// // Options.cs // // Authors: // Jonathan Pryor // // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Compile With: // gmcs -debug+ -r:System.Core Options.cs -o:NDesk.Options.dll // gmcs -debug+ -d:LINQ -r:System.Core Options.cs -o:NDesk.Options.dll // // The LINQ version just changes the implementation of // OptionSet.Parse(IEnumerable), and confers no semantic changes. // // A Getopt::Long-inspired option parsing library for C#. // // NDesk.Options.OptionSet is built upon a key/value table, where the // key is a option format string and the value is a delegate that is // invoked when the format string is matched. // // Option format strings: // Regex-like BNF Grammar: // name: .+ // type: [=:] // sep: ( [^{}]+ | '{' .+ '}' )? // aliases: ( name type sep ) ( '|' name type sep )* // // Each '|'-delimited name is an alias for the associated action. If the // format string ends in a '=', it has a required value. If the format // string ends in a ':', it has an optional value. If neither '=' or ':' // is present, no value is supported. `=' or `:' need only be defined on one // alias, but if they are provided on more than one they must be consistent. // // Each alias portion may also end with a "key/value separator", which is used // to split option values if the option accepts > 1 value. If not specified, // it defaults to '=' and ':'. If specified, it can be any character except // '{' and '}' OR the *string* between '{' and '}'. If no separator should be // used (i.e. the separate values should be distinct arguments), then "{}" // should be used as the separator. // // Options are extracted either from the current option by looking for // the option name followed by an '=' or ':', or is taken from the // following option IFF: // - The current option does not contain a '=' or a ':' // - The current option requires a value (i.e. not a Option type of ':') // // The `name' used in the option format string does NOT include any leading // option indicator, such as '-', '--', or '/'. All three of these are // permitted/required on any named option. // // Option bundling is permitted so long as: // - '-' is used to start the option group // - all of the bundled options are a single character // - at most one of the bundled options accepts a value, and the value // provided starts from the next character to the end of the string. // // This allows specifying '-a -b -c' as '-abc', and specifying '-D name=value' // as '-Dname=value'. // // Option processing is disabled by specifying "--". All options after "--" // are returned by OptionSet.Parse() unchanged and unprocessed. // // Unprocessed options are returned from OptionSet.Parse(). // // Examples: // int verbose = 0; // OptionSet p = new OptionSet () // .Add ("v", v => ++verbose) // .Add ("name=|value=", v => Console.WriteLine (v)); // p.Parse (new string[]{"-v", "--v", "/v", "-name=A", "/name", "B", "extra"}); // // The above would parse the argument string array, and would invoke the // lambda expression three times, setting `verbose' to 3 when complete. // It would also print out "A" and "B" to standard output. // The returned array would contain the string "extra". // // C# 3.0 collection initializers are supported and encouraged: // var p = new OptionSet () { // { "h|?|help", v => ShowHelp () }, // }; // // System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter is also supported, allowing the use of // custom data types in the callback type; TypeConverter.ConvertFromString() // is used to convert the value option to an instance of the specified // type: // // var p = new OptionSet () { // { "foo=", (Foo f) => Console.WriteLine (f.ToString ()) }, // }; // // Random other tidbits: // - Boolean options (those w/o '=' or ':' in the option format string) // are explicitly enabled if they are followed with '+', and explicitly // disabled if they are followed with '-': // string a = null; // var p = new OptionSet () { // { "a", s => a = s }, // }; // p.Parse (new string[]{"-a"}); // sets v != null // p.Parse (new string[]{"-a+"}); // sets v != null // p.Parse (new string[]{"-a-"}); // sets v == null // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; #if LINQ using System.Linq; #endif #if TEST using NDesk.Options; #endif namespace NDesk.Options { public class OptionValueCollection : IList, IList { List values = new List(); OptionContext c; internal OptionValueCollection (OptionContext c) { this.c = c; } #region ICollection void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index) { (values as ICollection).CopyTo(array, index); } bool ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { return (values as ICollection).IsSynchronized; } } object ICollection.SyncRoot { get { return (values as ICollection).SyncRoot; } } #endregion #region ICollection public void Add (string item) { values.Add(item); } public void Clear () { values.Clear(); } public bool Contains (string item) { return values.Contains(item); } public void CopyTo (string[] array, int arrayIndex) { values.