the-honk/gcse computer science/year 10/calculator/Calculator (Graphics).py

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2024-10-09 17:02:27 +00:00
# Name: calculator v1.2 - decimal point added
# Purpose: calculator using TKinter
# Created: 23/07/2015
# Licence: <your licence>
from tkinter import *
from decimal import Decimal
##Functions for mathematic operations##
def add(a, b):
return a + b
def subtract(a, b):
return a - b
def divide(a, b):
return a / b
def multiply(a,b):
return a * b
def updateDisplay(update):
##Function to display results##
outputLbl.configure(text = str(update))
def handlerEquals(event):
##Event handler for equals button##
##Function requires operand to be specified so that correct operation is performed##
global first_num ## use the variable of this name that has been created outside of this function, i.e. our 'global' variable
global second_num
global operand
##convert user inputs to numbers ready to do the maths##
first_num = Decimal(first_num)
second_num = Decimal(second_num)
if operand != None:
if operand == '+':
result = add(first_num,second_num)
elif operand == '-':
result = subtract(first_num,second_num)
elif operand == '/':
if second_num == 0:
result = 'You can not divide by zero!'
first_num = None
second_num = None
operand = None
result = divide(first_num,second_num)
elif operand == '*':
result = multiply(first_num,second_num)
def handlerOperand(event):
##Event Handler for operation buttons##
##Function to store users choice of add, subtract, divide, multiply##
global operand
caller = event.widget['text'] #get the text value of the button that is passed in to the handler
if operand == None:
operand = caller
pass ##prevent the operand from being changed accidentally
def handlerNumbers(event):
##Event Handler for number buttons##
##Function puts user input in first_num if operand is empty, otherwise input goes second_num##
global first_num
global second_num
global operand
caller = event.widget['text'] #get the text value of the button that is passed in to the handler
if operand == None:
if first_num == None: #check to see if num is set to None as we cannot append to none - must overwrite
first_num = caller
first_num = first_num + caller
if second_num == None:
second_num = caller
second_num = second_num + caller
def handlerClear(event):
##Event handler for C button##
##Resets variables and updates the display##
global first_num
global second_num
global operand
first_num = None
second_num = None
operand = None
##setup gobal variables that all functions can access##
first_num = None
second_num = None
operand = None
window = Tk()#create the window#
# Code to add widgets will go here...
##Setup frames##
topframe = Frame(window)
bottomframe = Frame(window)
bottomframe.pack(side = BOTTOM)
##setup label to display output in top frame##
outputLbl = Label(topframe, text = "0")
##setup number buttons in grid layout within bottom frame##
b1 = Button(bottomframe, text='1')
b1.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b1.grid(row=0, column = 0)
b2 = Button(bottomframe, text='2') ## create Button called b2 that is inside the bottom frame and displays the label '2'##
b2.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers) ##on b2, bind the event 'when mouse button 1 is clicked (i.e. left mouse button), call the function named 'handlerNumbers'##
b2.grid(row=0, column = 1) ##place button b2 in a grid within its frame, in 0 down and 1 across##
b3 = Button(bottomframe, text='3')
b3.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b3.grid(row=0, column = 2)
b4 = Button(bottomframe, text='4')
b4.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b4.grid(row=1, column = 0)
b5 = Button(bottomframe, text='5')
b5.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b5.grid(row=1, column = 1)
b6 = Button(bottomframe, text='6')
b6.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b6.grid(row=1, column = 2)
b7 = Button(bottomframe, text='7')
b7.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b7.grid(row=2, column = 0)
b8 = Button(bottomframe, text='8')
b8.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b8.grid(row=2, column = 1)
b9 = Button(bottomframe, text='9')
b9.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b9.grid(row=2, column = 2)
b0 = Button(bottomframe, text='0')
b0.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
b0.grid(row=3, column = 1)
bDot = Button(bottomframe, text='.')##decimal point button
bDot.bind("<1>", handlerNumbers)
bDot.grid(row=4, column = 0)
##setup operand buttons##
bPlus = Button(bottomframe, text='+')
bPlus.bind("<1>", handlerOperand)
bPlus.grid(row=4, column = 2)
bMinus = Button(bottomframe, text='-')
bMinus.bind("<1>", handlerOperand)
bMinus.grid(row=4, column = 3)
bDivide = Button(bottomframe, text='/')
bDivide.bind("<1>", handlerOperand)
bDivide.grid(row=5, column = 2)
bMultiply = Button(bottomframe, text='*')
bMultiply.bind("<1>", handlerOperand)
bMultiply.grid(row=5, column = 3)
bEquals = Button(bottomframe, text='=')
bEquals.bind("<1>", handlerEquals)
bEquals.grid(row=6, column=0)
##setup Clear button##
bClear = Button(bottomframe, text='C')
bClear.bind("<1>", handlerClear)
bClear.grid(row=6, column=2)
## Code to add widgets ends. Mainloop keeps program running whilst waiting for user input##