using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace Substrate.Entities { using Substrate.Nbt; using Substrate.Core; /// <summary> /// Encompasses data in the "ActiveEffects" compound attribute of mob entity types, used to specify potion effects /// </summary> public class ActiveEffects : ICopyable<ActiveEffects> { private byte _id; private byte _amplifier; private int _duration; /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the ID of the potion effect type. /// </summary> public int Id { get { return _id; } set { _id = (byte)value; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the amplification of the potion effect. /// </summary> public int Amplifier { get { return _amplifier; } set { _amplifier = (byte)value; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the remaining duration of the potion effect. /// </summary> public int Duration { get { return _duration; } set { _duration = value; } } /// <summary> /// Determine if the combination of properties in this ActiveEffects is valid. /// </summary> public bool IsValid { get { return !(_id == 0 || _amplifier == 0 || _duration == 0); } } #region ICopyable<ActiveEffects> Members public ActiveEffects Copy () { ActiveEffects ae = new ActiveEffects(); ae._amplifier = _amplifier; ae._duration = _duration; ae._id = _id; return ae; } #endregion } public class EntityMob : TypedEntity { public static readonly SchemaNodeCompound MobSchema = TypedEntity.Schema.MergeInto(new SchemaNodeCompound("") { new SchemaNodeString("id", TypeId), new SchemaNodeScaler("AttackTime", TagType.TAG_SHORT), new SchemaNodeScaler("DeathTime", TagType.TAG_SHORT), new SchemaNodeScaler("Health", TagType.TAG_SHORT), new SchemaNodeScaler("HurtTime", TagType.TAG_SHORT), new SchemaNodeCompound("ActiveEffects", SchemaOptions.OPTIONAL) { new SchemaNodeScaler("Id", TagType.TAG_BYTE), new SchemaNodeScaler("Amplifier", TagType.TAG_BYTE), new SchemaNodeScaler("Duration", TagType.TAG_INT), }, }); public static string TypeId { get { return "Mob"; } } private short _attackTime; private short _deathTime; private short _health; private short _hurtTime; private ActiveEffects _activeEffects; public int AttackTime { get { return _attackTime; } set { _attackTime = (short)value; } } public int DeathTime { get { return _deathTime; } set { _deathTime = (short)value; } } public int Health { get { return _health; } set { _health = (short)value; } } public int HurtTime { get { return _hurtTime; } set { _hurtTime = (short)value; } } public ActiveEffects ActiveEffects { get { return _activeEffects; } set { _activeEffects = value; } } protected EntityMob (string id) : base(id) { _activeEffects = new ActiveEffects(); } public EntityMob () : this(TypeId) { } public EntityMob (TypedEntity e) : base(e) { EntityMob e2 = e as EntityMob; if (e2 != null) { _attackTime = e2._attackTime; _deathTime = e2._deathTime; _health = e2._health; _hurtTime = e2._hurtTime; _activeEffects = e2._activeEffects.Copy(); } else { _activeEffects = new ActiveEffects(); } } #region INBTObject<Entity> Members public override TypedEntity LoadTree (TagNode tree) { TagNodeCompound ctree = tree as TagNodeCompound; if (ctree == null || base.LoadTree(tree) == null) { return null; } _attackTime = ctree["AttackTime"].ToTagShort(); _deathTime = ctree["DeathTime"].ToTagShort(); _health = ctree["Health"].ToTagShort(); _hurtTime = ctree["HurtTime"].ToTagShort(); if (ctree.ContainsKey("ActiveEffects")) { TagNodeCompound ae = ctree["ActiveEffects"].ToTagCompound(); _activeEffects = new ActiveEffects(); _activeEffects.Id = ae["Id"].ToTagByte(); _activeEffects.Amplifier = ae["Amplifier"].ToTagByte(); _activeEffects.Duration = ae["Duration"].ToTagInt(); } return this; } public override TagNode BuildTree () { TagNodeCompound tree = base.BuildTree() as TagNodeCompound; tree["AttackTime"] = new TagNodeShort(_attackTime); tree["DeathTime"] = new TagNodeShort(_deathTime); tree["Health"] = new TagNodeShort(_health); tree["HurtTime"] = new TagNodeShort(_hurtTime); if (_activeEffects != null && _activeEffects.IsValid) { TagNodeCompound ae = new TagNodeCompound(); ae["Id"] = new TagNodeByte((byte)_activeEffects.Id); ae["Amplifier"] = new TagNodeByte((byte)_activeEffects.Amplifier); ae["Duration"] = new TagNodeInt(_activeEffects.Duration); tree["ActiveEffects"] = ae; } return tree; } public override bool ValidateTree (TagNode tree) { return new NbtVerifier(tree, MobSchema).Verify(); } #endregion #region ICopyable<Entity> Members public override TypedEntity Copy () { return new EntityMob(this); } #endregion } }