import test from 'ava'; import nock from 'nock'; import getUserInfo from './github'; test.cb('should handle errors', function (t) { nock('') .get('/users/nodisplayname') .replyWithError(404); getUserInfo('nodisplayname', function (err) { t.truthy(err); t.end(); }); }); test.cb('should fill in the name when null is returned', function (t) { nock('') .get('/users/nodisplayname') .reply(200, { login: 'nodisplayname', name: null, avatar_url: '', html_url: '' }); getUserInfo('nodisplayname', function (err, info) { t.falsy(err);, 'nodisplayname'); t.end(); }); }); test.cb('should fill in the name when an empty string is returned', function (t) { nock('') .get('/users/nodisplayname') .reply(200, { login: 'nodisplayname', name: '', avatar_url: '', html_url: '' }); getUserInfo('nodisplayname', function (err, info) { t.falsy(err);, 'nodisplayname'); t.end(); }); });