diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 43ce12a..2767421 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -32,195 +32,9 @@ This is a tool to help automate adding contributor acknowledgements according to
the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors)
specification for your GitHub or GitLab repository.
-## Table of Contents
+## Using the all-contributors-cli
-- [Installation](#installation)
-- [Usage](#usage)
- - [Generating the contributors list](#generating-the-contributors-list)
- - [Add/update contributors](#addupdate-contributors)
- - [Check for missing contributors](#check-for-missing-contributors)
-- [Configuration](#configuration)
-- [Contributors](#contributors)
-- [LICENSE](#license)
-## Installation
-This module is distributed via [npm][npm] which is bundled with [node][node] and
-should be installed as one of your project's `devDependencies`:
-npm install --save-dev all-contributors-cli
-Then init the project using `init` and answer a few questions:
-# Use npx for npm@^5.2.0
-npx all-contributors init
-# Or directly execute the bin
-./node_modules/.bin/all-contributors init
-Then you can add these scripts to your `package.json`:
- "scripts": {
- "contributors:add": "all-contributors add",
- "contributors:generate": "all-contributors generate"
- }
-and use them via `npm run`:
-npm run contributors:add -- jfmengels doc
-npm run contributors:generate
-## Usage
-A quick note: We recommend that you install `all-contributors-cli` as a dependency in your project.
-If you do that then you can run the `all-contributors` binary from within your `package.json` scripts, or you can run it in your terminal with `npx all-contributors`.
-Below we'll just show `all-contributors` to keep things simple, but if you're having any difficulties, then give the `npx all-contributors-cli` route a try :smiley_cat:
-### Generating the contributors list
-Please add following placeholders in [`files`](#configuration) to specify the generation area first.
-<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
-Then use `generate` to generate the contributors list and inject it into your
-contributors file. Contributors will be read from your configuration file.
-all-contributors generate
-### Add/update contributors
-Use `add` to add new contributors to your project, or add new ways in which they
-have contributed. They will be added to your configuration file, and the
-contributors file will be updated just as if you used the `generate` command.
-# Add new contributor , who made a contribution of type
-all-contributors add
-# Example:
-all-contributors add jfmengels code,doc
-Where `username` is the user's GitHub or Gitlab username, and `contribution` is a
-`,`-separated list of ways to contribute, from the following list
-([see the specs](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors#emoji-key)):
-- blog: [📝](# 'Blogposts')
-- bug: [🐛](# 'Bug reports')
-- code: [💻](# 'Code')
-- design: [🎨](# 'Design')
-- doc: [📖](# 'Documentation')
-- eventOrganizing: [📋](# 'Event Organizing')
-- example: [💡](# 'Examples')
-- financial: [💵](# 'Financial')
-- fundingFinding: [🔍](# 'Funding Finding')
-- ideas: [🤔](# 'Ideas, Planning, & Feedback')
-- infra: [🚇](# 'Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)')
-- maintenance [🚧](# 'Maintenance')
-- platform: [📦](# 'Packaging/porting to new platform')
-- plugin: [🔌](# 'Plugin/utility libraries')
-- question: [💬](# 'Answering Questions')
-- review: [👀](# 'Reviewed Pull Requests')
-- security: [🛡](# 'Security')
-- talk: [📢](# 'Talks')
-- test: [⚠️](# 'Tests')
-- tool: [🔧](# 'Tools')
-- translation: [🌍](# 'Translation')
-- tutorial: [✅](# 'Tutorials')
-- userTesting: [📓](# 'User Testing')
-- video: [📹](# 'Videos')
-Please note that if you are using a self-hosted gitlab instance, before adding
-contributor, you need to set an environment variable named `PRIVATE_TOKEN` first.
-> Private token is the personal access token to authenticate with the GitLab API.
-# set private token on linux
-export PRIVATE_TOKEN=your_private_token
-# set private token on windows
-set PRIVATE_TOKEN=your_private_token
-### Check for missing contributors
-Use `check` to compare contributors from GitHub with the ones credited in your
-`.all-contributorsrc` file, in order to make sure that credit is given where
-it's due.
-all-contributors check
-> Due to GitHub API restrictions, this command only works for projects with less
-> than 500 contributors. (Unless you set a PRIVATE_TOKEN) as mentioned below
-## Configuration
-You can configure the project by updating the `.all-contributorsrc` JSON file.
-The data used to generate the contributors list will be stored in there, and you
-can configure how you want `all-contributors-cli` to generate the list.
-These are the keys you can specify:
-| Option | Description | Example/Default |
-| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `projectName` | Mandatory, name of the project. | Example: `all-contributors-cli` |
-| `projectOwner` | Mandatory, name of the user the project is hosted by. | Example: `jfmengels` |
-| `repoType` | Type of repository. Must be either `github` or `gitlab`. | Default: `github` |
-| `repoHost` | Points to the repository hostname. Change it if you use a self-hosted repository. | Default: `https://github.com` if `repoType` is `github`, and `https://gitlab.com` if `repoType` is `gitlab` |
-| `files` | Array of files to update. | Default: `['README.md']` |
-| `imageSize` | Size (in px) of the user's avatar. | Default: `100` |
-| `commit` | Auto-commit badge when adding contributors. | `true` or `false` |
-| `contributorsPerLine` | Maximum number of columns for the contributors table. | Default: `7` |
-| `badgeTemplate` | Define your own lodash template to generate the badge. |
-| `contributorTemplate` | Define your own lodash template to generate the contributor. |
-| `types` | Specify custom symbols or link templates for contribution types. Can override the documented types. |
- "projectName": "all-contributors-cli",
- "projectOwner": "jfmengels",
- "repoType": "github",
- "repoHost": "https://github.com",
- "files": ["README.md"],
- "imageSize": 100,
- "commit": false,
- "contributorsPerLine": 7,
- "badgeTemplate": "[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-<%= contributors.length %>-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors)",
- "contributorTemplate": "<%= avatarBlock %>
<%= contributions %>",
- "types": {
- "custom": {
- "symbol": "🔭",
- "description": "A custom contribution type.",
- "link": "[<%= symbol %>](<%= url %> \"<%= description %>\"),"
- }
- },
- "contributors": []
-In some cases you may see the error message 'GitHub API rate limit exceeded for xxx'. You may need to set an environment variable named `PRIVATE_TOKEN` in order to circumvent this [GitHub rate limit](https://developer.github.com/v3/rate_limit/).
-> Private token is your personal access token to authenticate with the GitHub API.
+If you're looking to use the cli, head over to [the cli docs on all-contributors.js.org](https://all-contributors.js.org/docs/cli/overview). The all-contributors website contains all the information required to install, configure and use the all-contributors-cli.
## Contributors
@@ -241,7 +55,6 @@ Thanks goes to these wonderful people
This project follows the
specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
-We are also [looking for maintainers](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors-cli/issues/129)