1. Renovate searches in each repository for any `composer.json` files
1. Existing dependencies are extracted from the relevant sections of the JSON
1. Renovate resolves the dependency on Packagist (or elsewhere if configured), and filter for SemVer versions
1. A PR is created with `composer.json` and `composer.lock` updated in the same commit
1. If the source repository has either a "changelog" file or uses GitHub releases, then Release Notes for each version will be embedded in the generated PR
Either install the [Renovate App](https://github.com/apps/renovate) on GitHub, or check out [Renovate OSS](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate) for self-hosted.
If you are using a [privately hosted Composer package](https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/authentication-for-private-packages.md) you can pass the credentials via the [`hostRules`](https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/#hostrules) configuration.
Go to [https://renovatebot.com/encrypt](https://renovatebot.com/encrypt), paste in the secret string you wish to encrypt, click _Encrypt_, then copy the encrypted result.