82 lines
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82 lines
2.6 KiB
from Item import Item
class ShoppingBasket:
# Constructor
def __init__(self):
self.items = {} #A dictionary of all the items in the shopping basket: {item:quantity}
self.checkout = False
# A method to add an item to the shopping basket
def addItem(self,item,quantity=1):
if item.quantity < quantity:
print(f'Invalid operation - there is not enough {item.name} in stock!')
elif quantity > 0:
item.quantity -= quantity
#Check if the item is already in the shopping basket
if item in self.items:
self.items[item] += quantity
self.items[item] = quantity
print("Invalid operation - Quantity must be a positive number!")
# A method to remove an item from the shopping basket (or reduce it's quantity)
def removeItem(self,item,quantity=0):
if self.items[item] < quantity:
print(f'Invalid operation - there is not enough {item.name} in the basket!')
elif quantity<=0:
#Remove the item
self.items.pop(item, None)
item.quantity += quantity
if item in self.items:
if quantity<self.items[item]:
#Reduce the required quantity for this item
self.items[item] -= quantity
#Remove the item
self.items.pop(item, None)
# A method to update the quantity of an item from the shopping basket
def updateItem(self,item,quantity):
if quantity > 0:
quantDifference = self.items[item] if item in self.items else 0
quantDifference -= quantity
item.quantity += quantDifference
self.items[item] = quantity
# A method to view/list the content of the basket.
def view(self):
totalCost = 0
for item in self.items:
quantity = self.items[item]
cost = quantity * item.price
print(" + " + item.name + " - " + str(quantity) + " x £" + '{0:.2f}'.format(item.price) + " = £" + '{0:.2f}'.format(cost))
totalCost += cost
print(" = £" + '{0:.2f}'.format(totalCost))
# A method to calculate the total cost of the basket.
def getTotalCost(self):
totalCost = 0
for item in self.items:
quantity = self.items[item]
cost = quantity * item.price
totalCost += cost
return totalCost
# A method to empty the content of the basket
def reset(self):
for item in self.items:
item.quantity = item.initialQuantity
self.items = {}
# A method to return whether the basket is empty or not:
def isEmpty(self):
return len(self.items)==0