const inquirer = require('inquirer'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const { root, src, thoughts: thoughtsDir } = require('../constants'); const axios = require('axios'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const chalk = require('chalk'); process.argv.shift(); process.argv.shift(); const readmeContent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(root, '')).toString(); const problems = readmeContent.match(/^- \[.] (?:\[(.*)\]|(.*))/gm).map(res => { const sanitised = res.substring(8).replace('[', '').replace(']', ''); return sanitised.match(/[0-9]* - (.*)/)[1]; }); const questions = []; if (isNaN(process.argv[0])) questions.push({ name: 'problemNumber', message: 'Which problem would you like to solve?', type: 'number', validate: input => { input = parseInt(input); let alreadyGenerated = false; fs.readdirSync(src).forEach(file => { if (file.startsWith(input)) alreadyGenerated = true; }); if (alreadyGenerated) return 'Please choose a problem you have not already completed!'; else return true; } }); inquirer .prompt([ ...questions, { name: 'thoughts', message: 'Should I generate a thoughts document for you?', type: 'confirm', default: false } ]) .then(({ problemNumber, thoughts }) => { if (!problemNumber) problemNumber = parseInt(process.argv[0]); const fileName = `${problemNumber} - ${problems[problemNumber - 1]}`; // Fetch the problem data off of axios .get(`${problemNumber}`) .then(({ data }) => { const $ = cheerio.load(data); const problemContent = $('.problem_content') .text() .trim() .split('\n') .map(r => `// ${r}`) .join('\n'); // Generate the source file fs.writeFileSync( path.join(src, `${fileName}.ts`), `${problemContent} export = {}; // Output console.log();` ); // Generate the thoughts file if (thoughts) fs.writeFileSync( path.join(thoughtsDir, `${fileName}.md`), `
### ${problems[problemNumber - 1]}
` ); // Check it off in the readme const regex = new RegExp(` \\[.\\] ${problemNumber} - .*`); const match = readmeContent.match(regex); let newLine = ` [x] [${match[0] .replace('[ ]', '') .trim()}](src/${encodeURIComponent(fileName)}.ts)`; if (thoughts) newLine += `\n - [Thoughts](thoughts/${encodeURIComponent(fileName)}.md)`; const newContent = readmeContent.replace(regex, newLine); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(root, ''), newContent); // If the problem's ID is greater than 100, add it to the gitignore if (problemNumber > 100) { const gitignorePath = path.join(root, '.gitignore'); const gitignoreContent = fs.readFileSync(gitignorePath).toString(); let newContent = `${gitignoreContent}\nsrc/${fileName}.ts`; if (thoughts) newContent += `\nthoughts/${fileName}.md`; fs.writeFileSync(gitignorePath, newContent); } }) .catch(() => console.error( chalk.bold( 'There was an error generating files for that challenge - please ensure that it exists on Project Euler!' ) ) ) ); });