92 lines
2.5 KiB
92 lines
2.5 KiB
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from math import ceil
K, V = TypeVar('K'), TypeVar('V')
class HashItem(Generic[K, V]):
def __init__(self, key: K, value: V):
self.key = key
self.value = value
class HashTable(Generic[K, V]):
def __init__(self):
self.__size = 256
self.__count = 0
self.__slots: list[HashItem[K, V]] = [None for _ in range(self.__size)]
def __hash(self, key: K):
multiplier = 1
hashValue = 0
for character in key:
hashValue += multiplier * ord(character)
multiplier += 1
return hashValue % self.__size
def __filledSlots(self):
return list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, self.__slots))
def __load(self):
return len(list(self.__filledSlots())) / self.__size
def __grow(self, newSize: int):
self.__slots += [None for _ in range(newSize - self.__size)]
self.__size = newSize
def put(self, key: K, value: V):
item = HashItem(key, value)
hashValue = self.__hash(key)
while self.__slots[hashValue] != None:
if self.__slots[hashValue].key == key:
hashValue += 1
hashValue %= self.__size
if self.__slots[hashValue] == None:
self.__count += 1
# If the hash table is nearing its maximum load, increase the size of the hash table by 10%
if self.__load() >= 0.75:
self.__grow(ceil(self.__size * 1.1))
self.__slots[hashValue] = item
def get(self, key: K):
hashValue = self.__hash(key)
for slot in self.__filledSlots():
if hashValue == self.__hash(slot.key):
return slot.value
return None
def __setitem__(self, key: K, value: V):
self.put(key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key: K):
return self.get(key)
def __str__(self):
template = " {: ^10} | {: ^10}"
out = template.format("Key", "Value")
out += "\n" + ("-" * (len(out) // 2)) + "|" + ("-" * (len(out) // 2)) + "\n"
slots = self.__filledSlots()
for i, slot in enumerate(slots):
out += template.format(slot.key, slot.value)
if i + 1 != len(slots):
out += "\n"
return out
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__slots)
ages = HashTable[str, int]()
ages["John Doe"] = 16