using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Substrate { using Utility; public class BlockFluid { private IBoundedDataBlockCollection _blockset; private readonly int _xdim; private readonly int _ydim; private readonly int _zdim; private Dictionary _chunks; public delegate IBoundedDataBlockCollection NeighborLookupHandler (int relx, int rely, int relz); public event NeighborLookupHandler ResolveNeighbor; internal class BlockCoord { internal IBoundedDataBlockCollection chunk; internal int lx; internal int ly; internal int lz; internal BlockCoord (IBoundedDataBlockCollection _chunk, int _lx, int _ly, int _lz) { chunk = _chunk; lx = _lx; ly = _ly; lz = _lz; } } public BlockFluid (IBoundedDataBlockCollection blockset) { _blockset = blockset; _xdim = _blockset.XDim; _ydim = _blockset.YDim; _zdim = _blockset.ZDim; _chunks = new Dictionary(); } public BlockFluid (BlockFluid bl) { _blockset = bl._blockset; _xdim = bl._xdim; _ydim = bl._ydim; _zdim = bl._zdim; _chunks = new Dictionary(); } public void ResetWater () { int xdim = _xdim; int ydim = _ydim; int zdim = _zdim; for (int x = 0; x < xdim; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < zdim; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < ydim; y++) { IDataBlock block = _blockset.GetBlockRef(x, y, z); if ((block.ID == BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER || block.ID == BlockType.WATER) && block.Data != (int)WaterFlow.FULL) { block.ID = BlockType.AIR; block.Data = 0; } else if (block.ID == BlockType.WATER) { block.ID = BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER; } } } } } public void RebuildWater () { int xdim = _xdim; int ydim = _ydim; int zdim = _zdim; List buildQueue = new List(); for (int x = 0; x < xdim; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < zdim; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < ydim; y++) { BlockInfo info = _blockset.GetInfo(x, y, z); if (info.ID == BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER && _blockset.GetData(x, y, z) == (int)WaterFlow.FULL) { buildQueue.Add(new BlockKey(x, y, z)); } } } } foreach (BlockKey key in buildQueue) { SpreadWater(key.x, key.y, key.z); } } private void SpreadWater (int x, int y, int z) { Queue> targets = new Queue>(); targets.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair(new BlockKey(x, y, z), 0)); while (targets.Count > 0) { KeyValuePair skey = targets.Dequeue(); BlockKey source = skey.Key; int sourceDist = skey.Value; int nearestDrop = 7; bool foundDrop = false; Queue searchQueue = new Queue(); Queue> sinkQueue = new Queue>(); Dictionary marked = new Dictionary(); searchQueue.Enqueue(source); marked.Add(source, sourceDist); // Identify sinks while (searchQueue.Count > 0) { BlockKey branch = searchQueue.Dequeue(); int distance = marked[branch] & ~(int)LiquidState.FALLING; bool falling = (marked[branch] & (int)LiquidState.FALLING) > 0; // Ignore blocks out of range if (distance > nearestDrop) { continue; } // Ignore invalid blocks BlockCoord branchHigh = TranslateCoord(branch.x, branch.y, branch.z); if (branchHigh.chunk == null || branch.y == 0) { marked.Remove(branch); continue; } // If we're not the magical source block... if (distance > 0 && !falling) { // Ignore blocks that block fluid (and thus could not become a fluid) BlockInfo branchHighInfo = branchHigh.chunk.GetInfo(branchHigh.lx,, branchHigh.lz); if (branchHighInfo.BlocksFluid) { marked.Remove(branch); continue; } // Ignore blocks that have a "fuller" fluid level if (branchHighInfo.ID == BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER) { int cmp = branchHigh.chunk.GetData(branchHigh.lx,, branchHigh.lz); if (cmp <= distance || (cmp & (int)LiquidState.FALLING) > 0) { marked.Remove(branch); continue; } } } // If we found a hole, add as a sink, mark the sink distance. BlockCoord branchLow = TranslateCoord(branch.x, branch.y - 1, branch.z); BlockInfo branchLowInfo = branchLow.chunk.GetInfo(branchLow.lx,, branchLow.lz); if (!branchLowInfo.BlocksFluid) { foundDrop = true; nearestDrop = falling ? 