
> My solutions to many of Project Euler's problems. The source code can be found in the [src](src) directory. My thoughts about some puzzles may also be found in the [thoughts](thoughts) directory, showing my thought process or providing some mathematical insight. As per the rules of the challenge, I may only publish the solutions to the first 100 problems here, so I will stop after that but still continue the challenge. ### Checklist - [x] [1 - Multiples of 3 or 5](src/1%20-%20Multiples%20of%203%20or%205.ts) - [x] [2 - Even Fibonacci numbers](src/2%20-%20Even%20Fibonacci%20numbers.ts) - [x] [3 - Largest prime factor](src/3%20-%20Largest%20prime%20factor.ts) - [x] [4 - Largest palindrome product](src/4%20-%20Largest%20palindrome%20product.ts) - [x] [5 - Smallest multiple](src/5%20-%20Smallest%20multiple.ts) - [x] [6 - Sum square difference](src/6%20-%20Sum%20square%20difference.ts) - [x] [7 - 10001st prime](src/7%20-%2010001st%20prime.ts) - [x] [8 - Largest product in a series](src/8%20-%20Largest%20product%20in%20a%20series.ts) - [x] [9 - Special Pythagorean triplet](src/9%20-%20Special%20Pythagorean%20triplet.ts) - [Thoughts](thoughts/ - [x] [10 - Summation of primes](src/10%20-%20Summation%20of%20primes.ts) - [Thoughts](thoughts/ - [x] [11 - Largest product in a grid](src/11%20-%20Largest%20product%20in%20a%20grid.ts) - [x] [12 - Highly divisible triangular number](src/12%20-%20Highly%20divisible%20triangular%20number.ts) - [x] [13 - Large sum](src/13%20-%20Large%20sum.ts) - [x] [14 - Longest Collatz sequence](src/14%20-%20Longest%20Collatz%20sequence.ts) - [x] [15 - Lattice paths](src/15%20-%20Lattice%20paths.ts) - [Thoughts](thoughts/ - [x] [16 - Power digit sum](src/16%20-%20Power%20digit%20sum.ts) - [ ] 17 - Number letter counts - [ ] 18 - Maximum path sum I - [ ] 19 - Counting Sundays - [ ] 20 - Factorial digit sum - [ ] 21 - Amicable numbers - [ ] 22 - Names scores - [ ] 23 - Non-abundant sums - [ ] 24 - Lexicographic permutations - [ ] 25 - 1000-digit Fibonacci number - [ ] 26 - Reciprocal cycles - [ ] 27 - Quadratic primes - [ ] 28 - Number spiral diagonals - [ ] 29 - Distinct powers - [ ] 30 - Digit fifth powers - [ ] 31 - Coin sums - [ ] 32 - Pandigital products - [ ] 33 - Digit cancelling fractions - [ ] 34 - Digit factorials - [ ] 35 - Circular primes - [ ] 36 - Double-base palindromes - [ ] 37 - Truncatable primes - [ ] 38 - Pandigital multiples - [ ] 39 - Integer right triangles - [ ] 40 - Champernowne's constant - [ ] 41 - Pandigital prime - [ ] 42 - Coded triangle numbers - [ ] 43 - Sub-string divisibility - [ ] 44 - Pentagon numbers - [ ] 45 - Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal - [ ] 46 - Goldbach's other conjecture - [ ] 47 - Distinct primes factors - [ ] 48 - Self powers - [ ] 49 - Prime permutations - [ ] 50 - Consecutive prime sum - [ ] 51 - Prime digit replacements - [ ] 52 - Permuted multiples - [ ] 53 - Combinatoric selections - [ ] 54 - Poker hands - [ ] 55 - Lychrel numbers - [ ] 56 - Powerful digit sum - [ ] 57 - Square root convergents - [ ] 58 - Spiral primes - [ ] 59 - XOR decryption - [ ] 60 - Prime pair sets - [ ] 61 - Cyclical figurate numbers - [ ] 62 - Cubic permutations - [ ] 63 - Powerful digit counts - [ ] 64 - Odd period square roots - [ ] 65 - Convergents of e - [ ] 66 - Diophantine equation - [ ] 67 - Maximum path sum II - [ ] 68 - Magic 5-gon ring - [ ] 69 - Totient maximum - [ ] 70 - Totient permutation - [ ] 71 - Ordered fractions - [ ] 72 - Counting fractions - [ ] 73 - Counting fractions in a range - [ ] 74 - Digit factorial chains - [ ] 75 - Singular integer right triangles - [ ] 76 - Counting summations - [ ] 77 - Prime summations - [ ] 78 - Coin partitions - [ ] 79 - Passcode derivation - [ ] 80 - Square root digital expansion - [ ] 81 - Path sum: two ways - [ ] 82 - Path sum: three ways - [ ] 83 - Path sum: four ways - [ ] 84 - Monopoly odds - [ ] 85 - Counting rectangles - [ ] 86 - Cuboid route - [ ] 87 - Prime power triples - [ ] 88 - Product-sum numbers - [ ] 89 - Roman numerals - [ ] 90 - Cube digit pairs - [ ] 91 - Right triangles with integer coordinates - [ ] 92 - Square digit chains - [ ] 93 - Arithmetic expressions - [ ] 94 - Almost equilateral triangles - [ ] 95 - Amicable chains - [ ] 96 - Su Doku - [ ] 97 - Large non-Mersenne prime - [ ] 98 - Anagramic squares - [ ] 99 - Largest exponential - [ ] 100 - Arranged probability