using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Substrate.Core;
using Substrate.Nbt;
using Substrate.Data;
//TODO: Exceptions (+ Alpha)
namespace Substrate
using IO = System.IO;
/// Represents a Beta-compatible (Beta 1.3 or higher) Minecraft world.
public class BetaWorld : NbtWorld
private const string _REGION_DIR = "region";
private const string _PLAYER_DIR = "players";
private string _levelFile = "level.dat";
private Level _level;
private Dictionary _regionMgrs;
private Dictionary _chunkMgrs;
private Dictionary _blockMgrs;
private Dictionary _caches;
private PlayerManager _playerMan;
private BetaDataManager _dataMan;
private int _prefCacheSize = 256;
private BetaWorld ()
_regionMgrs = new Dictionary();
_chunkMgrs = new Dictionary();
_blockMgrs = new Dictionary();
_caches = new Dictionary();
/// Gets a reference to this world's object.
public override Level Level
get { return _level; }
/// Gets a for the default dimension.
/// A tied to the default dimension in this world.
/// Get a if you need to manage blocks as a global, unbounded matrix. This abstracts away
/// any higher-level organizational divisions. If your task is going to be heavily performance-bound, consider getting a
/// instead and working with blocks on a chunk-local level.
public new BlockManager GetBlockManager ()
return GetBlockManagerVirt(Dimension.DEFAULT) as BlockManager;
/// Gets a for the given dimension.
/// The id of the dimension to look up.
/// A tied to the given dimension in this world.
/// Get a if you need to manage blocks as a global, unbounded matrix. This abstracts away
/// any higher-level organizational divisions. If your task is going to be heavily performance-bound, consider getting a
/// instead and working with blocks on a chunk-local level.
public new BlockManager GetBlockManager (int dim)
return GetBlockManagerVirt(dim) as BlockManager;
/// Gets a for the default dimension.
/// A tied to the default dimension in this world.
/// Get a if you you need to work with easily-digestible, bounded chunks of blocks.
public new RegionChunkManager GetChunkManager ()
return GetChunkManagerVirt(Dimension.DEFAULT) as RegionChunkManager;
/// Gets a for the given dimension.
/// The id of the dimension to look up.
/// A tied to the given dimension in this world.
/// Get a if you you need to work with easily-digestible, bounded chunks of blocks.
public new RegionChunkManager GetChunkManager (int dim)
return GetChunkManagerVirt(dim) as RegionChunkManager;
/// Gets a for the default dimension.
/// A tied to the defaul dimension in this world.
/// Regions are a higher-level unit of organization for blocks unique to worlds created in Beta 1.3 and beyond.
/// Consider using the if you are interested in working with blocks.
public BetaRegionManager GetRegionManager ()
return GetRegionManager(Dimension.DEFAULT);
/// Gets a for the given dimension.
/// The id of the dimension to look up.
/// A tied to the given dimension in this world.
/// Regions are a higher-level unit of organization for blocks unique to worlds created in Beta 1.3 and beyond.
/// Consider using the if you are interested in working with blocks.
public BetaRegionManager GetRegionManager (int dim)
BetaRegionManager rm;
if (_regionMgrs.TryGetValue(dim, out rm)) {
return rm;
return _regionMgrs[dim];
/// Gets a for maanging players on multiplayer worlds.
/// A for this world.
/// To manage the player of a single-player world, get a object for the world instead.
public new PlayerManager GetPlayerManager ()
return GetPlayerManagerVirt() as PlayerManager;
/// Gets a for managing data resources, such as maps.
/// A for this world.
public new BetaDataManager GetDataManager ()
return GetDataManagerVirt() as BetaDataManager;
/// Saves the world's data, and any objects known to have unsaved changes.
public void Save ()
foreach (KeyValuePair cm in _chunkMgrs) {
/// Gets the currently managing chunks in the default dimension.
/// The for the default dimension, or null if the dimension was not found.
public ChunkCache GetChunkCache ()
return GetChunkCache(Dimension.DEFAULT);
/// Gets the currently managing chunks in the given dimension.
/// The id of a dimension to look up.
/// The for the given dimension, or null if the dimension was not found.
public ChunkCache GetChunkCache (int dim)
if (_caches.ContainsKey(dim)) {
return _caches[dim];
return null;
/// Opens an existing Beta-compatible Minecraft world and returns a new to represent it.
/// The path to the directory containing the world's level.dat, or the path to level.dat itself.
