forked from mirrors/NBTExplorer
981 lines
31 KiB
981 lines
31 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Substrate.Core;
using Substrate.Nbt;
namespace Substrate
/// <summary>
/// Functions for reading and modifying a bounded-size collection of Alpha-compatible block data.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>An <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> is a wrapper around existing pieces of data. Although it
/// holds references to data, it does not "own" the data in the same way that a <see cref="IChunk"/> does. An
/// <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> simply overlays a higher-level interface on top of existing data.</remarks>
public class AlphaBlockCollection : IBoundedAlphaBlockCollection, IBoundedActiveBlockCollection
private readonly int _xdim;
private readonly int _ydim;
private readonly int _zdim;
//private XZYByteArray _blocks;
//private XZYNibbleArray _data;
//private XZYNibbleArray _blockLight;
//private XZYNibbleArray _skyLight;
private IDataArray3 _blocks;
private IDataArray3 _data;
private IDataArray3 _blockLight;
private IDataArray3 _skyLight;
private IDataArray2 _heightMap;
private TagNodeList _tileEntities;
private TagNodeList _tileTicks;
private BlockLight _lightManager;
private BlockFluid _fluidManager;
private BlockTileEntities _tileEntityManager;
private BlockTileTicks _tileTickManager;
private bool _dirty = false;
private bool _autoLight = true;
private bool _autoFluid = false;
private bool _autoTick = false;
public delegate AlphaBlockCollection NeighborLookupHandler (int relx, int rely, int relz);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> of a given dimension.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xdim">The length of the X-dimension of the collection.</param>
/// <param name="ydim">The length of the Y-dimension of the collection.</param>
/// <param name="zdim">The length of the Z-dimension of the collection.</param>
public AlphaBlockCollection (int xdim, int ydim, int zdim)
_blocks = new XZYByteArray(xdim, ydim, zdim);
_data = new XZYNibbleArray(xdim, ydim, zdim);
_blockLight = new XZYNibbleArray(xdim, ydim, zdim);
_skyLight = new XZYNibbleArray(xdim, ydim, zdim);
_heightMap = new ZXByteArray(xdim, zdim);
_tileEntities = new TagNodeList(TagType.TAG_COMPOUND);
_tileTicks = new TagNodeList(TagType.TAG_COMPOUND);
_xdim = xdim;
_ydim = ydim;
_zdim = zdim;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> overlay on top of Alpha-specific units of data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blocks">An array of Block IDs.</param>
/// <param name="data">An array of data nibbles.</param>
/// <param name="blockLight">An array of block light nibbles.</param>
/// <param name="skyLight">An array of sky light nibbles.</param>
/// <param name="heightMap">An array of height map values.</param>
/// <param name="tileEntities">A list of tile entities corresponding to blocks in this collection.</param>
public AlphaBlockCollection (
IDataArray3 blocks,
IDataArray3 data,
IDataArray3 blockLight,
IDataArray3 skyLight,
IDataArray2 heightMap,
TagNodeList tileEntities)
: this(blocks, data, blockLight, skyLight, heightMap, tileEntities, null)
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> overlay on top of Alpha-specific units of data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blocks">An array of Block IDs.</param>
/// <param name="data">An array of data nibbles.</param>
/// <param name="blockLight">An array of block light nibbles.</param>
/// <param name="skyLight">An array of sky light nibbles.</param>
/// <param name="heightMap">An array of height map values.</param>
/// <param name="tileEntities">A list of tile entities corresponding to blocks in this collection.</param>
/// <param name="tileTicks">A list of tile ticks corresponding to blocks in this collection.</param>
public AlphaBlockCollection (
IDataArray3 blocks,
IDataArray3 data,
IDataArray3 blockLight,
IDataArray3 skyLight,
IDataArray2 heightMap,
TagNodeList tileEntities,
TagNodeList tileTicks)
_blocks = blocks;
_data = data;
_blockLight = blockLight;
_skyLight = skyLight;
_heightMap = heightMap;
_tileEntities = tileEntities;
_tileTicks = tileTicks;
if (_tileTicks == null)
_tileTicks = new TagNodeList(TagType.TAG_COMPOUND);
_xdim = _blocks.XDim;
_ydim = _blocks.YDim;
_zdim = _blocks.ZDim;
/// <summary>
/// Updates internal managers if underlying data, such as TileEntities, have been modified outside of the container.