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex); } public bool Remove (string item) { return values.Remove(item); } public int Count { get { return values.Count; } } public bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } } #endregion #region IEnumerable IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return values.GetEnumerator(); } #endregion #region IEnumerable public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () { return values.GetEnumerator(); } #endregion #region IList int IList.Add (object value) { return (values as IList).Add(value); } bool IList.Contains (object value) { return (values as IList).Contains(value); } int IList.IndexOf (object value) { return (values as IList).IndexOf(value); } void IList.Insert (int index, object value) { (values as IList).Insert(index, value); } void IList.Remove (object value) { (values as IList).Remove(value); } void IList.RemoveAt (int index) { (values as IList).RemoveAt(index); } bool IList.IsFixedSize { get { return false; } } object IList.this[int index] { get { return this[index]; } set { (values as IList)[index] = value; } } #endregion #region IList public int IndexOf (string item) { return values.IndexOf(item); } public void Insert (int index, string item) { values.Insert(index, item); } public void RemoveAt (int index) { values.RemoveAt(index); } private void AssertValid (int index) { if (c.Option == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("OptionContext.Option is null."); if (index >= c.Option.MaxValueCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); if (c.Option.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Required && index >= values.Count) throw new OptionException(string.Format( c.OptionSet.MessageLocalizer("Missing required value for option '{0}'."), c.OptionName), c.OptionName); } public string this[int index] { get { AssertValid(index); return index >= values.Count ? null : values[index]; } set { values[index] = value; } } #endregion public List ToList () { return new List(values); } public string[] ToArray () { return values.ToArray(); } public override string ToString () { return string.Join(", ", values.ToArray()); } } public class OptionContext { private Option option; private string name; private int index; private OptionSet set; private OptionValueCollection c; public OptionContext (OptionSet set) { this.set = set; this.c = new OptionValueCollection(this); } public Option Option { get { return option; } set { option = value; } } public string OptionName { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } public int OptionIndex { get { return index; } set { index = value; } } public OptionSet OptionSet { get { return set; } } public OptionValueCollection OptionValues { get { return c; } } } public enum OptionValueType { None, Optional, Required, } public abstract class Option { string prototype, description; string[] names; OptionValueType type; int count; string[] separators; protected Option (string prototype, string description) : this(prototype, description, 1) { } protected Option (string prototype, string description, int maxValueCount) { if (prototype == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("prototype"); if (prototype.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot be the empty string.", "prototype"); if (maxValueCount < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxValueCount"); this.prototype = prototype; this.names = prototype.Split('|'); this.description = description; this.count = maxValueCount; this.type = ParsePrototype(); if (this.count == 0 && type != OptionValueType.None) throw new ArgumentException( "Cannot provide maxValueCount of 0 for OptionValueType.Required or " + "OptionValueType.Optional.", "maxValueCount"); if (this.type == OptionValueType.None && maxValueCount > 1) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Cannot provide maxValueCount of {0} for OptionValueType.None.", maxValueCount), "maxValueCount"); if (Array.IndexOf(names, "<>") >= 0 && ((names.Length == 1 && this.type != OptionValueType.None) || (names.Length > 1 && this.MaxValueCount > 1))) throw new ArgumentException( "The default option handler '<>' cannot require values.", "prototype"); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) names[i] = names[i].ToLower(); } public string Prototype { get { return prototype; } } public string Description { get { return description; } } public OptionValueType OptionValueType { get { return type; } } public int MaxValueCount { get { return count; } } public string[] GetNames () { return (string[])names.Clone(); } public string[] GetValueSeparators () { if (separators == null) return new string[0]; return (string[])separators.Clone(); } protected static T Parse (string value, OptionContext c) { TypeConverter conv = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T)); T t = default(T); try { if (value != null) t = (T)conv.ConvertFromString(value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OptionException( string.Format( c.OptionSet.MessageLocalizer("Could not convert string `{0}' to type {1} for option `{2}'."), value, typeof(T).Name, c.OptionName), c.OptionName, e); } return t; } internal string[] Names { get { return names; } } internal string[] ValueSeparators { get { return separators; } } static readonly char[] NameTerminator = new char[] { '=', ':' }; private OptionValueType ParsePrototype () { char type = '\0'; List seps = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i) { string name = names[i]; if (name.