const { coerce } = require('semver'); const npm = require('../npm'); function padZeroes(input) { const sections = input.split('.'); while (sections.length < 3) { sections.push('0'); } return sections.join('.'); } function composer2npm(input) { if (npm.isVersion(input)) { return input; } if (npm.isVersion(padZeroes(input))) { return padZeroes(input); } let output = input; // ~4 to ^4 and ~4.1 to ^4.1 output = output.replace(/(?:^|\s)~([1-9][0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)(?: |$)/g, '^$1'); // ~0.4 to >=0.4 <1 output = output.replace(/(?:^|\s)~(0\.[1-9][0-9]*)(?: |$)/g, '>=$1 <1'); return output; } const equals = (a, b) => npm.equals(composer2npm(a), composer2npm(b)); const getMajor = version => npm.getMajor(coerce(composer2npm(version))); const getMinor = version => npm.getMinor(coerce(composer2npm(version))); const getPatch = version => npm.getPatch(coerce(composer2npm(version))); const isGreaterThan = (a, b) => npm.isGreaterThan(composer2npm(a), composer2npm(b)); const isLessThanRange = (version, range) => npm.isLessThanRange(composer2npm(version), composer2npm(range)); const isSingleVersion = input => npm.isSingleVersion(composer2npm(input)); const isStable = version => npm.isStable(composer2npm(version)); const isValid = input => npm.isValid(composer2npm(input)); const isVersion = input => npm.isVersion(composer2npm(input)); const matches = (version, range) => npm.matches(composer2npm(version), composer2npm(range)); const maxSatisfyingVersion = (versions, range) => npm.maxSatisfyingVersion(, composer2npm(range)); const minSatisfyingVersion = (versions, range) => npm.minSatisfyingVersion(, composer2npm(range)); function getNewValue(currentValue, rangeStrategy, fromVersion, toVersion) { if (rangeStrategy === 'pin') { return toVersion; } const toMajor = getMajor(toVersion); const toMinor = getMinor(toVersion); let newValue; if (isVersion(currentValue)) { newValue = toVersion; } else if ( npm.isVersion(padZeroes(toVersion)) && npm.isValid(currentValue) && composer2npm(currentValue) === currentValue ) { newValue = npm.getNewValue( currentValue, rangeStrategy, fromVersion, padZeroes(toVersion) ); } else if (currentValue.match(/^~(0\.[1-9][0-9]*)$/)) { // handle ~0.4 case first if (toMajor === 0) { newValue = `~0.${toMinor}`; } else { newValue = `~${toMajor}.0`; } } else if (currentValue.match(/^~([0-9]*)$/)) { // handle ~4 case newValue = `~${toMajor}`; } else if (currentValue.match(/^~([0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)$/)) { // handle ~4.1 case if (fromVersion && toMajor > getMajor(fromVersion)) { newValue = `~${toMajor}.0`; } else { newValue = `~${toMajor}.${toMinor}`; } } if (currentValue.includes(' || ')) { const lastValue = currentValue .split('||') .pop() .trim(); const replacementValue = getNewValue( lastValue, rangeStrategy, fromVersion, toVersion ); if (rangeStrategy === 'replace') { newValue = replacementValue; } else if (rangeStrategy === 'widen') { newValue = currentValue + ' || ' + replacementValue; } } if (!newValue) { logger.warn( { currentValue, rangeStrategy, fromVersion, toVersion }, 'Unsupported composer value' ); newValue = toVersion; } if (currentValue.split('.')[0].includes('v')) { newValue = newValue.replace(/([0-9])/, 'v$1'); } return newValue; } function sortVersions(a, b) { return npm.sortVersions(composer2npm(a), composer2npm(b)); } module.exports = { equals, getMajor, getMinor, getPatch, isCompatible: isVersion, isGreaterThan, isLessThanRange, isSingleVersion, isStable, isValid, isVersion, matches, maxSatisfyingVersion, minSatisfyingVersion, getNewValue, sortVersions, };