/// </summary>
public void Refresh ()
_lightManager = new BlockLight(this);
_fluidManager = new BlockFluid(this);
_tileEntityManager = new BlockTileEntities(_blocks, _tileEntities);
_tileTickManager = new BlockTileTicks(_blocks, _tileTicks);
internal TagNodeList TileTicks
get { return _tileTicks; }
#region Events
public event NeighborLookupHandler ResolveNeighbor
_lightManager.ResolveNeighbor += delegate(int relx, int rely, int relz) {
return value(relx, rely, relz);
_fluidManager.ResolveNeighbor += delegate(int relx, int rely, int relz)
return value(relx, rely, relz);
_lightManager = new BlockLight(this);
_fluidManager = new BlockFluid(this);
public event BlockCoordinateHandler TranslateCoordinates
add { _tileEntityManager.TranslateCoordinates += value; }
remove { _tileEntityManager.TranslateCoordinates -= value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether changes to blocks will trigger automatic lighting updates.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Automatic updates to lighting may spill into neighboring <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> objects, if they can
/// be resolved.</remarks>
public bool AutoLight
get { return _autoLight; }
set { _autoLight = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether changes to blocks will trigger automatic fluid updates.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Automatic updates to fluid may cascade through neighboring <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> objects and beyond,
/// if they can be resolved.</remarks>
public bool AutoFluid
get { return _autoFluid; }
set { _autoFluid = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether changes to blocks will create tile tick entries.
/// </summary>
public bool AutoTileTick
get { return _autoTick; }
set { _autoTick = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> needs to be saved.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>If this <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/> is backed by a reference conainer type, set this property to false
/// to prevent any modifications from being saved. The next update will set this property true again, however.</remarks>
public bool IsDirty
get { return _dirty; }
set { _dirty = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new <see cref="AlphaBlock"/> object from local coordinates relative to this collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Local X-coordinate of block.</param>
/// <param name="y">Local Y-coordinate of block.</param>
/// <param name="z">Local Z-coordiante of block.</param>
/// <returns>A new <see cref="AlphaBlock"/> object representing context-independent data of a single block.</returns>
/// <remarks>Context-independent data excludes data such as lighting. <see cref="AlphaBlock"/> object actually contain a copy
/// of the data they represent, so changes to the <see cref="AlphaBlock"/> will not affect this container, and vice-versa.</remarks>
public AlphaBlock GetBlock (int x, int y, int z)
return new AlphaBlock(this, x, y, z);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new <see cref="AlphaBlockRef"/> object from local coordaintes relative to this collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Local X-coordinate of block.</param>
/// <param name="y">Local Y-coordinate of block.</param>
/// <param name="z">Local Z-coordinate of block.</param>
/// <returns>A new <see cref="AlphaBlockRef"/> object representing context-dependent data of a single block.</returns>
/// <remarks>Context-depdendent data includes all data associated with this block. Since a <see cref="AlphaBlockRef"/> represents
/// a view of a block within this container, any updates to data in the container will be reflected in the <see cref="AlphaBlockRef"/>,
/// and vice-versa for updates to the <see cref="AlphaBlockRef"/>.</remarks>
public AlphaBlockRef GetBlockRef (int x, int y, int z)
return new AlphaBlockRef(this, _blocks.GetIndex(x, y, z));
/// <summary>
/// Updates a block in this collection with values from a <see cref="AlphaBlock"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Local X-coordinate of a block.</param>
/// <param name="y">Local Y-coordinate of a block.</param>
/// <param name="z">Local Z-coordinate of a block.</param>
/// <param name="block">A <see cref="AlphaBlock"/> object to copy block data from.</param>
public void SetBlock (int x, int y, int z, AlphaBlock block)
SetID(x, y, z, block.ID);
SetData(x, y, z, block.Data);
TileEntity te = block.GetTileEntity();
if (te != null) {
SetTileEntity(x, y, z, te.Copy());
TileTick tt = block.GetTileTick();
if (tt != null) {
