/* * Vencord, a Discord client mod * Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary"; import { Devs } from "@utils/constants"; import { getCurrentChannel } from "@utils/discord"; import definePlugin from "@utils/types"; import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack"; import { Heading, React, RelationshipStore, Text } from "@webpack/common"; const container = findByPropsLazy("memberSinceWrapper"); const { getCreatedAtDate } = findByPropsLazy("getCreatedAtDate"); const clydeMoreInfo = findByPropsLazy("clydeMoreInfo"); const locale = findByPropsLazy("getLocale"); const lastSection = findByPropsLazy("lastSection"); export default definePlugin({ name: "FriendsSince", description: "Shows when you became friends with someone in the user popout", authors: [Devs.Elvyra], patches: [ { find: ".AnalyticsSections.USER_PROFILE}", replacement: { match: /\i.default,\{userId:(\i.id).{0,30}}\)/, replace: "$&,$self.friendsSince({ userId: $1 })" } }, { find: ".UserPopoutUpsellSource.PROFILE_PANEL,", replacement: { match: /\i.default,\{userId:(\i)}\)/, replace: "$&,$self.friendsSince({ userId: $1 })" } } ], friendsSince: ErrorBoundary.wrap(({ userId }: { userId: string; }) => { const friendsSince = RelationshipStore.getSince(userId); if (!friendsSince) return null; return ( <div className={lastSection.section}> <Heading variant="eyebrow" className={clydeMoreInfo.title}> Friends Since </Heading> <div className={container.memberSinceWrapper}> {!!getCurrentChannel()?.guild_id && ( <svg aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="var(--interactive-normal)" > <path d="M13 10a4 4 0 1 0 0-8 4 4 0 0 0 0 8Z" /> <path d="M3 5v-.75C3 3.56 3.56 3 4.25 3s1.24.56 1.33 1.25C6.12 8.65 9.46 12 13 12h1a8 8 0 0 1 8 8 2 2 0 0 1-2 2 .21.21 0 0 1-.2-.15 7.65 7.65 0 0 0-1.32-2.3c-.15-.2-.42-.06-.39.17l.25 2c.02.15-.1.28-.25.28H9a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2.22c0-1.57-.67-3.05-1.53-4.37A15.85 15.85 0 0 1 3 5Z" /> </svg> )} <Text variant="text-sm/normal" className={clydeMoreInfo.body}> {getCreatedAtDate(friendsSince, locale.getLocale())} </Text> </div> </div> ); }, { noop: true }) });