import random import operator import os # Constants ANSWER_COUNT = 4 ops = { '+': operator.add, '-': operator.sub, '*': operator.mul, '/': operator.truediv } score = 0 '''Clears the console.''' def cls(): os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') '''Formats a number.''' def formatNumber(num): if num % 1 == 0: return str(int(num)) else: return '%.2f' % num '''Generates a question to be used''' def generateQuestion(): while True: x = random.randint(0, 11) y = random.randint(1, 11) op = random.choice(list(ops.keys())) if op == '/' and y > x: continue else: answer = ops.get(op)(x, y) return (x, y, op, answer) '''Generates a fake answer based on the real answer.''' def generateFakeAnswer(answer): r = random.randint(-11, 11) return answer + r '''Asks a question.''' def askQuestion(): global score x, y, op, answer = generateQuestion() # Generate a list of potential fake answers answerList = {} answerLocation = random.randint(1, ANSWER_COUNT) for i in range(1, 5): if i == answerLocation: answerList[i] = answer else: while True: generated = generateFakeAnswer(answer) if generated != answer and generated not in answerList: answerList[i] = generated break # Format that list of potential fake answers into a string answers = '' for key in answerList: value = answerList.get(key) answers += '\n%i) %s' % (key, formatNumber(value)) # Ask the question print(""" What is the correct answer to the following expression? %i %s %i %s """ % (x, op, y, answers)) # Recieve input and mark the user based on it while True: try: userAnswer = float(input('Which is the correct answer? ')) if userAnswer == answerLocation: print('You got it right!') score = score + 1 else: print('You got it wrong!') break except ValueError: print('Your input must be a number!') # Ask the user how many questions they would like to be asked while True: try: howMany = int(input('How many questions would you like to answer? ')) cls() for i in range(howMany): askQuestion() cls() print('Your final score is %i/%i!' % (score, howMany)) break except ValueError: print('Your input must be a number!')