const fs = require('fs'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const { spawnSync } = require('child_process'); const perf = require('execution-time')(); const generateBanner = text => { // Calculate the length of the divider let divider = '--'; for (let j = 0; j < text.length; j++) { divider += '-'; } return `${divider} ${chalk.bold(chalk.greenBright(text))} ${divider}`; }; const run = file => { console.log(generateBanner(file.split('.ts')[0])); // Execute the file perf.start(); spawnSync('npx', ['ts-node', `"src/${file}"`], { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }); const results = perf.stop(); // Print time results console.log(); console.log(chalk.bold(chalk.yellow(`Executed in ${results.words}`))); }; // Get files const tsFiles = fs .readdirSync('src') .filter(f => f.endsWith('.ts')) .filter(f => f !== 'utils.ts'); // Extract the puzzle number const puzzleNumber = process.argv[2]; if (puzzleNumber === 'all' || !puzzleNumber) { tsFiles .sort((a, b) => { a = parseInt(a.split('-')[0]); b = parseInt(b.split('-')[0]); return a > b ? 1 : -1; }) .forEach(file => { run(file); console.log(); }); } else if (!isNaN(puzzleNumber)) { // Find the associated puzzle const [file] = tsFiles.filter(f => f.startsWith(puzzleNumber)); run(file); } else { console.log( chalk.bold('Please ensure that you input the number of the puzzle to run - thank you.') ) ); }