Generally, the first reaction people have to automated dependency updates like Renovate is "oh great/feel the power of automation".
The next reaction a few days or weeks later is often "this is getting overwhelming".
Indeed, if you leave Renovate on its default settings of raising a PR every single time any dependency receives any update.. you will get a lot of PRs and related notifications.
If you have any ideas on this topic, please contact the author by starting a [new discussion on the Renovate repository](
As an example, our default `":app"` and `":library"` [presets](./ include the rule `"group:monorepos"`, which means that "sibling" packages from known monorepos will always be grouped into the same branch/PR by renovate.
You may wish to take this further, for example you might want to group together all packages related to `eslint`, even if they come from separate repositories/authors.
By setting `matchPackagePatterns` to "eslint", it means that any package with ESLint anywhere in its name will be grouped into a `renovate/eslint` branch and related PR.
For a high level overview of scheduling when Renovate bot runs, read the [key concepts, scheduling]( docs.
For the [Renovate app on GitHub](, it currently runs continuously using a job queue that gets refreshed hourly, or when you make relevant commits to your repository.
Receiving PRs at any hour can increase the feeling of being "overwhelmed" by updates and possibly interrupt your flow during working hours, so many Renovate users also consider reducing Renovate's schedule to be outside their normal working hours, for example weeknights and weekends.
This is achievable by configuring `schedule` in your Renovate config and optionally `timezone` (Renovate's default time zone is UTC, so you may find it easier to write schedules if you override `timezone` to your local one).
Another example of adjusting schedules to fit with your workflow might be if your company performs releases every Monday.
In that case, you might schedule Renovate to run every Tuesday after midnight to pick up new dependency updates that you can test over the following week before the next release.
Any of the above reasons can lead to a Renovate branch being considered "stale" and then Renovate needs to rebase it off the base branch before you can test and merge again, and Renovate won't do this until it's back in schedule.
Remember that Renovate's configuration is highly flexible so you can configure `automerge` anywhere from globally (entire repo) right down to a package/upgrade type level.
You could even configure a nonsensical rule like: "patch updates of `jquery` are for Mondays only".
If you're wondering what is supported and not, under the hood, the schedule is parsed using [@breejs/later]( using the `later.parse.text(scheduleString)` API.
Read the parser documentation at [](
Renovate does not support scheduled minutes or "at an exact time" granularity.
We all know that there are some types of updates that we (nearly) always verify manually before merging, and plenty of others that we don't bother looking at unless tests fail.
Every time you click Merge on a Renovate PR without manually testing it, you should consider if you can enable automerge and save yourself the time in future.
Those of you familiar with GitHub might note that even if you automerge PRs, you are still going to get notifications (noise) anyway - one when the PR is created and another when it is merged.
For this reason we recommend you consider setting `automergeType=branch` which will mean:
Automerging is particularly beneficial if you have configured a schedule, because Renovate on its own may be able to automerge the majority of your updates.
And this is especially so if your repository needs rebasing, e.g. because you use lock files. e.g. let's say you have dependencies `abc` and `xyz` with upgrades, and you use a `yarn.lock` file.
First of all, if you ever have any ideas about how to make Renovate less noisy, please raise or comment on issues in the [main repository](
One of our hopes with preset configs is that a set of "sensible" configs can be maintained by the community that combine grouping, scheduling and automerging to reduce the amount of noise in repositories with little downside or increased risk.
Such lists could be maintained and used somewhat like Adblock lists - kept up to date by maintainers but for the majority of users they are simply trusted/automatic/invisible.