import statistics import requests import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy import os import pandas pandas.options.display.float_format = '{:.10f}'.format words = input('Please enter a list of words. Separate each word with a comma (:\n') print() startYear = 1800 endYear = 2019 years = range(startYear, endYear + 1) response = requests.get('' % (words, startYear, endYear)) data = json.loads(response.content) frames = [] for x in data: frame = {} frame['word'] = x['ngram'] frame['stdev'] = numpy.std(x['timeseries']) frame['mean'] = numpy.mean(x['timeseries']) frame['median'] = numpy.median(x['timeseries']) frame['mode'] = statistics.mode(x['timeseries']) frame['range'] = max(x['timeseries']) - min(x['timeseries']) frame['q1'] = numpy.percentile(x['timeseries'], 25) frame['q3'] = numpy.percentile(x['timeseries'], 75) frame['iqr'] = frame['q3'] - frame['q1'] frames.append(frame) plt.plot(years, x['timeseries'], label=frame['word']) df = pandas.DataFrame(frames) print(df) # Summary Statistics for frame in frames: print() if frame['stdev'] == max([ f['stdev'] for f in frames ]): print('%s has the highest standard deviation!' % (frame['word'])) elif frame['stdev'] == min([ f['stdev'] for f in frames ]): print('%s has the lowest standard deviation!' % (frame['word'])) # Save CSV dirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) wordList = ', '.join([f['word'] for f in frames]) while True: toSave = input('Would you like to save this data frame in a CSV? (y/n)') if toSave == 'y': df.to_csv('%s/%s.csv' % (dirName, wordList)) break if toSave == 'n': break # Save Graph while True: toSave = input('Would you like to save a graph of the data? (y/n)').lower() if toSave == 'y': plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain') plt.legend() plt.savefig('%s/%s.png' % (dirName, wordList), dpi=100) exit() elif toSave == 'n': exit()