65 lines
2 KiB
65 lines
2 KiB
import re
def twosComplementToDenary(bitPattern):
value = 0
for i in range(len(bitPattern) - 1, -1, -1):
placeValue = 2 ** (len(bitPattern) - i - 1)
if i == 0: placeValue *= -1
value += int(bitPattern[i]) * placeValue
return value
def twosComplementNormalisedToDenary(bitPattern):
wholePart, fractionalPart = bitPattern[0], bitPattern[-len(bitPattern)+1:]
value = -1 if int(wholePart) == 1 else 0
for i in range(len(fractionalPart), 0, -1):
placeValue = 2 ** -i
value += int(fractionalPart[i - 1]) * placeValue
return value
while True:
binary = input('Please enter the bit pattern you would like to decode: ')
if re.match('[^01]+', binary):
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
print('Please ensure that you input a valid binary sequence!')
while True:
while True:
mantissaBits = int(input('Please enter the amount of bits that the mantissa uses: '))
except ValueError:
print('Please ensure that you input a valid integer!')
while True:
exponentBits = int(input('Please enter the amount of bits that the exponent uses: '))
except ValueError:
print('Please ensure that you input a valid integer!')
if exponentBits + mantissaBits != len(binary):
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
print(f'The amount of bits you inputed for the mantissa and exponent do not add up to the length of your sequence - please make sure they span the entire range of the sequence! For reference, your sequence was {binary}')
binary = str(binary)
mantissa = binary[:mantissaBits]
exponent = binary[-exponentBits:]
denaryExponent = twosComplementToDenary(exponent)
denaryMantissa = twosComplementNormalisedToDenary(mantissa)
print(denaryMantissa * (2 ** denaryExponent))