import test from 'ava'; import addContributor from './add'; function mockInfoFetcher(username, cb) { return cb(null, { login: username, name: 'Some name', avatar_url: 'www.avatar.url', profile: 'www.profile.url' }); } function fixtures() { const options = { contributors: [{ login: 'login1', name: 'Some name', avatar_url: 'www.avatar.url', profile: 'www.profile.url', contributions: [ 'code' ] }, { login: 'login2', name: 'Some name', avatar_url: 'www.avatar.url', profile: 'www.profile.url', contributions: [ {type: 'blog', url: ''}, 'code' ] }] }; return {options}; } test.cb('should callback with error if infoFetcher fails', t => { const {options} = fixtures(); const username = 'login3'; const contributions = ['doc']; function infoFetcher(username, cb) { return cb(new Error('infoFetcher error')); } return addContributor(options, username, contributions, infoFetcher, function (error) {, 'infoFetcher error'); t.end(); }); }); test.cb('should add new contributor at the end of the list of contributors', t => { const {options} = fixtures(); const username = 'login3'; const contributions = ['doc']; return addContributor(options, username, contributions, mockInfoFetcher, function (error, contributors) { t.falsy(error);, 3); t.deepEqual(contributors[2], { login: 'login3', name: 'Some name', avatar_url: 'www.avatar.url', profile: 'www.profile.url', contributions: [ 'doc' ] }); t.end(); }); }); test.cb('should add new contributor at the end of the list of contributors with a url link', t => { const {options} = fixtures(); const username = 'login3'; const contributions = ['doc']; options.url = ''; return addContributor(options, username, contributions, mockInfoFetcher, function (error, contributors) { t.falsy(error);, 3); t.deepEqual(contributors[2], { login: 'login3', name: 'Some name', avatar_url: 'www.avatar.url', profile: 'www.profile.url', contributions: [ {type: 'doc', url: ''} ] }); t.end(); }); }); test.cb(`should not update an existing contributor's contributions where nothing has changed`, t => { const {options} = fixtures(); const username = 'login2'; const contributions = ['blog', 'code']; return addContributor(options, username, contributions, mockInfoFetcher, function (error, contributors) { t.falsy(error); t.deepEqual(contributors, options.contributors); t.end(); }); }); test.cb(`should update an existing contributor's contributions if a new type is added`, t => { const {options} = fixtures(); const username = 'login1'; const contributions = ['bug']; return addContributor(options, username, contributions, mockInfoFetcher, function (error, contributors) { t.falsy(error);, 2); t.deepEqual(contributors[0], { login: 'login1', name: 'Some name', avatar_url: 'www.avatar.url', profile: 'www.profile.url', contributions: [ 'code', 'bug' ] }); t.end(); }); }); test.cb(`should update an existing contributor's contributions if a new type is added with a link`, t => { const {options} = fixtures(); const username = 'login1'; const contributions = ['bug']; options.url = ''; return addContributor(options, username, contributions, mockInfoFetcher, function (error, contributors) { t.falsy(error);, 2); t.deepEqual(contributors[0], { login: 'login1', name: 'Some name', avatar_url: 'www.avatar.url', profile: 'www.profile.url', contributions: [ 'code', {type: 'bug', url: ''} ] }); t.end(); }); });