def linearSearch(data, value): for i in range(0, len(data)): if data[i] == value: return i return -1 class ConfirmationError(Exception): pass numbers = [] addingStage = True while addingStage: try: number = float(input('Please enter a number to add to the list')) numbers.append(number) while True: try: toContinue = input('Would you like to enter another number? (y/n)') if toContinue == 'y': break if toContinue == 'n': addingStage = False break else: raise ConfirmationError except ConfirmationError: print('Please make sure you enter a valid confirmation value!') except ValueError: print('Please make sure you enter a valid number!') while True: try: toSearch = float(input('Please enter a number to find the index of')) index = linearSearch(numbers, toSearch) print(numbers) if index == -1: print('%.2f is not in the list' % (toSearch)) else: print('%.2f is at index %i in the list' % (toSearch, index)) break except ValueError: print('Please make sure you enter a valid number!')