SetTileTick(x, y, z, tt.Copy());
#region IBoundedBlockCollection Members
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int XDim
get { return _xdim; }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int YDim
get { return _ydim; }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int ZDim
get { return _zdim; }
IBlock IBoundedBlockCollection.GetBlock (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlock(x, y, z);
IBlock IBoundedBlockCollection.GetBlockRef (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlockRef(x, y, z);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetBlock (int x, int y, int z, IBlock block)
SetID(x, y, z, block.ID);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public BlockInfo GetInfo (int x, int y, int z)
return BlockInfo.BlockTable[_blocks[x, y, z]];
internal BlockInfo GetInfo (int index)
return BlockInfo.BlockTable[_blocks[index]];
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int GetID (int x, int y, int z)
return _blocks[x, y, z];
internal int GetID (int index)
return _blocks[index];
/// <inheritdoc/>
/// <remarks>Depending on the options set for this <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/>, this method can be very
/// heavy-handed in the amount of work it does to maintain consistency of tile entities, lighting, fluid, etc.
/// for the affected block and possibly many other indirectly-affected blocks in the collection or neighboring
/// collections. If many SetID calls are expected to be made, some of this auto-reconciliation behavior should
/// be disabled, and the data should be rebuilt at the <see cref="AlphaBlockCollection"/>-level at the end.</remarks>
public void SetID (int x, int y, int z, int id)
int oldid = _blocks[x, y, z];
if (oldid == id) {
// Update value
_blocks[x, y, z] = (byte)id;
// Update tile entities
BlockInfo info1 = BlockInfo.BlockTable[oldid];
BlockInfo info2 = BlockInfo.BlockTable[id];
BlockInfoEx einfo1 = info1 as BlockInfoEx;
BlockInfoEx einfo2 = info2 as BlockInfoEx;
if (einfo1 != einfo2) {
if (einfo1 != null || !info1.Registered) {
ClearTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (einfo2 != null) {
CreateTileEntity(x, y, z);
// Light consistency
if (_autoLight) {
if (info1.ObscuresLight != info2.ObscuresLight) {
_lightManager.UpdateHeightMap(x, y, z);
if (info1.Luminance != info2.Luminance || info1.Opacity != info2.Opacity || info1.TransmitsLight != info2.TransmitsLight) {
UpdateBlockLight(x, y, z);
if (info1.Opacity != info2.Opacity || info1.TransmitsLight != info2.TransmitsLight) {
UpdateSkyLight(x, y, z);
// Fluid consistency
if (_autoFluid) {
if (info1.State == BlockState.FLUID || info2.State == BlockState.FLUID) {
UpdateFluid(x, y, z);
// TileTick consistency
if (_autoTick) {
if (info1.ID != info2.ID) {
ClearTileTick(x, y, z);
if (info2.Tick > 0) {
SetTileTickValue(x, y, z, info2.Tick);
_dirty = true;
internal void SetID (int index, int id)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
SetID(x, y, z, id);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int CountByID (int id)
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.Length; i++) {
if (_blocks[i] == id) {
return c;
#region IBoundedDataBlockContainer Members
IDataBlock IBoundedDataBlockCollection.GetBlock (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlock(x, y, z);
IDataBlock IBoundedDataBlockCollection.GetBlockRef (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlockRef(x, y, z);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetBlock (int x, int y, int z, IDataBlock block)
SetID(x, y, z, block.ID);
SetData(x, y, z, block.Data);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int GetData (int x, int y, int z)
return _data[x, y, z];
internal int GetData (int index)
return _data[index];
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetData (int x, int y, int z, int data)
if (_data[x, y, z] != data) {
_data[x, y, z] = (byte)data;
_dirty = true;
/*if (BlockManager.EnforceDataLimits && BlockInfo.BlockTable[_blocks[index]] != null) {
if (!BlockInfo.BlockTable[_blocks[index]].TestData(data)) {
return false;
internal void SetData (int index, int data)
if (_data[index] != data) {
_data[index] = (byte)data;
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int CountByData (int id, int data)
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.Length; i++) {
if (_blocks[i] == id && _data[i] == data) {
return c;
#region IBoundedLitBlockCollection Members
ILitBlock IBoundedLitBlockCollection.GetBlock (int x, int y, int z)
throw new NotImplementedException();
