forked from mirrors/NBTExplorer
530 lines
17 KiB
530 lines
17 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using NBTExplorer.Model;
namespace NBTExplorer.Windows
public partial class FindBlock : Form
private class CoordinateGroup
public int? Region;
public int? Chunk;
public int? Block;
public int? LocalChunk;
public int? LocalBlock;
public WatermarkTextBox RegionBox;
public WatermarkTextBox ChunkBox;
public WatermarkTextBox BlockBox;
public WatermarkTextBox LocalChunkBox;
public WatermarkTextBox LocalBlockBox;
private bool _inUpdate;
private CoordinateGroup _groupX;
private CoordinateGroup _groupZ;
private DataNode _searchRoot;
private DataNode _searchResult;
public FindBlock (DataNode searchRoot)
_searchRoot = searchRoot;
_groupX = new CoordinateGroup() {
RegionBox = _regionXTextBox,
ChunkBox = _chunkXTextBox,
BlockBox = _blockXTextBox,
LocalChunkBox = _localChunkXTextBox,
LocalBlockBox = _localBlockXTextBox,
_groupZ = new CoordinateGroup() {
RegionBox = _regionZTextBox,
ChunkBox = _chunkZTextBox,
BlockBox = _blockZTextBox,
LocalChunkBox = _localChunkZTextBox,
LocalBlockBox = _localBlockZTextBox,
ApplyRegion(_groupX, "0", true);
ApplyRegion(_groupZ, "0", true);
public DataNode Result
get { return _searchResult; }
private DataNode Search (DataNode node)
if (node is DirectoryDataNode) {
DirectoryDataNode dirNode = node as DirectoryDataNode;
if (!dirNode.IsExpanded)
foreach (var subNode in dirNode.Nodes) {
DataNode resultNode = Search(subNode);
if (resultNode != null)
return resultNode;
return null;
else if (node is RegionFileDataNode) {
RegionFileDataNode regionNode = node as RegionFileDataNode;
int rx, rz;
if (!RegionFileDataNode.RegionCoordinates(regionNode.NodePathName, out rx, out rz))
return null;
if (rx != _groupX.Region.Value || rz != _groupZ.Region.Value)
return null;
if (!regionNode.IsExpanded)
foreach (var subNode in regionNode.Nodes) {
DataNode resultNode = Search(subNode);
if (resultNode != null)
return resultNode;
return null;
else if (node is RegionChunkDataNode) {
RegionChunkDataNode chunkNode = node as RegionChunkDataNode;
if (chunkNode.X != _groupX.LocalChunk.Value || chunkNode.Z != _groupZ.LocalChunk.Value)
return null;
return chunkNode;
return null;
private int Mod (int a, int b)
return ((a % b) + b) % b;
// Block Set
private string RegionFromBlock (int block)
return ((block >> 4) >> 5).ToString();
private string ChunkFromBlock (int block)
return (block >> 4).ToString();
private string LocalChunkFromBlock (int block)
return Mod(block >> 4, 32).ToString();
private string LocalBlockFromBlock (int block)
return Mod(block, 16).ToString();
// Chunk Set
private string RegionFromChunk (int chunk)
return (chunk >> 5).ToString();
private string BlockFromChunk (int chunk)
int start = chunk * 16;
int end = (chunk + 1) * 16 - 1;
return string.Format("({0} to {1})", start, end);
private string BlockFromChunk (int chunk, int localBlock)
return (chunk * 16 + localBlock).ToString();
private string LocalChunkFromChunk (int chunk)
return Mod(chunk, 32).ToString();
private string LocalBlockFromChunk (int chunk)
return "(0 to 15)";
// Region Set
private string ChunkFromRegion (int region)
int start = region * 32;
int end = (region + 1) * 32 - 1;
return string.Format("({0} to {1})", start, end);
private string BlockFromRegion (int region)
int start = region * 32 * 16;
int end = (region + 1) * 32 * 16 - 1;
return string.Format("({0} to {1})", start, end);
private string LocalChunkFromRegion (int region)
return "(0 to 31)";
private string LocalBlockFromRegion (int region)
return "(0 to 15)";
// Local Chunk Set
private string RegionFromLocalChunk (int localChunk)
return "(ANY)";
private string ChunkFromLocalChunk (int localChunk)
return "(ANY)";
private string ChunkFromLocalChunk (int region, int localChunk)
return (region * 32 + localChunk).ToString();
private string BlockFromLocalChunk (int localChunk)
return "(ANY)";
private string BlockFromLocalChunk (int region, int localChunk)
return BlockFromChunk(region * 32 + localChunk);
private string LocalBlockFromLocalChunk (int localChunk)
return "(0 to 15)";
private string LocalBlockFromLocalChunk (int region, int localChunk)
return "(0 to 15)";
// Local Block Set
private string RegionFromLocalBlock (int localBlock)
return "(ANY)";
private string ChunkFromLocalBlock (int localBlock)
return "(ANY)";
private string ChunkFromLocalBlock (int region, int localChunk, int localBlock)
return (region * 32 + localChunk).ToString();
private string BlockFromLocalBlock (int localBlock)
return "(ANY)";
private string BlockFromLocalBlock (int region, int localChunk, int localBlock)
return (region * 32 * 16 + localChunk * 16 + localBlock).ToString();
private int? ParseInt (string value)
int parsedValue;
if (int.TryParse(value, out parsedValue))
return parsedValue;
return null;
private void ApplyValueToTextBox (WatermarkTextBox textBox, string value, bool primary)
if (primary)
private void ApplyRegion (CoordinateGroup group, string value, bool primary)
group.Region = ParseInt(value);
ApplyValueToTextBox(group.RegionBox, value, primary);
if (primary && group.Region.HasValue) {
if (group.LocalChunk.HasValue && !group.LocalChunkBox.WatermarkActive) {
ApplyChunk(group, ChunkFromLocalChunk(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
if (group.LocalBlock.HasValue && !group.LocalBlockBox.WatermarkActive)
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromLocalBlock(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value, group.LocalBlock.Value), false);
else {
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromLocalChunk(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
ApplyLocalBlock(group, LocalBlockFromLocalChunk(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
else {
ApplyChunk(group, ChunkFromRegion(group.Region.Value), false);
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromRegion(group.Region.Value), false);
ApplyLocalChunk(group, LocalChunkFromRegion(group.Region.Value), false);
ApplyLocalBlock(group, LocalBlockFromRegion(group.Region.Value), false);
private void ApplyChunk (CoordinateGroup group, string value, bool primary)
group.Chunk = ParseInt(value);
ApplyValueToTextBox(group.ChunkBox, value, primary);
if (primary && group.Chunk.HasValue) {
