/* * Vencord, a Discord client mod * Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger"; import { canonicalizeMatch } from "@utils/patches"; import * as Webpack from "@webpack"; import { wreq } from "@webpack"; import { patches } from "plugins"; const ReporterLogger = new Logger("Reporter"); async function runReporter() { ReporterLogger.log("Starting test..."); try { const validChunks = new Set<string>(); const invalidChunks = new Set<string>(); const deferredRequires = new Set<string>(); let chunksSearchingResolve: (value: void | PromiseLike<void>) => void; const chunksSearchingDone = new Promise<void>(r => chunksSearchingResolve = r); // True if resolved, false otherwise const chunksSearchPromises = [] as Array<() => boolean>; const LazyChunkRegex = canonicalizeMatch(/(?:(?:Promise\.all\(\[)?(\i\.e\("[^)]+?"\)[^\]]*?)(?:\]\))?)\.then\(\i\.bind\(\i,"([^)]+?)"\)\)/g); async function searchAndLoadLazyChunks(factoryCode: string) { const lazyChunks = factoryCode.matchAll(LazyChunkRegex); const validChunkGroups = new Set<[chunkIds: string[], entryPoint: string]>(); // Workaround for a chunk that depends on the ChannelMessage component but may be be force loaded before // the chunk containing the component const shouldForceDefer = factoryCode.includes(".Messages.GUILD_FEED_UNFEATURE_BUTTON_TEXT"); await Promise.all(Array.from(lazyChunks).map(async ([, rawChunkIds, entryPoint]) => { const chunkIds = rawChunkIds ? Array.from(rawChunkIds.matchAll(Webpack.ChunkIdsRegex)).map(m => m[1]) : []; if (chunkIds.length === 0) { return; } let invalidChunkGroup = false; for (const id of chunkIds) { if (wreq.u(id) == null || wreq.u(id) === "undefined.js") continue; const isWasm = await fetch(wreq.p + wreq.u(id)) .then(r => r.text()) .then(t => (IS_WEB && t.includes(".module.wasm")) || !t.includes("(this.webpackChunkdiscord_app=this.webpackChunkdiscord_app||[]).push")); if (isWasm && IS_WEB) { invalidChunks.add(id); invalidChunkGroup = true; continue; } validChunks.add(id); } if (!invalidChunkGroup) { validChunkGroups.add([chunkIds, entryPoint]); } })); // Loads all found valid chunk groups await Promise.all( Array.from(validChunkGroups) .map(([chunkIds]) => Promise.all(chunkIds.map(id => wreq.e(id as any).catch(() => { }))) ) ); // Requires the entry points for all valid chunk groups for (const [, entryPoint] of validChunkGroups) { try { if (shouldForceDefer) { deferredRequires.add(entryPoint); continue; } if (wreq.m[entryPoint]) wreq(entryPoint as any); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } // setImmediate to only check if all chunks were loaded after this function resolves // We check if all chunks were loaded every time a factory is loaded // If we are still looking for chunks in the other factories, the array will have that factory's chunk search promise not resolved // But, if all chunk search promises are resolved, this means we found every lazy chunk loaded by Discord code and manually loaded them setTimeout(() => { let allResolved = true; for (let i = 0; i < chunksSearchPromises.length; i++) { const isResolved = chunksSearchPromises[i](); if (isResolved) { // Remove finished promises to avoid having to iterate through a huge array everytime chunksSearchPromises.splice(i--, 1); } else { allResolved = false; } } if (allResolved) chunksSearchingResolve(); }, 0); } Webpack.beforeInitListeners.add(async () => { ReporterLogger.log("Loading all chunks..."); Webpack.factoryListeners.add(factory => { let isResolved = false; searchAndLoadLazyChunks(factory.toString()).then(() => isResolved = true); chunksSearchPromises.push(() => isResolved); }); // setImmediate to only search the initial factories after Discord initialized the app // our beforeInitListeners are called before Discord initializes the app setTimeout(() => { for (const factoryId in wreq.m) { let isResolved = false; searchAndLoadLazyChunks(wreq.m[factoryId].toString()).then(() => isResolved = true); chunksSearchPromises.push(() => isResolved); } }, 0); }); await chunksSearchingDone; // Require deferred entry points for (const deferredRequire of deferredRequires) { wreq!(deferredRequire as any); } // All chunks Discord has mapped to asset files, even if they are not used anymore const allChunks = [] as string[]; // Matches "id" or id: for (const currentMatch of wreq!.u.toString().matchAll(/(?:"(\d+?)")|(?:(\d+?):)/g)) { const id = currentMatch[1] ?? currentMatch[2]; if (id == null) continue; allChunks.push(id); } if (allChunks.length === 0) throw new Error("Failed to get all chunks"); // Chunks that are not loaded (not used) by Discord code anymore const chunksLeft = allChunks.filter(id => { return !(validChunks.has(id) || invalidChunks.has(id)); }); await Promise.all(chunksLeft.map(async id => { const isWasm = await fetch(wreq.p + wreq.u(id)) .then(r => r.text()) .then(t => (IS_WEB && t.includes(".module.wasm")) || !t.includes("(this.webpackChunkdiscord_app=this.webpackChunkdiscord_app||[]).push")); // Loads and requires a chunk if (!isWasm) { await wreq.e(id as any); if (wreq.m[id]) wreq(id as any); } })); ReporterLogger.log("Finished loading all chunks!"); for (const patch of patches) { if (!patch.all) { new Logger("WebpackInterceptor").warn(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} found no module (Module id is -): ${patch.find}`); } } for (const [searchType, args] of Webpack.lazyWebpackSearchHistory) { let method = searchType; if (searchType === "findComponent") method = "find"; if (searchType === "findExportedComponent") method = "findByProps"; if (searchType === "waitFor" || searchType === "waitForComponent") { if (typeof args[0] === "string") method = "findByProps"; else method = "find"; } if (searchType === "waitForStore") method = "findStore"; try { let result: any; if (method === "proxyLazyWebpack" || method === "LazyComponentWebpack") { const [factory] = args; result = factory(); } else if (method === "extractAndLoadChunks") { const [code, matcher] = args; result = await Webpack.extractAndLoadChunks(code, matcher); if (result === false) result = null; } else { // @ts-ignore result = Webpack[method](...args); } if (result == null || (result.$$vencordInternal != null && result.$$vencordInternal() == null)) throw "a rock at ben shapiro"; } catch (e) { let logMessage = searchType; if (method === "find" || method === "proxyLazyWebpack" || method === "LazyComponentWebpack") logMessage += `(${args[0].toString().slice(0, 147)}...)`; else if (method === "extractAndLoadChunks") logMessage += `([${args[0].map(arg => `"${arg}"`).join(", ")}], ${args[1].toString()})`; else logMessage += `(${args.map(arg => `"${arg}"`).join(", ")})`; ReporterLogger.log("Webpack Find Fail:", logMessage); } } ReporterLogger.log("Finished test"); } catch (e) { ReporterLogger.log("A fatal error occurred:", e); } } runReporter();