// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`config/index .parseConfigs(env, defaultArgv) resolves all presets: foo/bar 1`] = ` Object { "repository": "foo/bar", "upgradeInRange": false, } `; exports[`config/index .parseConfigs(env, defaultArgv) resolves all presets: globalConfig 1`] = ` Object { "allowedVersions": null, "assignees": Array [], "autodiscover": false, "automerge": false, "automergeType": "pr", "baseBranches": Array [], "bazel": Object {}, "branchName": "{{{branchPrefix}}}{{{managerBranchPrefix}}}{{{branchTopic}}}", "branchPrefix": "renovate/", "branchTopic": "{{{depNameSanitized}}}-{{{newVersionMajor}}}.x", "bumpVersion": null, "circleci": Object {}, "commitBody": null, "commitMessage": "{{commitMessagePrefix}} {{commitMessageAction}} {{commitMessageTopic}} {{commitMessageExtra}} {{commitMessageSuffix}}", "commitMessageAction": "Update", "commitMessageExtra": "to {{#if isMajor}}v{{newVersionMajor}}{{else}}{{#unless isRange}}v{{/unless}}{{newVersion}}{{/if}}", "commitMessagePrefix": null, "commitMessageTopic": "dependency {{depName}}", "copyLocalLibs": false, "depTypeList": Array [], "dependencies": Object {}, "description": Array [ "Do not renovate peerDependencies versions/ranges", "Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of one per hour", "Automerge patch upgrades if they pass tests", ], "devDependencies": Object {}, "digest": Object {}, "docker": Object { "commitMessageTopic": "{{depName}} Docker tag", "digest": Object { "branchTopic": "{{{depNameSanitized}}}-{{{currentTag}}}", "commitMessageExtra": "to {{newDigestShort}}", "commitMessageTopic": "{{depName}}:{{currentTag}} Docker digest", "group": Object { "commitMessageTopic": "{{groupName}}", "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Dockerfiles to the latest image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n- {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}}: \`{{upgrade.newDigest}}\`\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", }, "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}\` to the latest digest (\`{{{newDigest}}}\`). For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", }, "group": Object { "commitMessageTopic": "{{groupName}} Docker tags", "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Dockerfiles to use image digests.\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n- {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}}: \`{{upgrade.newDigest}}\`\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", }, "major": Object { "enabled": false, }, "managerBranchPrefix": "docker-", "pin": Object { "commitMessageExtra": "", "group": Object { "branchTopic": "digests-pin", "commitMessageTopic": "{{groupName}}", "prBody": "This Pull Request pins Dockerfiles to use image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n- {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}}: \`{{upgrade.newDigest}}\`\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", }, "groupName": "Docker digests", "prBody": "This Pull Request pins Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}\` to use a digest (\`{{{newDigest}}}\`).\\nThis digest will then be kept updated via Pull Requests whenever the image is updated on the Docker registry. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", }, "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}\` from tag \`{{{currentTag}}}\` to new tag \`{{{newTag}}}\`. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", }, "docker-compose": Object {}, "enabled": true, "enabledManagers": Array [], "encrypted": null, "endpoint": null, "engines": Object { "packageRules": Array [ Object { "groupName": "Node.js", "lazyGrouping": false, "packageNames": Array [ "node", ], }, ], }, "excludePackageNames": Array [], "excludePackagePatterns": Array [], "exposeEnv": false, "forkMode": false, "gitAuthor": null, "gitPrivateKey": null, "group": Object { "branchTopic": "{{groupSlug}}", "commitMessageTopic": "{{groupName}}", "prBody": "This Pull Request renovates the package group \\"{{{groupName}}}\\".\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n- {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{{upgrade.depName}}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}} (\`{{{depType}}}\`): from \`{{{upgrade.currentVersion}}}\` to \`{{{upgrade.newVersion}}}\`\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n{{#if hasReleaseNotes}}\\n# Release Notes\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n{{#if upgrade.hasReleaseNotes}}\\n
\\n{{upgrade.githubName}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrade.releases as |release|}}\\n{{#if release.releaseNotes}}\\n### [\`v{{{release.version}}}\`]({{{release.releaseNotes.url}}})\\n\\n{{{release.releaseNotes.body}}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n
\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasCommits}}\\n# Commits\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n{{#if upgrade.releases.length}}\\n
\\n{{upgrade.githubName}}\\n{{#each upgrade.releases as |release|}}\\n{{#if release.hasCommits}}\\n\\n#### v{{{release.version}}}\\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\\n- [\`{{commit.shortSha}}\`]({{commit.url}}){{commit.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n