/// A new object representing an existing world on disk.
public static new BetaWorld Open (string path)
return new BetaWorld().OpenWorld(path) as BetaWorld;
/// Opens an existing Beta-compatible Minecraft world and returns a new to represent it.
/// The path to the directory containing the world's level.dat, or the path to level.dat itself.
/// The preferred cache size in chunks for each opened dimension in this world.
/// A new object representing an existing world on disk.
public static BetaWorld Open (string path, int cacheSize)
BetaWorld world = new BetaWorld().OpenWorld(path);
world._prefCacheSize = cacheSize;
return world;
/// Creates a new Beta-compatible Minecraft world and returns a new to represent it.
/// The path to the directory where the new world should be stored.
/// A new object representing a new world.
/// This method will attempt to create the specified directory immediately if it does not exist, but will not
/// write out any world data unless it is explicitly saved at a later time.
public static BetaWorld Create (string path)
return new BetaWorld().CreateWorld(path) as BetaWorld;
/// Creates a new Beta-compatible Minecraft world and returns a new to represent it.
/// The path to the directory where the new world should be stored.
/// The preferred cache size in chunks for each opened dimension in this world.
/// A new object representing a new world.
/// This method will attempt to create the specified directory immediately if it does not exist, but will not
/// write out any world data unless it is explicitly saved at a later time.
public static BetaWorld Create (string path, int cacheSize)
BetaWorld world = new BetaWorld().CreateWorld(path);
world._prefCacheSize = cacheSize;
return world;
protected override IBlockManager GetBlockManagerVirt (int dim)
BlockManager rm;
if (_blockMgrs.TryGetValue(dim, out rm)) {
return rm;
return _blockMgrs[dim];
protected override IChunkManager GetChunkManagerVirt (int dim)
RegionChunkManager rm;
if (_chunkMgrs.TryGetValue(dim, out rm)) {
return rm;
return _chunkMgrs[dim];
protected override IPlayerManager GetPlayerManagerVirt ()
if (_playerMan != null) {
return _playerMan;
string path = IO.Path.Combine(Path, _PLAYER_DIR);
_playerMan = new PlayerManager(path);
return _playerMan;
protected override Data.DataManager GetDataManagerVirt ()
if (_dataMan != null) {
return _dataMan;
_dataMan = new BetaDataManager(this);
return _dataMan;
private void OpenDimension (int dim)
string path = Path;
if (dim == Dimension.DEFAULT) {
path = IO.Path.Combine(path, _REGION_DIR);
else {
path = IO.Path.Combine(path, "DIM" + dim);
path = IO.Path.Combine(path, _REGION_DIR);
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) {
ChunkCache cc = new ChunkCache(_prefCacheSize);
BetaRegionManager rm = new BetaRegionManager(path, cc);
RegionChunkManager cm = new RegionChunkManager(rm, cc);
BlockManager bm = new BlockManager(cm);
_regionMgrs[dim] = rm;
_chunkMgrs[dim] = cm;
_blockMgrs[dim] = bm;
_caches[dim] = cc;
private BetaWorld OpenWorld (string path)
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) {
if (File.Exists(path)) {
_levelFile = IO.Path.GetFileName(path);
path = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
else {
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Directory '" + path + "' not found");
Path = path;
string ldat = IO.Path.Combine(path, _levelFile);
if (!File.Exists(ldat)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Data file '" + _levelFile + "' not found in '" + path + "'", ldat);
if (!LoadLevel()) {
throw new Exception("Failed to load '" + _levelFile + "'");
return this;
private BetaWorld CreateWorld (string path)
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) {
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Directory '" + path + "' not found");
string regpath = IO.Path.Combine(path, _REGION_DIR);
if (!Directory.Exists(regpath)) {
Path = path;
_level = new Level(this);
return this;
private bool LoadLevel ()
NBTFile nf = new NBTFile(IO.Path.Combine(Path, _levelFile));
Stream nbtstr = nf.GetDataInputStream();
if (nbtstr == null) {
return false;
NbtTree tree = new NbtTree(nbtstr);
_level = new Level(this);
_level = _level.LoadTreeSafe(tree.Root);
return _level != null;
internal static void OnResolveOpen (object sender, OpenWorldEventArgs e)
try {
BetaWorld world = new BetaWorld().OpenWorld(e.Path);
if (world == null) {
string regPath = IO.Path.Combine(e.Path, _REGION_DIR);
if (!Directory.Exists(regPath)) {
if (world.Level.Version != 19132) {
catch (Exception) {