module.exports = { pruneStaleBranches, }; async function pruneStaleBranches(config) { // TODO: try/catch const { branchList } = config; logger.debug('Removing any stale branches'); logger.trace({ config }, `pruneStaleBranches`); if (!config.branchList) { logger.debug('No branchList'); return; } if (config.platform !== 'github') { // TODO: Implement for GitLab logger.debug('Platform is not GitHub - returning'); return; } let renovateBranches = await platform.getAllRenovateBranches( config.branchPrefix ); logger.debug(`renovateBranches=${renovateBranches}`); const lockFileBranch = `${config.branchPrefix}lock-file-maintenance`; if (renovateBranches.includes(lockFileBranch)) { logger.debug('Checking lock file branch'); const pr = await platform.getBranchPr(lockFileBranch); if (pr && pr.isUnmergeable) {'Deleting lock file maintenance branch as it is unmergeable'); await platform.deleteBranch(lockFileBranch); } renovateBranches = renovateBranches.filter( branch => branch !== lockFileBranch ); } const remainingBranches = renovateBranches.filter( branch => branchList.indexOf(branch) === -1 ); logger.debug(`remainingBranches=${remainingBranches}`); if (remainingBranches.length === 0) { logger.debug('No branches to clean up'); return; } for (const branchName of remainingBranches) { logger.debug({ branch: branchName }, `Deleting orphan branch`); const pr = await platform.findPr(branchName, null, 'open'); if (pr) {{ prNo: pr.number, prTitle: pr.title }, 'Autoclosing PR'); await platform.updatePr(pr.number, `${pr.title} - autoclosed`); } await platform.deleteBranch(branchName); } }