diff --git a/src/plugins/index.ts b/src/plugins/index.ts
index 29420d0c..9268051f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/index.ts
@@ -169,7 +169,18 @@ export function subscribePluginFluxEvents(p: Plugin, fluxDispatcher: typeof Flux
logger.debug("Subscribing to flux events of plugin", p.name);
for (const [event, handler] of Object.entries(p.flux)) {
- fluxDispatcher.subscribe(event as FluxEvents, handler);
+ const wrappedHandler = p.flux[event] = function () {
+ try {
+ const res = handler.apply(p, arguments as any);
+ return res instanceof Promise
+ ? res.catch(e => logger.error(`${p.name}: Error while handling ${event}\n`, e))
+ : res;
+ } catch (e) {
+ logger.error(`${p.name}: Error while handling ${event}\n`, e);
+ }
+ };
+ fluxDispatcher.subscribe(event as FluxEvents, wrappedHandler);
diff --git a/src/plugins/xsOverlay.desktop/index.ts b/src/plugins/xsOverlay.desktop/index.ts
index b42d2021..8b06475c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/xsOverlay.desktop/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/xsOverlay.desktop/index.ts
@@ -154,104 +154,99 @@ export default definePlugin({
MESSAGE_CREATE({ message, optimistic }: { message: Message; optimistic: boolean; }) {
- // Apparently without this try/catch, discord's socket connection dies if any part of this errors
- try {
- if (optimistic) return;
- const channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id);
- if (!shouldNotify(message, message.channel_id)) return;
+ if (optimistic) return;
+ const channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id);
+ if (!shouldNotify(message, message.channel_id)) return;
- const pingColor = settings.store.pingColor.replaceAll("#", "").trim();
- const channelPingColor = settings.store.channelPingColor.replaceAll("#", "").trim();
- let finalMsg = message.content;
- let titleString = "";
+ const pingColor = settings.store.pingColor.replaceAll("#", "").trim();
+ const channelPingColor = settings.store.channelPingColor.replaceAll("#", "").trim();
+ let finalMsg = message.content;
+ let titleString = "";
- if (channel.guild_id) {
- const guild = GuildStore.getGuild(channel.guild_id);
- titleString = `${message.author.username} (${guild.name}, #${channel.name})`;
- }
- switch (channel.type) {
- case ChannelTypes.DM:
- titleString = message.author.username.trim();
- break;
- case ChannelTypes.GROUP_DM:
- const channelName = channel.name.trim() ?? channel.rawRecipients.map(e => e.username).join(", ");
- titleString = `${message.author.username} (${channelName})`;
- break;
- }
- if (message.referenced_message) {
- titleString += " (reply)";
- }
- if (message.embeds.length > 0) {
- finalMsg += " [embed] ";
- if (message.content === "") {
- finalMsg = "sent message embed(s)";
- }
- }
- if (message.sticker_items) {
- finalMsg += " [sticker] ";
- if (message.content === "") {
- finalMsg = "sent a sticker";
- }
- }
- const images = message.attachments.filter(e =>
- typeof e?.content_type === "string"
- && e?.content_type.startsWith("image")
- );
- images.forEach(img => {
- finalMsg += ` [image: ${img.filename}] `;
- });
- message.attachments.filter(a => a && !a.content_type?.startsWith("image")).forEach(a => {
- finalMsg += ` [attachment: ${a.filename}] `;
- });
- // make mentions readable
- if (message.mentions.length > 0) {
- finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(/<@!?(\d{17,20})>/g, (_, id) => `@${UserStore.getUser(id)?.username || "unknown-user"}`);
- }
- // color role mentions (unity styling btw lol)
- if (message.mention_roles.length > 0) {
- for (const roleId of message.mention_roles) {
- const role = GuildStore.getRole(channel.guild_id, roleId);
- if (!role) continue;
- const roleColor = role.colorString ?? `#${pingColor}`;
- finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(`<@&${roleId}>`, `@${role.name}`);
- }
- }
- // make emotes and channel mentions readable
