Imports Substrate Imports Substrate.Core Imports Substrate.Nbt ' This example will convert worlds between alpha and beta format. ' This will convert chunks to and from region format, and copy level.dat ' Other data, like players and other dims, will not be handled. Module Module1 Sub Main(args As String()) If args.Length <> 3 Then Console.WriteLine("Usage: Convert <world> <dest> <a|b>") Return End If Dim src As String = args(0) Dim dst As String = args(1) Dim srctype As String = args(2) ' Open source and destrination worlds depending on conversion type Dim srcWorld As NbtWorld Dim dstWorld As NbtWorld If srctype = "a" Then srcWorld = AlphaWorld.Open(src) dstWorld = BetaWorld.Create(dst) Else srcWorld = BetaWorld.Open(src) dstWorld = AlphaWorld.Create(dst) End If ' Grab chunk managers to copy chunks Dim cmsrc As IChunkManager = srcWorld.GetChunkManager() Dim cmdst As IChunkManager = dstWorld.GetChunkManager() ' Copy each chunk from source to dest For Each chunk As ChunkRef In cmsrc cmdst.SetChunk(chunk.X, chunk.Z, chunk.GetChunkRef()) Next ' Copy level data from source to dest dstWorld.Level.LoadTreeSafe(srcWorld.Level.BuildTree()) ' If we're creating an alpha world, get rid of the version field If srctype = "b" Then dstWorld.Level.Version = 0 End If ' Save level.dat dstWorld.Level.Save() End Sub End Module