the-honk/school/gcse/year 11/File Size

115 lines
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2024-10-09 17:02:42 +00:00
import math
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
class NegativeError(Exception):
def estimateTextFileSize(characterCount, bitsPerCharacter):
return characterCount * bitsPerCharacter
def estimatePictureFileSize(width, height, colourDepth):
return colourDepth * width * height
def estimateSoundFileSize(sampleRate, bitDepth, duration, channelCount):
return sampleRate * duration * bitDepth * channelCount
def formatBits(bits):
units = ['bits', 'bytes', 'kilobytes', 'megabytes', 'gigabytes', 'terrabytes', 'petabytes']
for unit in units:
if unit == units[0]:
bits /= 8
elif bits < 1024 or unit == units[len(units) - 1]:
bits /= 1024
return '%i %s' % (math.floor(bits), unit)
def validateInput(function, inputMessage, errorMessage):
while True:
out = function(input(inputMessage))
if (function == int or function == float) and out < 0:
raise NegativeError
except ValueError:
except NegativeError:
print('The value you input can not be a negative number! Please try again (:')
return out
def saveFile(data, fileType, bits):
while True:
toSave = input('Would you like to save your file? y/n').lower()
if toSave == 'y':
id = uuid.uuid1()
file = open('%s.txt' % (id), 'w')
file.write('Date: %s\n' % ('%d/%m/%Y, %I:%M %p')))
file.write('ID: %s\n' % (id))
for set in data:
key = set[0]
value = set[1]
file.write('%s: %s\n' % (key, value))
file.write('Your %s file\'s size is approximately %s' % (fileType, formatBits(bits)))
# Menu
while True:
print("""Welcome to the File Size Estimator! Please choose a function below:
1) Estimate Text File Size
2) Estimate Picture File Size
3) Estimate Sound File Size
choice = validateInput(int, 'Please make your choice: ', 'Please make sure you select a valid function!')
if choice == 1:
characterCount = validateInput(int, 'How many characters are in your text file? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid integer!')
bitsPerCharacter = validateInput(int, 'How many bits are used to store a character in your text file? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid integer!')
bits = estimateTextFileSize(characterCount, bitsPerCharacter)
print('Your text file\'s size is approximately %s' % (formatBits(bits)))
saveFile([['Character Count', characterCount], ['Bits Per Character', bitsPerCharacter]], 'text', bits)
elif choice == 2:
width = validateInput(float, 'What is the width of your image? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid number!')
height = validateInput(float, 'What is the height of your image? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid number!')
colourDepth = validateInput(int, 'What is the colour depth of your image? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid integer!')
bits = estimatePictureFileSize(width, height, colourDepth)
print('Your image file\'s size is approximately %s' % (formatBits(bits)))
saveFile([['Image Width', width], ['Image Height', height], ['Colour Depth', colourDepth]], 'image', bits)
elif choice == 3:
sampleRate = validateInput(int, 'What is the sample rate of your audio file? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid integer!')
bitDepth = validateInput(int, 'What is the bit depth of your audio file? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid integer!')
duration = validateInput(float, 'What is the duration of your audio file in seconds? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid number!')
channelCount = validateInput(int, 'How many channels does your audio file have? ', 'Please make sure you enter a valid integer!')
bits = estimateSoundFileSize(sampleRate, bitDepth, duration, channelCount)
print('Your audio file\'s size is approximately %s' % (formatBits(bits)))
saveFile([['Sample Rate', sampleRate], ['Bit Depth', bitDepth], ['Duration', duration], ['Channel Count', channelCount]], 'text', bits)
while True:
again = input('Would you like to go again? y/n').lower()
if again != 'y' and again != 'n':
if choice == 'y':