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Empty option names are not supported.", "prototype"); int end = name.IndexOfAny(NameTerminator); if (end == -1) continue; names[i] = name.Substring(0, end); if (type == '\0' || type == name[end]) type = name[end]; else throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Conflicting option types: '{0}' vs. '{1}'.", type, name[end]), "prototype"); AddSeparators(name, end, seps); } if (type == '\0') return OptionValueType.None; if (count <= 1 && seps.Count != 0) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Cannot provide key/value separators for Options taking {0} value(s).", count), "prototype"); if (count > 1) { if (seps.Count == 0) this.separators = new string[] { ":", "=" }; else if (seps.Count == 1 && seps[0].Length == 0) this.separators = null; else this.separators = seps.ToArray(); } return type == '=' ? OptionValueType.Required : OptionValueType.Optional; } private static void AddSeparators (string name, int end, ICollection seps) { int start = -1; for (int i = end + 1; i < name.Length; ++i) { switch (name[i]) { case '{': if (start != -1) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Ill-formed name/value separator found in \"{0}\".", name), "prototype"); start = i + 1; break; case '}': if (start == -1) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Ill-formed name/value separator found in \"{0}\".", name), "prototype"); seps.Add(name.Substring(start, i - start)); start = -1; break; default: if (start == -1) seps.Add(name[i].ToString()); break; } } if (start != -1) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Ill-formed name/value separator found in \"{0}\".", name), "prototype"); } public void Invoke (OptionContext c) { OnParseComplete(c); c.OptionName = null; c.Option = null; c.OptionValues.Clear(); } protected abstract void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c); public override string ToString () { return Prototype; } } [Serializable] public class OptionException : Exception { private string option; public OptionException () { } public OptionException (string message, string optionName) : base(message) { this.option = optionName; } public OptionException (string message, string optionName, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { this.option = optionName; } protected OptionException (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { this.option = info.GetString("OptionName"); } public string OptionName { get { return this.option; } } [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)] public override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { base.GetObjectData(info, context); info.AddValue("OptionName", option); } } public delegate void OptionAction (TKey key, TValue value); public class OptionSet : KeyedCollection { public OptionSet () : this(delegate(string f) { return f; }) { } public OptionSet (Converter localizer) { this.localizer = localizer; } Converter localizer; public Converter MessageLocalizer { get { return localizer; } } protected override string GetKeyForItem (Option item) { if (item == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("option"); if (item.Names != null && item.Names.Length > 0) return item.Names[0]; // This should never happen, as it's invalid for Option to be // constructed w/o any names. throw new InvalidOperationException("Option has no names!"); } [Obsolete("Use KeyedCollection.this[string]")] protected Option GetOptionForName (string option) { if (option == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("option"); try { return base[option]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return null; } } protected override void InsertItem (int index, Option item) { base.InsertItem(index, item); AddImpl(item); } protected override void RemoveItem (int index) { base.RemoveItem(index); Option p = Items[index]; // KeyedCollection.RemoveItem() handles the 0th item for (int i = 1; i < p.Names.Length; ++i) { Dictionary.Remove(p.Names[i]); } } protected override void SetItem (int index, Option item) { base.SetItem(index, item); RemoveItem(index); AddImpl(item); } private void AddImpl (Option option) { if (option == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("option"); List added = new List(option.Names.Length); try { // KeyedCollection.InsertItem/SetItem handle the 0th name. for (int i = 1; i < option.Names.Length; ++i) { Dictionary.Add(option.Names[i], option); added.Add(option.Names[i]); } } catch (Exception) { foreach (string name in added) Dictionary.Remove(name); throw; } } public new OptionSet Add (Option option) { base.Add(option); return this; } sealed class ActionOption : Option { Action action; public ActionOption (string prototype, string description, int count, Action action) : base(prototype, description, count) { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); this.action = action; } protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c) { action(c.OptionValues); } } public OptionSet Add (string prototype, Action action) { return Add(prototype, null, action); } public OptionSet Add (string prototype, string description, Action action) { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); Option p = new ActionOption(prototype, description, 1, delegate(OptionValueCollection v) { action(v[0]); }); base.Add(p); return this; } public OptionSet Add (string prototype, OptionAction action) { return Add(prototype, null, action); } public OptionSet Add (string prototype, string description, OptionAction action) { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); Option p = new ActionOption(prototype, description, 