using System; namespace Substrate { using NBT; using Utility; /// /// Represents a Tile Entity record, which provides additional data to a block. /// /// Generally, this class should be subtyped into new concrete Tile Entity types, as this generic type is unable to /// capture any of the custom data fields that make Tile Entities useful in the first place. It is however still possible to /// create instances of objects, which may allow for graceful handling of unknown Tile Entities. public class TileEntity : INBTObject, ICopyable { private static readonly SchemaNodeCompound _schema = new SchemaNodeCompound("") { new SchemaNodeScaler("id", TagType.TAG_STRING), new SchemaNodeScaler("x", TagType.TAG_INT), new SchemaNodeScaler("y", TagType.TAG_INT), new SchemaNodeScaler("z", TagType.TAG_INT), }; private string _id; private int _x; private int _y; private int _z; /// /// Gets the id (name) of the Tile Entity. /// public string ID { get { return _id; } } /// /// Gets or sets the global X-coordinate of the block that this Tile Entity is associated with. /// public int X { get { return _x; } set { _x = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the global Y-coordinate of the block that this Tile Entity is associated with. /// public int Y { get { return _y; } set { _y = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the global Z-coordinate of the block that this Tile Entity is associated with. /// public int Z { get { return _z; } set { _z = value; } } /// /// Constructs a nonspecific with a given ID. /// /// The id (name) of the Tile Entity. public TileEntity (string id) { _id = id; } /// /// Constructs a by copying an existing one. /// /// The to copy. public TileEntity (TileEntity te) { _id = te._id; _x = te._x; _y = te._y; _z = te._z; } /// /// Checks whether the Tile Entity is located (associated with a block) at the specific global coordinates. /// /// The global X-coordinate to test. /// The global Y-coordinate to test. /// The global Z-coordinate to test. /// Status indicating whether the Tile Entity is located at the specified global coordinates. public bool LocatedAt (int x, int y, int z) { return _x == x && _y == y && _z == z; } #region ICopyable Members /// /// Creates a deep-copy of the including any data defined in a subtype. /// /// A deep-copy of the . public virtual TileEntity Copy () { return new TileEntity(this); } #endregion #region INBTObject Members /// /// Gets a representing the basic schema of a Tile Entity. /// public static SchemaNodeCompound Schema { get { return _schema; } } /// /// Attempt to load a Tile Entity subtree into the without validation. /// /// The root node of a Tile Entity subtree. /// The returns itself on success, or null if the tree was unparsable. public virtual TileEntity LoadTree (TagNode tree) { TagNodeCompound ctree = tree as TagNodeCompound; if (ctree == null) { return null; } _id = ctree["id"].ToTagString(); _x = ctree["x"].ToTagInt(); _y = ctree["y"].ToTagInt(); _z = ctree["z"].ToTagInt(); return this; } /// /// Attempt to load a Tile Entity subtree into the with validation. /// /// The root node of a Tile Entity subtree. /// The returns itself on success, or null if the tree failed validation. public virtual TileEntity LoadTreeSafe (TagNode tree) { if (!ValidateTree(tree)) { return null; } return LoadTree(tree); } /// /// Builds a Tile Entity subtree from the current data. /// /// The root node of a Tile Entity subtree representing the current data. public virtual TagNode BuildTree () { TagNodeCompound tree = new TagNodeCompound(); tree["id"] = new TagNodeString(_id); tree["x"] = new TagNodeInt(_x); tree["y"] = new TagNodeInt(_y); tree["z"] = new TagNodeInt(_z); return tree; } /// /// Validate a Tile Entity subtree against a basic schema. /// /// The root node of a Tile Entity subtree. /// Status indicating whether the tree was valid against the internal schema. public virtual bool ValidateTree (TagNode tree) { return new NBTVerifier(tree, _schema).Verify(); } #endregion } }