- const emoteMatches = finalMsg.match(new RegExp("()", "g"));
- const channelMatches = finalMsg.match(new RegExp("<(#\\d+)>", "g"));
- if (emoteMatches) {
- for (const eMatch of emoteMatches) {
- finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(new RegExp(`${eMatch}`, "g"), `:${eMatch.split(":")[1]}:`);
- }
- }
- // color channel mentions
- if (channelMatches) {
- for (const cMatch of channelMatches) {
- let channelId = cMatch.split("<#")[1];
- channelId = channelId.substring(0, channelId.length - 1);
- finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(new RegExp(`${cMatch}`, "g"), `#${ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId).name}`);
- }
- }
- if (shouldIgnoreForChannelType(channel)) return;
- sendMsgNotif(titleString, finalMsg, message);
- } catch (err) {
- XSLog.error(`Failed to catch MESSAGE_CREATE: ${err}`);
+ if (channel.guild_id) {
+ const guild = GuildStore.getGuild(channel.guild_id);
+ titleString = `${message.author.username} (${guild.name}, #${channel.name})`;
+ switch (channel.type) {
+ case ChannelTypes.DM:
+ titleString = message.author.username.trim();
+ break;
+ case ChannelTypes.GROUP_DM:
+ const channelName = channel.name.trim() ?? channel.rawRecipients.map(e => e.username).join(", ");
+ titleString = `${message.author.username} (${channelName})`;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (message.referenced_message) {
+ titleString += " (reply)";
+ }
+ if (message.embeds.length > 0) {
+ finalMsg += " [embed] ";
+ if (message.content === "") {
+ finalMsg = "sent message embed(s)";
+ }
+ }
+ if (message.sticker_items) {
+ finalMsg += " [sticker] ";
+ if (message.content === "") {
+ finalMsg = "sent a sticker";
+ }
+ }
+ const images = message.attachments.filter(e =>
+ typeof e?.content_type === "string"
+ && e?.content_type.startsWith("image")
+ );
+ images.forEach(img => {
+ finalMsg += ` [image: ${img.filename}] `;
+ });
+ message.attachments.filter(a => a && !a.content_type?.startsWith("image")).forEach(a => {
+ finalMsg += ` [attachment: ${a.filename}] `;
+ });
+ // make mentions readable
+ if (message.mentions.length > 0) {
+ finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(/<@!?(\d{17,20})>/g, (_, id) => `@${UserStore.getUser(id)?.username || "unknown-user"}`);
+ }
+ // color role mentions (unity styling btw lol)
+ if (message.mention_roles.length > 0) {
+ for (const roleId of message.mention_roles) {
+ const role = GuildStore.getRole(channel.guild_id, roleId);
+ if (!role) continue;
+ const roleColor = role.colorString ?? `#${pingColor}`;
+ finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(`<@&${roleId}>`, `@${role.name}`);
+ }
+ }
+ // make emotes and channel mentions readable
+ const emoteMatches = finalMsg.match(new RegExp("()", "g"));
+ const channelMatches = finalMsg.match(new RegExp("<(#\\d+)>", "g"));
+ if (emoteMatches) {
+ for (const eMatch of emoteMatches) {
+ finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(new RegExp(`${eMatch}`, "g"), `:${eMatch.split(":")[1]}:`);
+ }
+ }
+ // color channel mentions
+ if (channelMatches) {
+ for (const cMatch of channelMatches) {
+ let channelId = cMatch.split("<#")[1];
+ channelId = channelId.substring(0, channelId.length - 1);
+ finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(new RegExp(`${cMatch}`, "g"), `#${ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId).name}`);
+ }
+ }
+ if (shouldIgnoreForChannelType(channel)) return;
+ sendMsgNotif(titleString, finalMsg, message);
diff --git a/src/utils/types.ts b/src/utils/types.ts
index 2fa4a826..8c24843f 100644
--- a/src/utils/types.ts
+++ b/src/utils/types.ts
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ export interface PluginDef {
* Allows you to subscribe to Flux events
flux?: {
- [E in FluxEvents]?: (event: any) => void;
+ [E in FluxEvents]?: (event: any) => void | Promise;
* Allows you to manipulate context menus