2, delegate(OptionValueCollection v) { action(v[0], v[1]); }); base.Add(p); return this; } sealed class ActionOption : Option { Action action; public ActionOption (string prototype, string description, Action action) : base(prototype, description, 1) { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); this.action = action; } protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c) { action(Parse(c.OptionValues[0], c)); } } sealed class ActionOption : Option { OptionAction action; public ActionOption (string prototype, string description, OptionAction action) : base(prototype, description, 2) { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); this.action = action; } protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c) { action( Parse(c.OptionValues[0], c), Parse(c.OptionValues[1], c)); } } public OptionSet Add (string prototype, Action action) { return Add(prototype, null, action); } public OptionSet Add (string prototype, string description, Action action) { return Add(new ActionOption(prototype, description, action)); } public OptionSet Add (string prototype, OptionAction action) { return Add(prototype, null, action); } public OptionSet Add (string prototype, string description, OptionAction action) { return Add(new ActionOption(prototype, description, action)); } protected virtual OptionContext CreateOptionContext () { return new OptionContext(this); } #if LINQ public List Parse (IEnumerable arguments) { bool process = true; OptionContext c = CreateOptionContext (); c.OptionIndex = -1; var def = GetOptionForName ("<>"); var unprocessed = from argument in arguments where ++c.OptionIndex >= 0 && (process || def != null) ? process ? argument == "--" ? (process = false) : !Parse (argument, c) ? def != null ? Unprocessed (null, def, c, argument) : true : false : def != null ? Unprocessed (null, def, c, argument) : true : true select argument; List r = unprocessed.ToList (); if (c.Option != null) c.Option.Invoke (c); return r; } #else public List Parse (IEnumerable arguments) { OptionContext c = CreateOptionContext(); c.OptionIndex = -1; bool process = true; List unprocessed = new List(); Option def = Contains("<>") ? this["<>"] : null; foreach (string argument in arguments) { ++c.OptionIndex; if (argument == "--") { process = false; continue; } if (!process) { Unprocessed(unprocessed, def, c, argument); continue; } if (!Parse(argument, c)) Unprocessed(unprocessed, def, c, argument); } if (c.Option != null) c.Option.Invoke(c); return unprocessed; } #endif private static bool Unprocessed (ICollection extra, Option def, OptionContext c, string argument) { if (def == null) { extra.Add(argument); return false; } c.OptionValues.Add(argument); c.Option = def; c.Option.Invoke(c); return false; } private readonly Regex ValueOption = new Regex( @"^(?--|-|/)(?[^:=]+)((?[:=])(?.*))?$"); protected bool GetOptionParts (string argument, out string flag, out string name, out string sep, out string value) { if (argument == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("argument"); flag = name = sep = value = null; Match m = ValueOption.Match(argument); if (!m.Success) { return false; } flag = m.Groups["flag"].Value; name = m.Groups["name"].Value; if (m.Groups["sep"].Success && m.Groups["value"].Success) { sep = m.Groups["sep"].Value; value = m.Groups["value"].Value; } return true; } protected virtual bool Parse (string argument, OptionContext c) { if (c.Option != null) { ParseValue(argument, c); return true; } string f, n, s, v; if (!GetOptionParts(argument, out f, out n, out s, out v)) return false; Option p; if (Contains(n)) { p = this[n]; c.OptionName = f + n; c.Option = p; switch (p.OptionValueType) { case OptionValueType.None: c.OptionValues.Add(n); c.Option.Invoke(c); break; case OptionValueType.Optional: case OptionValueType.Required: ParseValue(v, c); break; } return true; } // no match; is it a bool option? if (ParseBool(argument, n, c)) return true; // is it a bundled option? if (ParseBundledValue(f, string.Concat(n + s + v), c)) return true; return false; } private void ParseValue (string option, OptionContext c) { if (option != null) foreach (string o in c.Option.ValueSeparators != null ? option.Split(c.Option.ValueSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None) : new string[] { option }) { c.OptionValues.Add(o); } if (c.OptionValues.Count == c.Option.MaxValueCount || c.Option.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Optional) c.Option.Invoke(c); else if (c.OptionValues.Count > c.Option.MaxValueCount) { throw new OptionException(localizer(string.Format( "Error: Found {0} option values when expecting {1}.", c.OptionValues.Count, c.Option.MaxValueCount)), c.OptionName); } } private bool ParseBool (string option, string n, OptionContext c) { Option p; string rn; if (n.Length >= 1 && (n[n.Length - 1] == '+' || n[n.Length - 1] == '-') && Contains((rn = n.Substring(0, n.Length - 1)))) { p = this[rn]; string v = n[n.Length - 1] == '+' ? option : null; c.OptionName = option; c.Option = p; c.OptionValues.Add(v); p.Invoke(c); return true; } return false; } private bool ParseBundledValue (string f, string n, OptionContext c) { if (f != "-") return false; for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; ++i) { Option p; string opt = f + n[i].ToString(); string rn = n[i].ToString(); if (!Contains(rn)) { if (i == 0) return false; throw