import * as httpMock from '../../../test/http-mock'; import { logger as _logger } from '../../logger'; import { BranchStatus, PrState } from '../../types'; import * as _git from '../../util/git'; import { setBaseUrl } from '../../util/http/bitbucket'; import type { Platform, RepoParams } from '../types'; const baseUrl = ''; const pr = { id: 5, source: { branch: { name: 'branch' } }, destination: { branch: { name: 'master' } }, title: 'title', summary: { raw: 'summary' }, state: 'OPEN', created_on: '2018-07-02T07:02:25.275030+00:00', }; const diff = ` diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 7e08d70..f5283ca 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ docutils==0.12 enum34==1.1.6 futures==3.2.0 isort==4.3.4 -jedi==0.11.1 +jedi==0.12.1 lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1 lxml==3.6.0 mccabe==0.6.1 `; describe('platform/bitbucket/index', () => { let bitbucket: Platform; let hostRules: jest.Mocked; let git: jest.Mocked; let logger: jest.Mocked; beforeEach(async () => { // reset module jest.resetModules(); jest.mock('../../util/git'); jest.mock('../../util/host-rules'); jest.mock('../../logger'); hostRules = require('../../util/host-rules'); bitbucket = await import('.'); logger = (await import('../../logger')).logger as any; git = require('../../util/git'); git.branchExists.mockReturnValue(true); git.isBranchStale.mockResolvedValue(false); // clean up hostRules hostRules.clear(); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ username: 'abc', password: '123', }); setBaseUrl(baseUrl); }); async function initRepoMock( config?: Partial, repoResp?: any, existingScope?: httpMock.Scope ): Promise { const repository = config?.repository || 'some/repo'; const scope = existingScope || httpMock.scope(baseUrl); scope.get(`/2.0/repositories/${repository}`).reply(200, { owner: {}, mainbranch: { name: 'master' }, ...repoResp, }); await bitbucket.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', ...config, }); return scope; } describe('initPlatform()', () => { it('should throw if no username/password', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await expect(bitbucket.initPlatform({})).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should show warning message if custom endpoint', async () => { await bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: 'endpoint', username: 'abc', password: '123', }); expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Init: Bitbucket Cloud endpoint should generally be but is being configured to a different value. Did you mean to use Bitbucket Server?' ); }); it('should init', async () => { httpMock.scope(baseUrl).get('/2.0/user').reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.initPlatform({ username: 'abc', password: '123', }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should warn for missing "profile" scope', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(baseUrl); scope .get('/2.0/user') .reply(403, { error: { detail: { required: ['account'] } } }); await bitbucket.initPlatform({ username: 'renovate', password: 'pass' }); expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Bitbucket: missing 'account' scope for password` ); }); }); describe('getRepos()', () => { it('returns repos', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/2.0/repositories?role=contributor&pagelen=100') .reply(200, { values: [{ full_name: 'foo/bar' }, { full_name: 'some/repo' }], }); const res = await bitbucket.getRepos(); expect(res).toEqual(['foo/bar', 'some/repo']); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('initRepo()', () => { it('works', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo') .reply(200, { owner: {}, mainbranch: { name: 'master' } }); expect( await bitbucket.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getRepoForceRebase()', () => { it('always return false, since bitbucket does not support force rebase', async () => { const actual = await bitbucket.getRepoForceRebase(); expect(actual).toBe(false); }); }); describe('getBranchPr()', () => { it('bitbucket finds PR for branch', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests?state=OPEN&state=MERGED&state=DECLINED&state=SUPERSEDED&pagelen=50' ) .reply(200, { values: [pr] }) .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200, pr) .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/diff') .reply(200, diff); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchPr('branch')).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns null if no PR for branch', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests?state=OPEN&state=MERGED&state=DECLINED&state=SUPERSEDED&pagelen=50' ) .reply(200, { values: [pr] }); const res = await bitbucket.getBranchPr('branch_without_pr'); expect(res).toBeNull(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getBranchStatus()', () => { it('getBranchStatus 3', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/refs/branches/master') .reply(200, { name: 'master', target: { hash: 'master_hash' }, }) .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/commit/master_hash/statuses?pagelen=100' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { key: 'foo', state: 'FAILED', }, ], }); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('master')).toBe(; expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('getBranchStatus 4', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/refs/branches/branch') .reply(200, { name: 'branch', target: { hash: 'branch_hash', parents: [{ hash: 'master_hash' }], }, }) .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/commit/branch_hash/statuses?pagelen=100' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { key: 'foo', state: 'SUCCESSFUL', }, ], }); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('branch')).toBe( ); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('getBranchStatus 5', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/refs/branches/pending/branch') .reply(200, { name: 'pending/branch', target: { hash: 'pending/branch_hash', parents: [{ hash: 'master_hash' }], }, }) .