/* * Vencord, a Discord client mod * Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ import { LiteralUnion } from "type-fest"; // Resolves a possibly nested prop in the form of "some.nested.prop" to type of T.some.nested.prop type ResolvePropDeep<T, P> = P extends `${infer Pre}.${infer Suf}` ? Pre extends keyof T ? ResolvePropDeep<T[Pre], Suf> : any : P extends keyof T ? T[P] : any; interface SettingsStoreOptions { readOnly?: boolean; getDefaultValue?: (data: { target: any; key: string; root: any; path: string; }) => any; } // merges the SettingsStoreOptions type into the class export interface SettingsStore<T extends object> extends SettingsStoreOptions { } /** * The SettingsStore allows you to easily create a mutable store that * has support for global and path-based change listeners. */ export class SettingsStore<T extends object> { private pathListeners = new Map<string, Set<(newData: any) => void>>(); private globalListeners = new Set<(newData: T, path: string) => void>(); /** * The store object. Making changes to this object will trigger the applicable change listeners */ public declare store: T; /** * The plain data. Changes to this object will not trigger any change listeners */ public declare plain: T; public constructor(plain: T, options: SettingsStoreOptions = {}) { this.plain = plain; this.store = this.makeProxy(plain); Object.assign(this, options); } private makeProxy(object: any, root: T = object, path: string = "") { const self = this; return new Proxy(object, { get(target, key: string) { let v = target[key]; if (!(key in target) && self.getDefaultValue) { v = self.getDefaultValue({ target, key, root, path }); } if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null && !Array.isArray(v)) return self.makeProxy(v, root, `${path}${path && "."}${key}`); return v; }, set(target, key: string, value) { if (target[key] === value) return true; Reflect.set(target, key, value); const setPath = `${path}${path && "."}${key}`; self.globalListeners.forEach(cb => cb(value, setPath)); self.pathListeners.get(setPath)?.forEach(cb => cb(value)); return true; } }); } /** * Set the data of the store. * This will update this.store and this.plain (and old references to them will be stale! Avoid storing them in variables) * * Additionally, all global listeners (and those for pathToNotify, if specified) will be called with the new data * @param value New data * @param pathToNotify Optional path to notify instead of globally. Used to transfer path via ipc */ public setData(value: T, pathToNotify?: string) { if (this.readOnly) throw new Error("SettingsStore is read-only"); this.plain = value; this.store = this.makeProxy(value); if (pathToNotify) { let v = value; const path = pathToNotify.split("."); for (const p of path) { if (!v) { console.warn( `Settings#setData: Path ${pathToNotify} does not exist in new data. Not dispatching update` ); return; } v = v[p]; } this.pathListeners.get(pathToNotify)?.forEach(cb => cb(v)); } this.markAsChanged(); } /** * Add a global change listener, that will fire whenever any setting is changed * * @param data The new data. This is either the new value set on the path, or the new root object if it was changed * @param path The path of the setting that was changed. Empty string if the root object was changed */ public addGlobalChangeListener(cb: (data: any, path: string) => void) { this.globalListeners.add(cb); } /** * Add a scoped change listener that will fire whenever a setting matching the specified path is changed. * * For example if path is `"foo.bar"`, the listener will fire on * ```js * Setting.store.foo.bar = "hi" * ``` * but not on * ```js * Setting.store.foo.baz = "hi" * ``` * @param path * @param cb */ public addChangeListener<P extends LiteralUnion<keyof T, string>>( path: P, cb: (data: ResolvePropDeep<T, P>) => void ) { const listeners = this.pathListeners.get(path as string) ?? new Set(); listeners.add(cb); this.pathListeners.set(path as string, listeners); } /** * Remove a global listener * @see {@link addGlobalChangeListener} */ public removeGlobalChangeListener(cb: (data: any, path: string) => void) { this.globalListeners.delete(cb); } /** * Remove a scoped listener * @see {@link addChangeListener} */ public removeChangeListener(path: LiteralUnion<keyof T, string>, cb: (data: any) => void) { const listeners = this.pathListeners.get(path as string); if (!listeners) return; listeners.delete(cb); if (!listeners.size) this.pathListeners.delete(path as string); } /** * Call all global change listeners */ public markAsChanged() { this.globalListeners.forEach(cb => cb(this.plain, "")); } }