new OptionException(string.Format(localizer( "Cannot bundle unregistered option '{0}'."), opt), opt); } p = this[rn]; switch (p.OptionValueType) { case OptionValueType.None: Invoke(c, opt, n, p); break; case OptionValueType.Optional: case OptionValueType.Required: { string v = n.Substring(i + 1); c.Option = p; c.OptionName = opt; ParseValue(v.Length != 0 ? v : null, c); return true; } default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown OptionValueType: " + p.OptionValueType); } } return true; } private static void Invoke (OptionContext c, string name, string value, Option option) { c.OptionName = name; c.Option = option; c.OptionValues.Add(value); option.Invoke(c); } private const int OptionWidth = 29; public void WriteOptionDescriptions (TextWriter o) { foreach (Option p in this) { int written = 0; if (!WriteOptionPrototype(o, p, ref written)) continue; if (written < OptionWidth) o.Write(new string(' ', OptionWidth - written)); else { o.WriteLine(); o.Write(new string(' ', OptionWidth)); } List lines = GetLines(localizer(GetDescription(p.Description))); o.WriteLine(lines[0]); string prefix = new string(' ', OptionWidth + 2); for (int i = 1; i < lines.Count; ++i) { o.Write(prefix); o.WriteLine(lines[i]); } } } bool WriteOptionPrototype (TextWriter o, Option p, ref int written) { string[] names = p.Names; int i = GetNextOptionIndex(names, 0); if (i == names.Length) return false; if (names[i].Length == 1) { Write(o, ref written, " -"); Write(o, ref written, names[0]); } else { Write(o, ref written, " --"); Write(o, ref written, names[0]); } for (i = GetNextOptionIndex(names, i + 1); i < names.Length; i = GetNextOptionIndex(names, i + 1)) { Write(o, ref written, ", "); Write(o, ref written, names[i].Length == 1 ? "-" : "--"); Write(o, ref written, names[i]); } if (p.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Optional || p.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Required) { if (p.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Optional) { Write(o, ref written, localizer("[")); } Write(o, ref written, localizer("=" + GetArgumentName(0, p.MaxValueCount, p.Description))); string sep = p.ValueSeparators != null && p.ValueSeparators.Length > 0 ? p.ValueSeparators[0] : " "; for (int c = 1; c < p.MaxValueCount; ++c) { Write(o, ref written, localizer(sep + GetArgumentName(c, p.MaxValueCount, p.Description))); } if (p.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Optional) { Write(o, ref written, localizer("]")); } } return true; } static int GetNextOptionIndex (string[] names, int i) { while (i < names.Length && names[i] == "<>") { ++i; } return i; } static void Write (TextWriter o, ref int n, string s) { n += s.Length; o.Write(s); } private static string GetArgumentName (int index, int maxIndex, string description) { if (description == null) return maxIndex == 1 ? "VALUE" : "VALUE" + (index + 1); string[] nameStart; if (maxIndex == 1) nameStart = new string[] { "{0:", "{" }; else nameStart = new string[] { "{" + index + ":" }; for (int i = 0; i < nameStart.Length; ++i) { int start, j = 0; do { start = description.IndexOf(nameStart[i], j); } while (start >= 0 && j != 0 ? description[j++ - 1] == '{' : false); if (start == -1) continue; int end = description.IndexOf("}", start); if (end == -1) continue; return description.Substring(start + nameStart[i].Length, end - start - nameStart[i].Length); } return maxIndex == 1 ? "VALUE" : "VALUE" + (index + 1); } private static string GetDescription (string description) { if (description == null) return string.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(description.Length); int start = -1; for (int i = 0; i < description.Length; ++i) { switch (description[i]) { case '{': if (i == start) { sb.Append('{'); start = -1; } else if (start < 0) start = i + 1; break; case '}': if (start < 0) { if ((i + 1) == description.Length || description[i + 1] != '}') throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid option description: " + description); ++i; sb.Append("}"); } else { sb.Append(description.Substring(start, i - start)); start = -1; } break; case ':': if (start < 0) goto default; start = i + 1; break; default: if (start < 0) sb.Append(description[i]); break; } } return sb.ToString(); } private static List GetLines (string description) { List lines = new List(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { lines.Add(string.Empty); return lines; } int length = 80 - OptionWidth - 2; int start = 0, end; do { end = GetLineEnd(start, length, description); bool cont = false; if (end < description.Length) { char c = description[end]; if (c == '-' || (char.IsWhiteSpace(c) && c != '\n')) ++end; else if (c != '\n') { cont = true; --end; } } lines.Add(description.Substring(start, end - start)); if (cont) { lines[lines.Count - 1] += "-"; } start = end; if (start < description.Length && description[start] == '\n') ++start; } while (end < description.Length); return lines; } private static int GetLineEnd (int start, int length, string description) { int end = Math.Min(start + length, description.Length); int sep = -1; for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { switch (description[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\v': case '-': case ',': case '.': case ';': sep = i; break; case '\n': return i; } } if (sep == -1 || end == description.Length) return end; return sep; } } }