import pygame from pathlib import Path from paddle import Paddle from ball import Ball from brick import Brick from border import Border # Colours WHITE = (255,255,255) DARKBLUE = (36,90,190) LIGHTBLUE = (0,176,240) RED = (255,0,0) ORANGE = (255,100,0) YELLOW = (255,255,0) MOVEMENT_UNIT = 5 BRICK_WIDTH = 50 pygame.init() # Prepare the display and set up the clock dimensions = (800, 600) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(dimensions) clock = pygame.time.Clock() font = pygame.font.Font(str(Path(__file__).parent / 'Comfortaa-Bold.ttf'), 20) pygame.display.set_caption('Breakout!') # Game variables playing = True score = 0 lives = 3 # Sprites spriteList = pygame.sprite.Group() paddle = Paddle(100, 10, (350, 560), LIGHTBLUE, dimensions[0]) ball = Ball(10, 10, (150, 150), WHITE) border = Border(dimensions[0], dimensions[1], (0, 0), DARKBLUE) spriteList.add(paddle) spriteList.add(ball) # Bricks bricks = pygame.sprite.Group() for i in range(0, (dimensions[0] // BRICK_WIDTH)): brick = Brick(BRICK_WIDTH, 20, ((2 * i + 1) * BRICK_WIDTH, 100), WHITE) bricks.add(brick) # Main loop while playing: # Handle events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: playing = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: playing = False # Handle keypresses keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: paddle.moveLeft(MOVEMENT_UNIT) if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: paddle.moveRight(MOVEMENT_UNIT) # Game logic spriteList.update() bricks.update() if ball.rect.x >= (dimensions[0] - 10): ball.velocity[0] = -ball.velocity[0] elif ball.rect.x <= 0: ball.velocity[0] = -ball.velocity[0] if ball.rect.y >= (dimensions[1] - 10): ball.velocity[1] = -ball.velocity[1] elif ball.rect.y <= 40: ball.velocity[1] = -ball.velocity[1] if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(ball, border) and ball.rect.y > paddle.rect.y and ball.rect.x < (dimensions[0] - 10) and ball.rect.x > 0: lives -= 1 # todo: reset ball if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(ball, paddle): ball.rect.bottom = ball.bounce() collidedBrick = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(ball, bricks) if collidedBrick: collidedBrick.kill() ball.velocity[1] = -ball.velocity[1] score += 1 # Rendering screen.fill(DARKBLUE) pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, [0, 38], [800, 38], 2) text = font.render("Score: " + str(score), 1, WHITE) screen.blit(text, (20,10)) text = font.render("Lives: " + str(lives), 1, WHITE) screen.blit(text, (650,10)) text = font.render(f'FPS: {clock.get_fps():.0f}' , 1, WHITE) screen.blit(text, (dimensions[0] - text.get_width() - 20, dimensions[1] - text.get_height() - 10)) spriteList.draw(screen) bricks.draw(screen) # Update the screen and cap the FPS at 60 (todo: make refresh rate) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(60)