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2024-08-17 15:22:33 +01:00

150 lines
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extends EditorImportPlugin
const result_codes = preload("../config/")
var config = preload("../config/").new()
var _aseprite_file_exporter = preload("../aseprite/").new()
var _sf_creator = preload("../creators/sprite_frames/").new()
var file_system: EditorFileSystem = EditorInterface.get_resource_filesystem()
func _get_importer_name():
# ideally this should be called aseprite_wizard.plugin.spriteframes
# but I'm keeping it like this to avoid unnecessary breaking changes
return "aseprite_wizard.plugin"
func _get_visible_name():
return "Aseprite SpriteFrames"
func _get_recognized_extensions():
return ["aseprite", "ase"]
func _get_save_extension():
return "res"
func _get_resource_type():
return "SpriteFrames"
func _get_preset_count():
return 1
func _get_preset_name(i):
return "Default"
func _get_priority():
return 2.0 if config.get_default_importer() == config.IMPORTER_SPRITEFRAMES_NAME else 1.0
func _get_import_order():
return 1
func _get_import_options(_path, _i):
return [
{"name": "split_layers", "default_value": false},
{"name": "exclude_layers_pattern", "default_value": config.get_default_exclusion_pattern()},
{"name": "only_visible_layers", "default_value": false},
"name": "sheet_type",
"default_value": "Packed",
"property_hint": PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM,
"hint_string": get_sheet_type_hint_string()
func _get_option_visibility(path, option, options):
return true
static func get_sheet_type_hint_string() -> String:
var hint_string := "Packed"
for number in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]:
hint_string += ",%s columns" % number
hint_string += ",Strip"
return hint_string
func _import(source_file, save_path, options, platform_variants, gen_files):
var absolute_source_file = ProjectSettings.globalize_path(source_file)
var absolute_save_path = ProjectSettings.globalize_path(save_path)
var source_path = source_file.get_base_dir()
var source_basename = source_file.substr(source_path.length()+1, -1)
source_basename = source_basename.substr(0, source_basename.rfind('.'))
var export_mode = _sf_creator.LAYERS_EXPORT_MODE if options['split_layers'] else _sf_creator.FILE_EXPORT_MODE
var aseprite_opts = {
"export_mode": export_mode,
"exception_pattern": options['exclude_layers_pattern'],
"only_visible_layers": options['only_visible_layers'],
"output_filename": '' if export_mode == _sf_creator.FILE_EXPORT_MODE else '%s_' % source_basename,
"column_count" : int(options['sheet_type']) if options['sheet_type'] != "Strip" else 128,
"output_folder": source_path,
var source_files = _aseprite_file_exporter.generate_aseprite_files(absolute_source_file, aseprite_opts)
if not source_files.is_ok:
printerr("ERROR - Could not import aseprite file: %s" % result_codes.get_error_message(source_files.code))
return FAILED
var should_trigger_scan = false
for sf in source_files.content:
if sf.is_first_import:
should_trigger_scan = true
if should_trigger_scan:
var resources = _sf_creator.create_resources(source_files.content)
if not resources.is_ok:
printerr("ERROR - Could not import aseprite file: %s" % result_codes.get_error_message(resources.code))
return FAILED
if export_mode == _sf_creator.LAYERS_EXPORT_MODE:
# each layer is saved as one resource using base file name to prevent collisions
# the first layer will be saved in the default resource path to prevent
# godot from keeping re-importing it
for resource in resources.content:
var resource_path = "%s.res" % resource.data_file.get_basename();
var exit_code =, resource_path)
if exit_code != OK:
printerr("ERROR - Could not persist aseprite file: %s" % result_codes.get_error_message(exit_code))
return FAILED
var resource = resources.content[0]
var resource_path = "%s.res" % save_path
var exit_code =, resource_path)
if config.should_remove_source_files():
if exit_code != OK:
printerr("ERROR - Could not persist aseprite file: %s" % result_codes.get_error_message(exit_code))
return FAILED
return OK
func _remove_source_files(source_files: Array):
for s in source_files: