76 lines
2.4 KiB
76 lines
2.4 KiB
MAX = 45
classes = {}
def mean(x):
return sum(x) / len(x)
def median(x):
n = len(x)
i = n // 2
if n % 2:
return sorted(x)[i]
return sum(sorted(x)[i - 1:i + 1]) / 2
# Read the data file
data = open('marks.csv')
lines = data.readlines()
for line in lines:
# Figure out the name of the class
lineNumber = lines.index(line) + 1
className = 'Class ' + str(lineNumber)
# Parse the csv to figure out the marks for each class
marks = line.split(',')
for i in marks:
index = marks.index(i)
marks[index] = int(i) # Ensure all of the marks are formatted as integers
# Ensure that the max amount of marks is not breached
for i in marks:
if i > MAX:
raise Exception('Line/Class {0} contains a mark higher than the max attainable ({1})'.format(str(lineNumber), str(MAX)))
# Initialise the class dictionary, and assign the marks value
classes[className] = {}
classes[className]['marks'] = marks
# Calculate the mean and median for each class
classes[className]['mean'] = mean(marks)
classes[className]['median'] = median(marks)
# Calculate how many students are above and below the median
above = 0
below = 0
for i in marks:
if i > classes[className]['median']:
above += 1
elif i < classes[className]['median']:
below += 1
classes[className]['aboveMedian'] = above
classes[className]['belowMedian'] = below
# Find the class with the highest mean
allMeans = []
for i in classes:
allMeans.append(classes[i]['mean']) # Put all of the means into a list
highestMean = max(allMeans) # Find the highest of those means
for i in classes:
for k, v in classes[i].items():
if k == 'mean' and v == highestMean: # Find the matching key and value
highestMean = i # Set the highestMean to the class name
# Find the median across all classes
allMarks = []
for i in classes:
allMarks += classes[i]['marks'] # Concatenate all marks lists
medianAcross = median(allMarks) # Find the median of that concatenated list
# Output
for i in classes:
c = classes[i]
print('{0}:\n\nMean: {1}\nMedian: {2}\nAbove Median: {3}\nBelow Median: {4}\n-----------'.format(i, str(c['mean']), str(c['median']), str(c['aboveMedian']), str(c['belowMedian'])))
print('\nClass with the highest mean mark: {0}\nMedian mark across all classes: {1}'.format(str(highestMean), str(medianAcross))) |