from tkinter import * def addCat(event): global cat cat = cat + 1 updateDisplay() def addDog(event): global dog dog += 1 updateDisplay() def resetCat(event, update = True): global cat cat = 0 if update: updateDisplay() def resetDog(event, update = True): global dog dog = 0 if update: updateDisplay() def reset(event): resetCat(False) resetDog(False) updateDisplay() def updateDisplay(): global cat, dog cats = f'{cat} ' + ('cat' if cat == 1 else 'cats') dogs = f'{dog} ' + ('dog' if dog == 1 else 'dogs') isAre = 'is' if cat == 1 else 'are' outputLabel.configure(text = f'There {isAre} {cats}, and {dogs}.') cat = 0 dog = 0 window = Tk("Cat or Dog") topFrame = Frame(window) topFrame.pack() bottomFrame = Frame(window) bottomFrame.pack(side = BOTTOM, pady = 10) welcome = Label(topFrame, fg="red", font=("Helvetica", 16), text = "Welcome to Cat or Dog Selector") welcome.pack() outputLabel = Label(topFrame, text = "0") outputLabel.pack() catButton = Button(bottomFrame, text='Cat') catButton.bind("<1>", addCat) catButton.bind("<3>", resetCat) catButton.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 10) dogButton = Button(bottomFrame, text='Dog') dogButton.bind("<1>", addDog) dogButton.bind("<3>", resetDog) dogButton.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 20) resetButton = Button(bottomFrame, text='Reset', bg='#000000', fg='#ffffff') resetButton.bind("<1>", reset) resetButton.grid(row = 0, column = 3) updateDisplay() window.mainloop()