ILitBlock IBoundedLitBlockCollection.GetBlockRef (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlockRef(x, y, z);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetBlock (int x, int y, int z, ILitBlock block)
SetID(x, y, z, block.ID);
SetBlockLight(x, y, z, block.BlockLight);
SetSkyLight(x, y, z, block.SkyLight);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int GetBlockLight (int x, int y, int z)
return _blockLight[x, y, z];
internal int GetBlockLight (int index)
return _blockLight[index];
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int GetSkyLight (int x, int y, int z)
return _skyLight[x, y, z];
internal int GetSkyLight (int index)
return _skyLight[index];
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetBlockLight (int x, int y, int z, int light)
if (_blockLight[x, y, z] != light) {
_blockLight[x, y, z] = (byte)light;
_dirty = true;
internal void SetBlockLight (int index, int light)
if (_blockLight[index] != light) {
_blockLight[index] = (byte)light;
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetSkyLight (int x, int y, int z, int light)
if (_skyLight[x, y, z] != light) {
_skyLight[x, y, z] = (byte)light;
_dirty = true;
internal void SetSkyLight (int index, int light)
if (_skyLight[index] != light) {
_skyLight[index] = (byte)light;
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int GetHeight (int x, int z)
return _heightMap[x, z];
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetHeight (int x, int z, int height)
_heightMap[x, z] = (byte)height;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void UpdateBlockLight (int x, int y, int z)
_lightManager.UpdateBlockLight(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void UpdateSkyLight (int x, int y, int z)
_lightManager.UpdateBlockSkyLight(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void ResetBlockLight ()
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void ResetSkyLight ()
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void RebuildBlockLight ()
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void RebuildSkyLight ()
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void RebuildHeightMap ()
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void StitchBlockLight ()
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void StitchSkyLight ()
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void StitchBlockLight (IBoundedLitBlockCollection blockset, BlockCollectionEdge edge)
_lightManager.StitchBlockLight(blockset, edge);
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void StitchSkyLight (IBoundedLitBlockCollection blockset, BlockCollectionEdge edge)
_lightManager.StitchBlockSkyLight(blockset, edge);
_dirty = true;
#region IBoundedPropertyBlockCollection Members
IPropertyBlock IBoundedPropertyBlockCollection.GetBlock (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlock(x, y, z);
IPropertyBlock IBoundedPropertyBlockCollection.GetBlockRef (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlockRef(x, y, z);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetBlock (int x, int y, int z, IPropertyBlock block)
SetID(x, y, z, block.ID);
SetTileEntity(x, y, z, block.GetTileEntity().Copy());
/// <inheritdoc/>
public TileEntity GetTileEntity (int x, int y, int z)
return _tileEntityManager.GetTileEntity(x, y, z);
internal TileEntity GetTileEntity (int index)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
return _tileEntityManager.GetTileEntity(x, y, z);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetTileEntity (int x, int y, int z, TileEntity te)
_tileEntityManager.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, te);
_dirty = true;
internal void SetTileEntity (int index, TileEntity te)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
_tileEntityManager.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, te);
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void CreateTileEntity (int x, int y, int z)
_tileEntityManager.CreateTileEntity(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
internal void CreateTileEntity (int index)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
_tileEntityManager.CreateTileEntity(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void ClearTileEntity (int x, int y, int z)
_tileEntityManager.ClearTileEntity(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
internal void ClearTileEntity (int index)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
_tileEntityManager.ClearTileEntity(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
#region IBoundedActiveBlockCollection Members
IActiveBlock IBoundedActiveBlockCollection.GetBlock (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlock(x, y, z);