\\n\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if isPin}}\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", }, "groupName": null, "groupSlug": null, "ignoreDeps": Array [], "ignoreNpmrcFile": false, "ignorePaths": Array [ "**/node_modules/**", "**/bower_components/**", ], "ignoreUnstable": true, "labels": Array [], "lazyGrouping": true, "lockFileMaintenance": Object { "branchTopic": "lock-file-maintenance", "commitMessageAction": "Lock file maintenance", "commitMessageExtra": null, "commitMessageTopic": null, "enabled": false, "groupName": null, "prBody": "This Pull Request updates \`package.json\` lock files to use the latest dependency versions.\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", "rebaseStalePrs": true, "recreateClosed": true, "schedule": Array [ "before 5am on monday", ], }, "logLevel": "error", "major": Object {}, "managerBranchPrefix": "", "meteor": Object {}, "minor": Object {}, "mirrorMode": false, "multipleMajorPrs": false, "node": Object { "group": Object { "commitMessageTopic": "Node.js", }, "groupName": "Node.js", "lazyGrouping": false, }, "npm": Object {}, "npmToken": null, "npmrc": null, "nvm": Object {}, "onboarding": true, "onboardingConfig": Object {}, "optionalDependencies": Object {}, "packageFiles": Array [], "packageNames": Array [], "packagePatterns": Array [], "packageRules": Array [], "patch": Object { "automerge": true, "branchTopic": "{{{depNameSanitized}}}-{{{newVersionMajor}}}.{{{newVersionMinor}}}.x", }, "pathRules": Array [], "paths": Array [], "peerDependencies": Object { "enabled": false, }, "pin": Object { "commitMessageAction": "Pin", "group": Object { "commitMessageTopic": "dependencies", }, "groupName": "Pin Dependencies", "rebaseStalePrs": true, "recreateClosed": true, "unpublishSafe": false, }, "pinDigests": true, "pinVersions": false, "platform": "github", "prBody": "This Pull Request {{#if isRollback}}rolls back{{else}}updates{{/if}} dependency {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{{depName}}}]({{{repositoryUrl}}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}} from \`{{#unless isRange}}{{#unless isPin}}v{{/unless}}{{/unless}}{{{currentVersion}}}\` to \`{{#unless isRange}}v{{/unless}}{{{newVersion}}}\`{{#if isRollback}}. This is necessary and important because \`v{{{currentVersion}}}\` cannot be found in the npm registry - probably because of it being unpublished.{{/if}}\\n{{#if hasTypes}}\\n\\nThis PR also includes an upgrade to the corresponding [@types/{{{depName}}}](https://npmjs.com/package/@types/{{{depName}}}) package.\\n{{/if}}\\n{{#if releases.length}}\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if isPin}}\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n{{/if}}\\n{{#if hasReleaseNotes}}\\n\\n
\\nRelease Notes\\n\\n{{#each releases as |release|}}\\n{{#if release.releaseNotes}}\\n### [\`v{{{release.version}}}\`]({{{release.releaseNotes.url}}})\\n\\n{{{release.releaseNotes.body}}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/each}}\\n
\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasCommits}}\\n\\n
\\nCommits\\n\\n{{#each releases as |release|}}\\n{{#if release.hasCommits}}\\n#### v{{{release.version}}}\\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\\n- [\`{{commit.shortSha}}\`]({{commit.url}}) {{commit.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n
\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", "prConcurrentLimit": 0, "prCreation": "immediate", "prFooter": "This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com).", "prHourlyLimit": 10, "prNotPendingHours": 25, "prTitle": null, "privateKey": null, "rebaseStalePrs": null, "recreateClosed": false, "renovateFork": false, "requireConfig": false, "requiredStatusChecks": Array [], "respectLatest": true, "reviewers": Array [], "schedule": Array [], "semanticCommitScope": "deps", "semanticCommitType": "chore", "semanticCommits": null, "separateMajorReleases": true, "separatePatchReleases": true, "statusCheckVerify": false, "supportPolicy": Array [], "timezone": null, "token": null, "travis": Object { "enabled": false, }, "unpublishSafe": false, "unstablePattern": null, "updateLockFiles": true, "updateNotScheduled": true, "upgradeInRange": false, "versionStrategy": "auto", "yarnrc": null, } `; exports[`config/index .parseConfigs(env, defaultArgv) resolves all presets: rennovateapp/github-app-cli 1`] = ` Object { "description": Array [ "Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour", ], "prHourlyLimit": 2, "repository": "rennovateapp/github-app-cli", } `; exports[`config/index .parseConfigs(env, defaultArgv) resolves all presets: renovateapp/renovate 1`] = ` Object { "description": Array [ "Use version pinning (maintain a single version only and not semver ranges)", ], "pinVersions": true, "repository": "renovateapp/renovate", } `; exports[`config/index .parseConfigs(env, defaultArgv) uses configured repositories when autodiscovery is to replacde it & logs warn 1`] = ` Array [ "bar/baz", "renovateapp/renovate", "not/configured", ] `; exports[`config/index mergeChildConfig(parentConfig, childConfig) merges 1`] = ` Object { "branchTopic": "lock-file-maintenance", "commitMessageAction": "Lock file maintenance", "commitMessageExtra": null, "commitMessageTopic": null, "enabled": false, "groupName": null, "prBody": "This Pull Request updates \`package.json\` lock files to use the latest dependency versions.\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}", "rebaseStalePrs": true, "recreateClosed": true, "schedule": Array [ "on monday", ], } `; exports[`config/index mergeChildConfig(parentConfig, childConfig) merges depTypes 1`] = `undefined`;