using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Substrate.Entities;
using Substrate.Nbt;
namespace Substrate
/// Creates new instances of concrete types from a dynamic registry.
/// This factory allows specific objects to be generated as an NBT tree is parsed. New types can be
/// registered with the factory at any time, so that custom types can be supported. By default, the standard
/// Entities of Minecraft are registered with the factory at startup and bound to their respective 'id' fields.
public class EntityFactory
private static Dictionary _registry = new Dictionary();
/// Create a new instance of a concrete type by name.
/// The name that a concrete type was registered with.
/// A new instance of a concrete type, or null if no type was registered with the given name.
public static TypedEntity Create (string type)
Type t;
if (!_registry.TryGetValue(type, out t)) {
return null;
return Activator.CreateInstance(t) as TypedEntity;
/// Create a new instance of a concrete type by NBT node.
/// A representing a single Entity, containing an 'id' field of the Entity's registered name.
/// A new instance of a concrete type, or null if no type was registered with the given name.
public static TypedEntity Create (TagNodeCompound tree)
TagNode type;
if (!tree.TryGetValue("id", out type)) {
return null;
Type t;
if (!_registry.TryGetValue(type.ToTagString(), out t)) {
return null;
TypedEntity te = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as TypedEntity;
return te.LoadTreeSafe(tree);
/// Creates a new instance of a nonspecific object by NBT node.
/// A representing a single Entity, containing an 'id' field.
/// A new instance of a object, or null if the entity is not typed.
public static TypedEntity CreateGeneric (TagNodeCompound tree)
TagNode type;
if (!tree.TryGetValue("id", out type)) {
return null;
TypedEntity te = new TypedEntity(type.ToTagString().Data);
return te.LoadTreeSafe(tree);
/// Lookup a concrete type by name.
/// The name that a concrete type was registered with.
/// The of a concrete type, or null if no type was registered with the given name.
public static Type Lookup (string type)
Type t;
if (!_registry.TryGetValue(type, out t)) {
return null;
return t;
/// Registers a new concrete type with the , binding it to a given name.
/// The name to bind to a concrete type.
/// The of a concrete type.
public static void Register (string id, Type subtype)
_registry[id] = subtype;
/// Gets an enumerator over all registered Entities.
public static IEnumerable> RegisteredEntities
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in _registry) {
yield return kvp;
static EntityFactory ()
_registry[EntityArrow.TypeId] = typeof(EntityArrow);
_registry[EntityBlaze.TypeId] = typeof(EntityBlaze);
_registry[EntityBoat.TypeId] = typeof(EntityBoat);
_registry[EntityCaveSpider.TypeId] = typeof(EntityCaveSpider);
_registry[EntityChicken.TypeId] = typeof(EntityChicken);
_registry[EntityCow.TypeId] = typeof(EntityCow);
_registry[EntityCreeper.TypeId] = typeof(EntityCreeper);
_registry[EntityEgg.TypeId] = typeof(EntityEgg);
_registry[EntityEnderDragon.TypeId] = typeof(EntityEnderDragon);
_registry[EntityEnderman.TypeId] = typeof(EntityEnderman);
_registry[EntityEnderEye.TypeId] = typeof(EntityEnderEye);
_registry[EntityFallingSand.TypeId] = typeof(EntityFallingSand);
_registry[EntityFireball.TypeId] = typeof(EntityFireball);
_registry[EntityGhast.TypeId] = typeof(EntityGhast);
_registry[EntityGiant.TypeId] = typeof(EntityGiant);
_registry[EntityItem.TypeId] = typeof(EntityItem);
_registry[EntityMagmaCube.TypeId] = typeof(EntityMagmaCube);
_registry[EntityMinecart.TypeId] = typeof(EntityMinecart);
_registry[EntityMob.TypeId] = typeof(EntityMob);
_registry[EntityMonster.TypeId] = typeof(EntityMonster);
_registry[EntityMooshroom.TypeId] = typeof(EntityMooshroom);
_registry[EntityPainting.TypeId] = typeof(EntityPainting);
_registry[EntityPig.TypeId] = typeof(EntityPig);
_registry[EntityPigZombie.TypeId] = typeof(EntityPigZombie);
_registry[EntityPrimedTnt.TypeId] = typeof(EntityPrimedTnt);
_registry[EntitySheep.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySheep);
_registry[EntitySilverfish.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySilverfish);
_registry[EntitySkeleton.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySkeleton);
_registry[EntitySlime.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySlime);
_registry[EntitySmallFireball.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySmallFireball);
_registry[EntitySnowball.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySnowball);
_registry[EntitySnowman.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySnowman);
_registry[EntitySpider.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySpider);
_registry[EntitySquid.TypeId] = typeof(EntitySquid);
_registry[EntityEnderPearl.TypeId] = typeof(EntityEnderPearl);
_registry[EntityVillager.TypeId] = typeof(EntityVillager);
_registry[EntityWolf.TypeId] = typeof(EntityWolf);
_registry[EntityXPOrb.TypeId] = typeof(EntityXPOrb);
_registry[EntityZombie.TypeId] = typeof(EntityZombie);