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/commit/pending/branch_hash/statuses?pagelen=100' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { key: 'foo', state: 'INPROGRESS', }, ], }); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('pending/branch')).toBe( BranchStatus.yellow ); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('getBranchStatus 6', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/refs/branches/branch-with-empty-status' ) .reply(200, { name: 'branch-with-empty-status', target: { hash: 'branch-with-empty-status', parents: [{ hash: 'master_hash' }], }, }) .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/commit/branch-with-empty-status/statuses?pagelen=100' ) .reply(200, { values: [], }); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('branch-with-empty-status')).toBe( BranchStatus.yellow ); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getBranchStatusCheck()', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/refs/branches/master') .reply(200, { name: 'master', target: { hash: 'master_hash' }, }) .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/commit/master_hash/statuses?pagelen=100' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { key: 'foo', state: 'FAILED', }, ], }); }); it('getBranchStatusCheck 1', async () => { expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatusCheck('master', null)).toBeNull(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('getBranchStatusCheck 2', async () => { expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatusCheck('master', 'foo')).toBe( ); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('getBranchStatusCheck 3', async () => { expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatusCheck('master', 'bar')).toBeNull(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('setBranchStatus()', () => { it('posts status', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/refs/branches/branch') .twice() .reply(200, { name: 'branch', target: { hash: 'branch_hash', parents: [{ hash: 'master_hash' }], }, }) .post('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/commit/branch_hash/statuses/build') .reply(200) .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/commit/branch_hash/statuses?pagelen=100' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { key: 'foo', state: 'SUCCESSFUL', }, ], }); await bitbucket.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'branch', context: 'context', description: 'description', state:, url: 'targetUrl', }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('findIssue()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock({}, { has_issues: true }); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues?q=title%3D%22title%22%20AND%20(state%20%3D%20%22new%22%20OR%20state%20%3D%20%22open%22)%20AND%20reporter.username%3D%22abc%22' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { id: 25, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, { id: 26, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, ], }); expect(await bitbucket.findIssue('title')).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns null if no issues', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock( { repository: 'some/empty', }, { has_issues: true } ); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/empty/issues?q=title%3D%22title%22%20AND%20(state%20%3D%20%22new%22%20OR%20state%20%3D%20%22open%22)%20AND%20reporter.username%3D%22abc%22' ) .reply(200, { values: [], }); expect(await bitbucket.findIssue('title')).toBeNull(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('ensureIssue()', () => { it('updates existing issues', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock({}, { has_issues: true }); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues?q=title%3D%22title%22%20AND%20(state%20%3D%20%22new%22%20OR%20state%20%3D%20%22open%22)%20AND%20reporter.username%3D%22abc%22' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { id: 25, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, { id: 26, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, ], }) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues/25') .reply(200) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues/26') .reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.ensureIssue({ title: 'title', body: 'body' }) ).toEqual('updated'); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('creates new issue', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock( { repository: 'some/empty' }, { has_issues: true } ); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/empty/issues?q=title%3D%22title%22%20AND%20(state%20%3D%20%22new%22%20OR%20state%20%3D%20%22open%22)%20AND%20reporter.username%3D%22abc%22' ) .reply(200, { values: [] }) .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/empty/issues?q=title%3D%22old-title%22%20AND%20(state%20%3D%20%22new%22%20OR%20state%20%3D%20%22open%22)%20AND%20reporter.username%3D%22abc%22' ) .reply(200, { values: [] }) .post('/2.0/repositories/some/empty/issues') .reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.ensureIssue({ title: 'title', reuseTitle: 'old-title', body: 'body', }) ).toEqual('created'); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('noop for existing issue', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock({}, { has_issues: true }); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues?q=title%3D%22title%22%20AND%20(state%20%3D%20%22new%22%20OR%20state%20%3D%20%22open%22)%20AND%20reporter.username%3D%22abc%22' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { id: 25, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, { id: 26, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, ], }) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues/26') .reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.ensureIssue({ title: 'title', body: '\n content \n', }) ).toBeNull(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('ensureIssueClosing()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { await initRepoMock(); await bitbucket.ensureIssueClosing('title'); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('closes issue', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock({}, { has_issues: true }); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues?q=title%3D%22title%22%20AND%20(state%20%3D%20%22new%22%20OR%20state%20%3D%20%22open%22)%20AND%20reporter.username%3D%22abc%22' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { id: 25, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, { id: 26, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, ], }) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues/25') .reply(200) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues/26') .reply(200); await bitbucket.ensureIssueClosing('title'); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getIssueList()', () => { it('has no issues', async () => { await initRepoMock(); await bitbucket.getIssueList(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('get issues', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock({}, { has_issues: true }); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues') .query({ q: '(state = "new" OR state = "open") AND reporter.username="abc"', }) .reply(200, { values: [ { id: 25, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, { id: 26, title: 'title', content: { raw: 'content' }, }, ], }); const issues = await bitbucket.getIssueList(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(issues).toHaveLength(2); expect(issues).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does not throw', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock({}, { has_issues: true }); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/issues') .query({ q: '(state = "new" OR state = "open") AND reporter.username="abc"', }) .reply(500, {}); const issues = await bitbucket.getIssueList(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(issues).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('addAssignees()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { expect(await bitbucket.addAssignees(3, ['some'])).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('addReviewers', () => { it('should add the given reviewers to the PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200, pr) .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/diff') .reply(200, diff) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200); await bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['someuser', 'someotheruser']); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('ensureComment()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/2.0/repositories/undefined/pullrequests/3/comments?pagelen=100') .reply(500); expect( await bitbucket.ensureComment({ number: 3, topic: 'topic', content: 'content', }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('ensureCommentRemoval()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { httpMock .scope(baseUrl) .get('/2.0/repositories/undefined/pullrequests/3/comments?pagelen=100') .reply(500); expect( await bitbucket.ensureCommentRemoval({ number: 3, topic: 'topic' }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getPrList()', () => { it('exists', () => { expect(bitbucket.getPrList).toBeDefined(); }); it('filters PR list by author', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(baseUrl); scope.get('/2.0/user').reply(200, { uuid: '12345' }); await bitbucket.initPlatform({ username: 'renovate', password: 'pass' }); await initRepoMock(null, null, scope); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests?state=OPEN&state=MERGED&state=DECLINED&state=SUPERSEDED&q=author.uuid="12345"&pagelen=50' ) .reply(200, { values: [ { id: 1, author: { uuid: '12345' }, source: { branch: { name: 'branch-a' } }, destination: { branch: { name: 'branch-b' } }, state: 'OPEN', }, ], }); expect(await bitbucket.getPrList()).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('findPr()', () => { it('exists', () => { expect(bitbucket.findPr).toBeDefined(); }); it('finds pr', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get( '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests?state=OPEN&state=MERGED&state=DECLINED&state=SUPERSEDED&pagelen=50' ) .reply(200, { values: [pr] }); expect( await bitbucket.findPr({ branchName: 'branch', prTitle: 'title', }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('createPr()', () => { it('posts PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/default-reviewers') .reply(200, { values: [{ uuid: '{1234-5678}' }], }) .post('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests') .reply(200, { id: 5 }); const { number } = await bitbucket.createPr({ sourceBranch: 'branch', targetBranch: 'master', prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', platformOptions: { bbUseDefaultReviewers: true, }, }); expect(number).toBe(5); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getPr()', () => { it('exists', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200, pr) .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/diff') .reply(200, diff); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(5)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('canRebase', async () => { expect.assertions(4); const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/3') .reply(200, { id: 3, source: { branch: { name: 'branch' } }, destination: { branch: { name: 'master' } }, title: 'title', summary: { raw: 'summary' }, state: 'OPEN', created_on: '2018-07-02T07:02:25.275030+00:00', }) .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/3/diff') .reply(200, ' ') .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .twice() .reply(200, pr) .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/diff') .twice() .reply(200, diff); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(3)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(5)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(5)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('massageMarkdown()', () => { it('returns diff files', () => { expect( bitbucket.massageMarkdown( '
' ) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('updatePr()', () => { it('puts PR', async () => { const reviewer = { display_name: 'Jane Smith', uuid: '{90b6646d-1724-4a64-9fd9-539515fe94e9}', }; const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200, { reviewers: [reviewer] }) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200); await bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body' }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('removes inactive reviewers when updating pr', async () => { const inactiveReviewer = { display_name: 'Bob Smith', uuid: '{d2238482-2e9f-48b3-8630-de22ccb9e42f}', account_id: '123', }; const activeReviewer = { display_name: 'Jane Smith', uuid: '{90b6646d-1724-4a64-9fd9-539515fe94e9}', account_id: '456', }; const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200, { reviewers: [activeReviewer, inactiveReviewer] }) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(400, { type: 'error', error: { fields: { reviewers: ['Malformed reviewers list'], }, message: 'reviewers: Malformed reviewers list', }, }) .get('/2.0/users/123') .reply(200, { account_status: 'inactive', }) .get('/2.0/users/456') .reply(200, { account_status: 'active', }) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200); await bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body' }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('rethrows exception when PR update error not due to inactive reviewers', async () => { const reviewer = { display_name: 'Jane Smith', uuid: '{90b6646d-1724-4a64-9fd9-539515fe94e9}', }; const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200, { reviewers: [reviewer] }) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(400, { type: 'error', error: { fields: { reviewers: ['Some other unhandled error'], }, message: 'Some other unhandled error', }, }); await expect(() => bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body' }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('throws an error on failure to get current list of reviewers', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(500, undefined); await expect(() => bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body' }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('closes PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200, { values: [pr] }) .put('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5') .reply(200) .post('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/decline') .reply(200); await bitbucket.updatePr({ number:, prTitle: pr.title, state: PrState.Closed, }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('mergePr()', () => { it('posts Merge with optional merge strategy', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock();'/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/merge').reply(200); await bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('posts Merge with auto', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock();'/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/merge').reply(200); await bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, strategy: 'auto', }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('posts Merge with merge-commit', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock();'/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/merge').reply(200); await bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, strategy: 'merge-commit', }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('posts Merge with squash', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock();'/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/merge').reply(200); await bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, strategy: 'squash', }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does not post Merge with rebase', async () => { await bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, strategy: 'rebase', }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toEqual([]); }); it('posts Merge with fast-forward', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock();'/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/merge').reply(200); await bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, strategy: 'fast-forward', }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getVulnerabilityAlerts()', () => { it('returns empty array', async () => { expect(await bitbucket.getVulnerabilityAlerts()).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('getJsonFile()', () => { it('returns file content', async () => { const data = { foo: 'bar' }; const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/src/HEAD/file.json') .reply(200, JSON.stringify(data)); const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json'); expect(res).toEqual(data); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('throws on malformed JSON', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/src/HEAD/file.json') .reply(200, '!@#'); await expect(bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('throws on errors', async () => { const scope = await initRepoMock(); scope .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/src/HEAD/file.json') .replyWithError('some error'); await expect(bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow(); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); });