@tool extends RefCounted const SUCCESS = 0 const ERR_ASEPRITE_CMD_NOT_FOUND = 1 const ERR_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2 const ERR_OUTPUT_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND = 3 const ERR_ASEPRITE_EXPORT_FAILED = 4 const ERR_UNKNOWN_EXPORT_MODE = 5 const ERR_NO_VALID_LAYERS_FOUND = 6 const ERR_INVALID_ASEPRITE_SPRITESHEET = 7 static func get_error_message(code: int): match code: ERR_ASEPRITE_CMD_NOT_FOUND: return "Aseprite command failed. Please, check if the right command is in your PATH or configured through \"Editor > Editor Settings > Aseprite > General > Command Path\"." ERR_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return "source file does not exist" ERR_OUTPUT_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND: return "output location does not exist" ERR_ASEPRITE_EXPORT_FAILED: return "unable to import file" ERR_INVALID_ASEPRITE_SPRITESHEET: return "aseprite generated bad data file" ERR_NO_VALID_LAYERS_FOUND: return "no valid layers found" _: return "import failed with code %d" % code static func error(error_code: int): return { "code": error_code, "content": null, "is_ok": false } static func result(result): return { "code": SUCCESS, "content": result, "is_ok": true }