0 : distance; sinkQueue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair(branch, falling ? distance | (int)LiquidState.FALLING : distance)); continue; } // Didn't find a hole, hit the bottom, reset distance if (falling) { distance = 0; } // Expand to neighbors if (distance < nearestDrop) { BlockKey[] keys = { new BlockKey(branch.x - 1, branch.y, branch.z), new BlockKey(branch.x + 1, branch.y, branch.z), new BlockKey(branch.x, branch.y, branch.z - 1), new BlockKey(branch.x, branch.y, branch.z + 1), }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!marked.ContainsKey(keys[i])) { searchQueue.Enqueue(keys[i]); marked.Add(keys[i], distance + 1); } } } } // If we didn't find any drops, fill out the mark table if (!foundDrop) { foreach (KeyValuePair mark in marked) { BlockKey target = mark.Key; BlockCoord targetHigh = TranslateCoord(target.x, target.y, target.z); targetHigh.chunk.SetID(targetHigh.lx,, targetHigh.lz, BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER); targetHigh.chunk.SetData(targetHigh.lx,, targetHigh.lz, mark.Value); } // Skip sinks and tracing continue; } // Create new target for each sink Queue> traceQueue = new Queue>(); while (sinkQueue.Count > 0) { KeyValuePair tkey = sinkQueue.Dequeue(); BlockKey target = tkey.Key; int distance = tkey.Value; //int distance = marked[target]; marked.Remove(target); targets.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair(new BlockKey(target.x, target.y - 1, target.z), distance | (int)LiquidState.FALLING)); traceQueue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair(target, distance)); /*BlockCoord targetLow = TranslateCoord(target.x, target.y - 1, target.z); targetLow.chunk.SetID(targetLow.lx,, targetHigh.lz, BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER); targetLow.chunk.SetData(targetLow.lx,, targetHigh.lz, tkey.Value);*/ } // Trace back from sinks while (traceQueue.Count > 0) { KeyValuePair tkey = traceQueue.Dequeue(); BlockKey target = tkey.Key; int distance = tkey.Value & ~(int)LiquidState.FALLING; bool falling = (tkey.Value & (int)LiquidState.FALLING) > 0; //if (distance == 0) { // distance |= (int)LiquidState.FALLING; //} BlockCoord targetHigh = TranslateCoord(target.x, target.y, target.z); targetHigh.chunk.SetID(targetHigh.lx,, targetHigh.lz, BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER); targetHigh.chunk.SetData(targetHigh.lx,, targetHigh.lz, tkey.Value); if (falling) { continue; } BlockKey[] keys = { new BlockKey(target.x - 1, target.y, target.z), new BlockKey(target.x + 1, target.y, target.z), new BlockKey(target.x, target.y, target.z - 1), new BlockKey(target.x, target.y, target.z + 1), }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int nval; if (!marked.TryGetValue(keys[i], out nval)) { continue; } int ndist = nval & ~(int)LiquidState.FALLING; bool nfall = (nval & (int)LiquidState.FALLING) > 0; marked.Remove(keys[i]); if (ndist < distance || nfall) { traceQueue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair(keys[i], nval)); } } } } } private BlockCoord TranslateCoord (int x, int y, int z) { IBoundedDataBlockCollection chunk = GetChunk(x, z); int lx = ((x % _xdim) + _xdim) % _xdim; int lz = ((z % _zdim) + _zdim) % _zdim; return new BlockCoord(chunk, lx, y, lz); } private IBoundedDataBlockCollection GetChunk (int x, int z) { int cx = x / _xdim + (x >> 31); int cz = z / _zdim + (z >> 31); ChunkKey key = new ChunkKey(cx, cz); IBoundedDataBlockCollection chunk; if (!_chunks.TryGetValue(key, out chunk)) { chunk = OnResolveNeighbor(cx, 0, cz); _chunks[key] = chunk; } return chunk; } private IBoundedDataBlockCollection OnResolveNeighbor (int relX, int relY, int relZ) { if (ResolveNeighbor != null) { IBoundedDataBlockCollection n = ResolveNeighbor(relX, relY, relZ); if (n == null) { return null; } if (n.XDim != _xdim || n.YDim != _ydim || n.ZDim != _zdim) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Subscriber returned incompatible IDataBlockCollection"); } return n; } return null; } } }