ApplyRegion(group, RegionFromChunk(group.Chunk.Value), false);
ApplyLocalChunk(group, LocalChunkFromChunk(group.Chunk.Value), false);
if (group.LocalBlock.HasValue && !group.LocalBlockBox.WatermarkActive)
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromChunk(group.Chunk.Value, group.LocalBlock.Value), false);
else {
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromChunk(group.Chunk.Value), false);
ApplyLocalBlock(group, LocalBlockFromChunk(group.Chunk.Value), false);
private void ApplyBlock (CoordinateGroup group, string value, bool primary)
group.Block = ParseInt(value);
ApplyValueToTextBox(group.BlockBox, value, primary);
if (primary && group.Block.HasValue) {
ApplyRegion(group, RegionFromBlock(group.Block.Value), false);
ApplyChunk(group, ChunkFromBlock(group.Block.Value), false);
ApplyLocalChunk(group, LocalChunkFromBlock(group.Block.Value), false);
ApplyLocalBlock(group, LocalBlockFromBlock(group.Block.Value), false);
private void ApplyLocalChunk (CoordinateGroup group, string value, bool primary)
group.LocalChunk = ParseInt(value);
ApplyValueToTextBox(group.LocalChunkBox, value, primary);
if (primary && group.LocalChunk.HasValue) {
if (group.Region.HasValue) {
ApplyChunk(group, ChunkFromLocalChunk(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
if (group.LocalBlock.HasValue && !group.LocalBlockBox.WatermarkActive)
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromLocalBlock(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value, group.LocalBlock.Value), false);
else {
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromLocalChunk(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
ApplyLocalBlock(group, LocalBlockFromLocalChunk(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
else {
ApplyRegion(group, RegionFromLocalChunk(group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
ApplyChunk(group, ChunkFromLocalChunk(group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromLocalChunk(group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
ApplyLocalBlock(group, LocalBlockFromLocalChunk(group.LocalChunk.Value), false);
private void ApplyLocalBlock (CoordinateGroup group, string value, bool primary)
group.LocalBlock = ParseInt(value);
ApplyValueToTextBox(group.LocalBlockBox, value, primary);
if (primary && group.LocalBlock.HasValue) {
if (group.Region.HasValue && group.LocalChunk.HasValue && !group.LocalChunkBox.WatermarkActive) {
ApplyChunk(group, ChunkFromLocalBlock(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value, group.LocalBlock.Value), false);
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromLocalBlock(group.Region.Value, group.LocalChunk.Value, group.LocalBlock.Value), false);
else {
ApplyRegion(group, RegionFromLocalBlock(group.LocalBlock.Value), false);
ApplyChunk(group, ChunkFromLocalBlock(group.LocalBlock.Value), false);
ApplyBlock(group, BlockFromLocalBlock(group.LocalBlock.Value), false);
private void Validate ()
if (_groupX.LocalChunk.HasValue && _groupZ.LocalChunk.HasValue)
_findButton.Enabled = true;
_findButton.Enabled = false;
private void _regionXTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int region = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_regionXTextBox.Text, out region))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyRegion(_groupX, _regionXTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _regionZTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int region = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_regionZTextBox.Text, out region))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyRegion(_groupZ, _regionZTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _chunkXTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int chunk = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_chunkXTextBox.Text, out chunk))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyChunk(_groupX, _chunkXTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _chunkZTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int chunk = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_chunkZTextBox.Text, out chunk))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyChunk(_groupZ, _chunkZTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _blockXTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int block = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_blockXTextBox.Text, out block))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyBlock(_groupX, _blockXTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _blockZTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int block = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_blockZTextBox.Text, out block))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyBlock(_groupZ, _blockZTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _localChunkXTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int localChunk = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_localChunkXTextBox.Text, out localChunk))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyLocalChunk(_groupX, _localChunkXTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _localChunkZTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int localChunk = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_localChunkZTextBox.Text, out localChunk))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyLocalChunk(_groupZ, _localChunkZTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _localBlockXTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int localBlock = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_localBlockXTextBox.Text, out localBlock))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyLocalBlock(_groupX, _localBlockXTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _localBlockZTextBox_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int localBlock = 0;
if (_inUpdate || !int.TryParse(_localBlockZTextBox.Text, out localBlock))
_inUpdate = true;
ApplyLocalBlock(_groupZ, _localBlockZTextBox.Text, true);
_inUpdate = false;
private void _findButton_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
_searchResult = Search(_searchRoot);
DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
private void _cancelButton_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;