WriteLine(); PrintUsage(); throw new TKOptionException(); } } public IChunkFilter GetChunkFilter () { return _chunkFilter; } } public class Oregen : TKFilter { private OregenOptions opt; private static Random rand = new Random(); public Oregen (OregenOptions o) { opt = o; } public override void Run () { World world = new World(opt.OPT_WORLD); ChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager() as ChunkManager; FilteredChunkManager fcm = new FilteredChunkManager(cm, opt.GetChunkFilter()); int affectedChunks = 0; foreach (ChunkRef chunk in fcm) { if (chunk == null || !chunk.IsTerrainPopulated) { continue; } if (opt.OPT_V) { Console.WriteLine("Processing Chunk (" + chunk.X + "," + chunk.Z + ")"); } affectedChunks++; ApplyChunk(world, chunk); world.GetChunkManager().Save(); } Console.WriteLine("Affected Chunks: " + affectedChunks); } public void ApplyChunk (World world, ChunkRef chunk) { if (opt.OPT_V) { Console.WriteLine("Generating {0} size {1} deposits of {2} between {3} and {4}", opt.OPT_ROUNDS, opt.OPT_SIZE, opt.OPT_ID, opt.OPT_MIN, opt.OPT_MAX); } IGenerator generator; if (opt.OPT_DATA == null) { generator = new NativeGenOre((int)opt.OPT_ID, (int)opt.OPT_SIZE); ((NativeGenOre)generator).MathFix = opt.OPT_MATHFIX; } else { generator = new NativeGenOre((int)opt.OPT_ID, (int)opt.OPT_DATA, (int)opt.OPT_SIZE); ((NativeGenOre)generator).MathFix = opt.OPT_MATHFIX; } BlockManager bm = new GenOreBlockManager(world.GetChunkManager(), opt); for (int i = 0; i < opt.OPT_ROUNDS; i++) { if (opt.OPT_VV) { Console.WriteLine("Generating round {0}...", i); } int x = chunk.X * chunk.XDim + rand.Next(chunk.XDim); int y = (int)opt.OPT_MIN + rand.Next((int)opt.OPT_MAX - (int)opt.OPT_MIN); int z = chunk.Z * chunk.ZDim + rand.Next(chunk.ZDim); generator.Generate(bm, rand, x, y, z); } } } public class GenOreBlockManager : BlockManager { public const int BLOCK_STONE = 1; public const int BLOCK_DIRT = 3; public const int BLOCK_GRAVEL = 13; public const int BLOCK_GOLD = 14; public const int BLOCK_IRON = 15; public const int BLOCK_COAL = 16; public const int BLOCK_LAPIS = 21; public const int BLOCK_DIAMOND = 56; public const int BLOCK_REDSTONE = 73; protected OregenOptions opt; public GenOreBlockManager (IChunkManager bm, OregenOptions o) : base(bm) { opt = o; } protected override bool Check (int x, int y, int z) { if (!base.Check(x, y, z)) { return false; } int blockID = _cache.GetBlockID(x & _chunkXMask, y & _chunkYMask, z & _chunkZMask); if ( ((opt.OPT_OA) && (blockID != opt.OPT_ID)) || ((opt.OPT_OO) && ( blockID == BLOCK_COAL || blockID == BLOCK_IRON || blockID == BLOCK_GOLD || blockID == BLOCK_REDSTONE || blockID == BLOCK_DIAMOND || blockID == BLOCK_LAPIS || blockID == BLOCK_DIRT || blockID == BLOCK_GRAVEL) && (blockID != opt.OPT_ID)) || (opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Count > 0) || (blockID == BLOCK_STONE) ) { // If overriding list of ores, check membership if (opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Count > 0 && !opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Contains(blockID)) { return false; } // Check for any excluded block if (opt.OPT_OB_EXCLUDE.Contains(blockID)) { return false; } // We're allowed to update the block return true; } return false; } /*public override BlockRef GetBlockRef (int x, int y, int z) { BlockRef block; try { block = base.GetBlockRef(x, y, z); } catch { return null; } if (block == null) { return null; } int blockID = block.ID; if ( ((opt.OPT_OA) && (blockID != opt.OPT_ID)) || ((opt.OPT_OO) && ( blockID == BLOCK_COAL || blockID == BLOCK_IRON || blockID == BLOCK_GOLD || blockID == BLOCK_REDSTONE || blockID == BLOCK_DIAMOND || blockID == BLOCK_LAPIS || blockID == BLOCK_DIRT || blockID == BLOCK_GRAVEL) && (blockID != opt.OPT_ID)) || (opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Count > 0) || (blockID == BLOCK_STONE) ) { // If overriding list of ores, check membership if (opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Count > 0 && !opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Contains(blockID)) { return null; } // Check for any excluded block if (opt.OPT_OB_EXCLUDE.Contains(blockID)) { return null; } // We're allowed to update the block return block; } return null; } public override bool SetBlockID (int x, int y, int z, int id) { int blockID = 0; try { blockID = GetBlockID(x, y, z); } catch { return false; } if ( ((opt.OPT_OA) && (blockID != opt.OPT_ID)) || ((opt.OPT_OO) && ( blockID == BLOCK_COAL || blockID == BLOCK_IRON || blockID == BLOCK_GOLD || blockID == BLOCK_REDSTONE || blockID == BLOCK_DIAMOND || blockID == BLOCK_LAPIS || blockID == BLOCK_DIRT || blockID == BLOCK_GRAVEL) && (blockID != opt.OPT_ID)) || (opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Count > 0) || (blockID == BLOCK_STONE) ) { // If overriding list of ores, check membership if (opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Count > 0 && !opt.OPT_OB_INCLUDE.Contains(blockID)) { return false; } // Check for any excluded block if (opt.OPT_OB_EXCLUDE.Contains(blockID)) { return false; } // We're allowed to update the block return base.SetBlockID(x, y, z, id); } return false; }*/ } }