using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; namespace Substrate.NBT { using Substrate.Utility; /// <summary> /// Contains the root node of an NBT tree and handles IO of tree nodes. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// NBT, or Named Byte Tag, is a tree-based data structure for storing most Minecraft data. /// NBT_Tree is more of a helper class for NBT trees that handles reading and writing nodes to data streams. /// Most of the API takes a TagValue or derived node as the root of the tree, rather than an NBT_Tree object itself. /// </remarks> public class NBT_Tree : ICopyable<NBT_Tree> { private Stream _stream = null; private TagNodeCompound _root = null; private static TagNodeNull _nulltag = new TagNodeNull(); /// <summary> /// Gets the root node of this tree. /// </summary> public TagNodeCompound Root { get { return _root; } } /// <summary> /// Constructs a wrapper around a new NBT tree with an empty root node. /// </summary> public NBT_Tree () { _root = new TagNodeCompound(); } /// <summary> /// Constructs a wrapper around another NBT tree. /// </summary> /// <param name="tree">The root node of an NBT tree.</param> public NBT_Tree (TagNodeCompound tree) { _root = tree; } /// <summary> /// Constructs and wrapper around a new NBT tree parsed from a source data stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="s">An open, readable data stream containing NBT data.</param> public NBT_Tree (Stream s) { ReadFrom(s); } /// <summary> /// Rebuild the internal NBT tree from a source data stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="s">An open, readable data stream containing NBT data.</param> public void ReadFrom (Stream s) { if (s != null) { _stream = s; _root = ReadRoot(); _stream = null; } } /// <summary> /// Writes out the internal NBT tree to a destination data stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="s">An open, writable data stream.</param> public void WriteTo (Stream s) { if (s != null) { _stream = s; if (_root != null) { WriteTag("", _root); } _stream = null; } } private TagNode ReadValue (TagType type) { switch (type) { case TagType.TAG_END: return null; case TagType.TAG_BYTE: return ReadByte(); case TagType.TAG_SHORT: return ReadShort(); case TagType.TAG_INT: return ReadInt(); case TagType.TAG_LONG: return ReadLong(); case TagType.TAG_FLOAT: return ReadFloat(); case TagType.TAG_DOUBLE: return ReadDouble(); case TagType.TAG_BYTE_ARRAY: return ReadByteArray(); case TagType.TAG_STRING: return ReadString(); case TagType.TAG_LIST: return ReadList(); case TagType.TAG_COMPOUND: return ReadCompound(); } throw new Exception(); } private TagNode ReadByte () { int gzByte = _stream.ReadByte(); if (gzByte == -1) { throw new NBTException(NBTException.MSG_GZIP_ENDOFSTREAM); } TagNodeByte val = new TagNodeByte((byte)gzByte); return val; } private TagNode ReadShort () { byte[] gzBytes = new byte[2]; _stream.Read(gzBytes, 0, 2); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } TagNodeShort val = new TagNodeShort(BitConverter.ToInt16(gzBytes, 0)); return val; } private TagNode ReadInt () { byte[] gzBytes = new byte[4]; _stream.Read(gzBytes, 0, 4); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } TagNodeInt val = new TagNodeInt(BitConverter.ToInt32(gzBytes, 0)); return val; } private TagNode ReadLong () { byte[] gzBytes = new byte[8]; _stream.Read(gzBytes, 0, 8); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } TagNodeLong val = new TagNodeLong(BitConverter.ToInt64(gzBytes, 0)); return val; } private TagNode ReadFloat () { byte[] gzBytes = new byte[4]; _stream.Read(gzBytes, 0, 4); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } TagNodeFloat val = new TagNodeFloat(BitConverter.ToSingle(gzBytes, 0)); return val; } private TagNode ReadDouble () { byte[] gzBytes = new byte[8]; _stream.Read(gzBytes, 0, 8); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } TagNodeDouble val = new TagNodeDouble(BitConverter.ToDouble(gzBytes, 0)); return val; } private TagNode ReadByteArray () { byte[] lenBytes = new byte[4]; _stream.Read(lenBytes, 0, 4); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(lenBytes); } int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(lenBytes, 0); if (length < 0) { throw new NBTException(NBTException.MSG_READ_NEG); } byte[] data = new byte[length]; _stream.Read(data, 0, length); TagNodeByteArray val = new TagNodeByteArray(data); return val; } private TagNode ReadString () { byte[] lenBytes = new byte[2]; _stream.Read(lenBytes, 0, 2); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(lenBytes); } short len = BitConverter.ToInt16(lenBytes, 0); if (len < 0) { throw new NBTException(NBTException.MSG_READ_NEG); } byte[] strBytes = new byte[len]; _stream.Read(strBytes, 0, len); System.Text.Encoding str = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591); TagNodeString val = new TagNodeString(str.GetString(strBytes)); return val; } private TagNode ReadList () { int gzByte = _stream.ReadByte(); if (gzByte == -1) { throw new NBTException(NBTException.MSG_GZIP_ENDOFSTREAM); } TagNodeList val = new TagNodeList((TagType)gzByte); if (val.ValueType > (TagType)Enum.GetValues(typeof(TagType)).GetUpperBound(0)) { throw new NBTException(NBTException.MSG_READ_TYPE); } byte[] lenBytes = new byte[4]; _stream.Read(lenBytes, 0, 4); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(lenBytes); } int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(lenBytes, 0); if (length < 0) { throw new NBTException(NBTException.MSG_READ_NEG); } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { val.Add(ReadValue(val.ValueType)); } return val; } private TagNode ReadCompound () { TagNodeCompound val = new TagNodeCompound(); while (ReadTag(val)) ; return val; } private TagNodeCompound ReadRoot () { TagType type = (TagType)_stream.ReadByte(); if (type == TagType.TAG_COMPOUND) { ReadString(); // name return ReadValue(type) as TagNodeCompound; } return null; } private bool ReadTag (TagNodeCompound parent) { //NBT_Tag tag = new NBT_Tag(); TagType type = (TagType)_stream.ReadByte(); if (type != TagType.TAG_END) { string name = ReadString().ToTagString().Data; parent[name] = ReadValue(type); return true; } return false; //tag.Value = ReadValue(type); //return tag; } private void WriteValue (TagNode val) { switch (val.GetTagType()) { case TagType.TAG_END: break; case TagType.TAG_BYTE: WriteByte(val.ToTagByte()); break; case TagType.TAG_SHORT: WriteShort(val.ToTagShort()); break; case TagType.TAG_INT: WriteInt(val.ToTagInt()); break; case TagType.TAG_LONG: WriteLong(val.ToTagLong()); break; case TagType.TAG_FLOAT: WriteFloat(val.ToTagFloat()); break; case TagType.TAG_DOUBLE: WriteDouble(val.ToTagDouble()); break; case TagType.TAG_BYTE_ARRAY: WriteByteArray(val.ToTagByteArray()); break; case TagType.TAG_STRING: WriteString(val.ToTagString()); break; case TagType.TAG_LIST: WriteList(val.ToTagList()); break; case TagType.TAG_COMPOUND: WriteCompound(val.ToTagCompound()); break; } } private void WriteByte (TagNodeByte val) { _stream.WriteByte(val.Data); } private void WriteShort (TagNodeShort val) { byte[] gzBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val.Data); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } _stream.Write(gzBytes, 0, 2); } private void WriteInt (TagNodeInt val) { byte[] gzBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val.Data); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } _stream.Write(gzBytes, 0, 4); } private void WriteLong (TagNodeLong val) { byte[] gzBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val.Data); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } _stream.Write(gzBytes, 0, 8); } private void WriteFloat (TagNodeFloat val) { byte[] gzBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val.Data); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } _stream.Write(gzBytes, 0, 4); } private void WriteDouble (TagNodeDouble val) { byte[] gzBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val.Data); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(gzBytes); } _stream.Write(gzBytes, 0, 8); } private void WriteByteArray (TagNodeByteArray val) { byte[] lenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val.Length); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(lenBytes); } _stream.Write(lenBytes, 0, 4); _stream.Write(val.Data, 0, val.Length); } private void WriteString (TagNodeString val) { byte[] lenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)val.Length); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(lenBytes); } _stream.Write(lenBytes, 0, 2); System.Text.Encoding str = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591); byte[] gzBytes = str.GetBytes(val.Data); _stream.Write(gzBytes, 0, gzBytes.Length); } private void WriteList (TagNodeList val) { byte[] lenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val.Count); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(lenBytes); } _stream.WriteByte((byte)val.ValueType); _stream.Write(lenBytes, 0, 4); foreach (TagNode v in val) { WriteValue(v); } } private void WriteCompound (TagNodeCompound val) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TagNode> item in val) { WriteTag(item.Key, item.Value); } WriteTag(null, _nulltag); } private void WriteTag (string name, TagNode val) { _stream.WriteByte((byte)val.GetTagType()); if (val.GetTagType() != TagType.TAG_END) { WriteString(name); WriteValue(val); } } #region ICopyable<NBT_Tree> Members /// <summary> /// Creates a deep copy of the NBT_Tree and underlying nodes. /// </summary> /// <returns>A new NBT_tree.</returns> public NBT_Tree Copy () { NBT_Tree tree = new NBT_Tree(); tree._root = _root.Copy() as TagNodeCompound; return tree; } #endregion } // TODO: Revise exceptions? public class NBTException : Exception { public const String MSG_GZIP_ENDOFSTREAM = "Gzip Error: Unexpected end of stream"; public const String MSG_READ_NEG = "Read Error: Negative length"; public const String MSG_READ_TYPE = "Read Error: Invalid value type"; public NBTException () { } public NBTException (String msg) : base(msg) { } public NBTException (String msg, Exception innerException) : base(msg, innerException) { } } public class InvalidNBTObjectException : Exception { } public class InvalidTagException : Exception { } public class InvalidValueException : Exception { } }