/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import { Settings } from "@api/settings"; import { proxyLazy } from "@utils/proxyLazy"; import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack"; import { Flux, FluxDispatcher } from "@webpack/common"; export interface Track { id: string; name: string; duration: number; isLocal: boolean; album: { id: string; name: string; image: { height: number; width: number; url: string; }; }; artists: { id: string; href: string; name: string; type: string; uri: string; }[]; } interface PlayerState { accountId: string; track: Track | null; volumePercent: number, isPlaying: boolean, repeat: boolean, position: number, context?: any; device?: Device; // added by patch actual_repeat: Repeat; } interface Device { id: string; is_active: boolean; } type Repeat = "off" | "track" | "context"; // Don't wanna run before Flux and Dispatcher are ready! export const SpotifyStore = proxyLazy(() => { // For some reason ts hates extends Flux.Store const { Store } = Flux; const SpotifySocket = findByPropsLazy("getActiveSocketAndDevice"); const SpotifyAPI = findByPropsLazy("SpotifyAPIMarker"); const API_BASE = "https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player"; class SpotifyStore extends Store { public mPosition = 0; private start = 0; public track: Track | null = null; public device: Device | null = null; public isPlaying = false; public repeat: Repeat = "off"; public shuffle = false; public volume = 0; public isSettingPosition = false; public openExternal(path: string) { const url = Settings.plugins.SpotifyControls.useSpotifyUris ? "spotify:" + path.replaceAll("/", (_, idx) => idx === 0 ? "" : ":") : "https://open.spotify.com" + path; VencordNative.native.openExternal(url); } // Need to keep track of this manually public get position(): number { let pos = this.mPosition; if (this.isPlaying) { pos += Date.now() - this.start; } return pos; } public set position(p: number) { this.mPosition = p; this.start = Date.now(); } prev() { this.req("post", "/previous"); } next() { this.req("post", "/next"); } setVolume(percent: number) { this.req("put", "/volume", { query: { volume_percent: Math.round(percent) } }).then(() => { this.volume = percent; this.emitChange(); }); } setPlaying(playing: boolean) { this.req("put", playing ? "/play" : "/pause"); } setRepeat(state: Repeat) { this.req("put", "/repeat", { query: { state } }); } setShuffle(state: boolean) { this.req("put", "/shuffle", { query: { state } }).then(() => { this.shuffle = state; this.emitChange(); }); } seek(ms: number) { if (this.isSettingPosition) return Promise.resolve(); this.isSettingPosition = true; return this.req("put", "/seek", { query: { position_ms: Math.round(ms) } }).catch((e: any) => { console.error("[VencordSpotifyControls] Failed to seek", e); this.isSettingPosition = false; }); } private req(method: "post" | "get" | "put", route: string, data: any = {}) { if (this.device?.is_active) (data.query ??= {}).device_id = this.device.id; const { socket } = SpotifySocket.getActiveSocketAndDevice(); return SpotifyAPI[method](socket.accountId, socket.accessToken, { url: API_BASE + route, ...data }); } } const store = new SpotifyStore(FluxDispatcher, { SPOTIFY_PLAYER_STATE(e: PlayerState) { store.track = e.track; store.device = e.device ?? null; store.isPlaying = e.isPlaying ?? false; store.volume = e.volumePercent ?? 0; store.repeat = e.actual_repeat || "off"; store.position = e.position ?? 0; store.isSettingPosition = false; store.emitChange(); }, SPOTIFY_SET_DEVICES({ devices }: { devices: Device[]; }) { store.device = devices.find(d => d.is_active) ?? devices[0] ?? null; store.emitChange(); } }); return store; });