IActiveBlock IBoundedActiveBlockCollection.GetBlockRef (int x, int y, int z)
return GetBlockRef(x, y, z);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetBlock (int x, int y, int z, IActiveBlock block)
SetID(x, y, z, block.ID);
SetTileTick(x, y, z, block.GetTileTick().Copy());
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int GetTileTickValue (int x, int y, int z)
return _tileTickManager.GetTileTickValue(x, y, z);
internal int GetTileTickValue (int index)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
return _tileTickManager.GetTileTickValue(x, y, z);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetTileTickValue (int x, int y, int z, int tickValue)
_tileTickManager.SetTileTickValue(x, y, z, tickValue);
_dirty = true;
internal void SetTileTickValue (int index, int tickValue)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
_tileTickManager.SetTileTickValue(x, y, z, tickValue);
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public TileTick GetTileTick (int x, int y, int z)
return _tileTickManager.GetTileTick(x, y, z);
internal TileTick GetTileTick (int index)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
return _tileTickManager.GetTileTick(x, y, z);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void SetTileTick (int x, int y, int z, TileTick tt)
_tileTickManager.SetTileTick(x, y, z, tt);
_dirty = true;
internal void SetTileTick (int index, TileTick tt)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
_tileTickManager.SetTileTick(x, y, z, tt);
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void CreateTileTick (int x, int y, int z)
_tileTickManager.CreateTileTick(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
internal void CreateTileTick (int index)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
_tileTickManager.CreateTileTick(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void ClearTileTick (int x, int y, int z)
_tileTickManager.ClearTileTick(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
internal void ClearTileTick (int index)
int x, y, z;
_blocks.GetMultiIndex(index, out x, out y, out z);
_tileTickManager.ClearTileTick(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
/// <summary>
/// Resets all fluid blocks in the collection to their inactive type.
/// </summary>
public void ResetFluid ()
_fluidManager.ResetWater(_blocks, _data);
_fluidManager.ResetLava(_blocks, _data);
_dirty = true;
/// <summary>
/// Performs fluid simulation on all fluid blocks on this container.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Simulation will cause inactive fluid blocks to convert into and spread active fluid blocks according
/// to the fluid calculation rules in Minecraft. Fluid calculation may spill into neighboring block collections
/// (and beyond).</remarks>
public void RebuildFluid ()
_dirty = true;
/// <summary>
/// Recalculates fluid starting from a given fluid block in this collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Local X-coordinate of block.</param>
/// <param name="y">Local Y-coordinate of block.</param>
/// <param name="z">Local Z-coordiante of block.</param>
public void UpdateFluid (int x, int y, int z)
bool autofluid = _autoFluid;
_autoFluid = false;
int blocktype = _blocks[x, y, z];
if (blocktype == BlockInfo.Water.ID || blocktype == BlockInfo.StationaryWater.ID) {
_fluidManager.UpdateWater(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
else if (blocktype == BlockInfo.Lava.ID || blocktype == BlockInfo.StationaryLava.ID) {
_fluidManager.UpdateLava(x, y, z);
_dirty = true;
_autoFluid = autofluid;
/*#region IEnumerable<AlphaBlockRef> Members
public IEnumerator<AlphaBlockRef> GetEnumerator ()
return new AlphaBlockEnumerator(this);
#region IEnumerable Members
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
return new AlphaBlockEnumerator(this);
public class AlphaBlockEnumerator : IEnumerator<AlphaBlockRef>
private AlphaBlockCollection _collection;
private int _index;
private int _size;
public AlphaBlockEnumerator (AlphaBlockCollection collection)
_collection = collection;
_index = -1;
_size = collection.XDim * collection.YDim * collection.ZDim;
#region IEnumerator<Entity> Members
public AlphaBlockRef Current
if (_index == -1 || _index == _size) {
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return new AlphaBlockRef(_collection, _index);
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose () { }
#region IEnumerator Members
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current
get { return Current; }
public bool MoveNext ()
if (++_index == _size) {
return false;
return true;
public void Reset ()
_index = -1;