import * as httpMock from '../../../test/http-mock'; import { PlatformId } from '../../constants'; import { EXTERNAL_HOST_ERROR } from '../../constants/error-messages'; import { GitlabReleasesDatasource } from '../../modules/datasource/gitlab-releases'; import * as hostRules from '../host-rules'; import { GitlabHttp, setBaseUrl } from './gitlab'; hostRules.add({ hostType: PlatformId.Gitlab, token: '123test', }); const gitlabApiHost = ''; const selfHostedUrl = ''; describe('util/http/gitlab', () => { let gitlabApi: GitlabHttp; beforeEach(() => { gitlabApi = new GitlabHttp(); setBaseUrl(`${gitlabApiHost}/api/v4/`); delete process.env.GITLAB_IGNORE_REPO_URL; hostRules.add({ hostType: PlatformId.Gitlab, token: 'abc123', }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); hostRules.clear(); }); it('paginates', async () => { httpMock .scope(gitlabApiHost) .get('/api/v4/some-url') .reply(200, ['a'], { link: '; rel="next", ; rel="last"', }) .get('/api/v4/some-url&page=2') .reply(200, ['b', 'c'], { link: '; rel="next", ; rel="last"', }) .get('/api/v4/some-url&page=3') .reply(200, ['d']); const res = await gitlabApi.getJson('some-url', { paginate: true }); expect(res.body).toHaveLength(4); }); it('paginates with GITLAB_IGNORE_REPO_URL set', async () => { process.env.GITLAB_IGNORE_REPO_URL = 'true'; setBaseUrl(`${selfHostedUrl}/api/v4/`); httpMock .scope(selfHostedUrl) .get('/api/v4/some-url') .reply(200, ['a'], { link: '; rel="next", ; rel="last"', }) .get('/api/v4/some-url&page=2') .reply(200, ['b', 'c'], { link: '; rel="next", ; rel="last"', }) .get('/api/v4/some-url&page=3') .reply(200, ['d']); const res = await gitlabApi.getJson('some-url', { paginate: true }); expect(res.body).toHaveLength(4); }); it('supports different datasources', async () => { const gitlabApiDatasource = new GitlabHttp(; hostRules.add({ hostType: PlatformId.Gitlab, token: 'abc' }); hostRules.add({ hostType:, token: 'def', }); httpMock .scope(gitlabApiHost, { reqheaders: { authorization: 'Bearer def' } }) .get('/api/v4/some-url') .reply(200); const response = await gitlabApiDatasource.get('/some-url'); expect(response).not.toBeNull(); }); it('attempts to paginate', async () => { httpMock.scope(gitlabApiHost).get('/api/v4/some-url').reply(200, ['a'], { link: '; rel="last"', }); const res = await gitlabApi.getJson('some-url', { paginate: true }); expect(res.body).toHaveLength(1); }); it('posts', async () => { const body = ['a', 'b']; httpMock.scope(gitlabApiHost).post('/api/v4/some-url').reply(200, body); const res = await gitlabApi.postJson('some-url'); expect(res.body).toEqual(body); }); it('sets baseUrl', () => { expect(() => setBaseUrl(`${selfHostedUrl}/api/v4/`)).not.toThrow(); }); describe('fails with', () => { it('403', async () => { httpMock.scope(gitlabApiHost).get('/api/v4/some-url').reply(403); await expect( gitlabApi.get('some-url') ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"Response code 403 (Forbidden)"` ); }); it('404', async () => { httpMock.scope(gitlabApiHost).get('/api/v4/some-url').reply(404); await expect( gitlabApi.get('some-url') ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"Response code 404 (Not Found)"` ); }); it('500', async () => { httpMock.scope(gitlabApiHost).get('/api/v4/some-url').reply(500); await expect(gitlabApi.get('some-url')).rejects.toThrow( EXTERNAL_HOST_ERROR ); }); it('EAI_AGAIN', async () => { httpMock .scope(gitlabApiHost) .get('/api/v4/some-url') .replyWithError({ code: 'EAI_AGAIN' }); await expect(gitlabApi.get('some-url')).rejects.toThrow( EXTERNAL_HOST_ERROR ); }); it('ParseError', async () => { httpMock.scope(gitlabApiHost).get('/api/v4/some-url').reply(200, '{{'); await expect(gitlabApi.getJson('some-url')).rejects.toThrow( EXTERNAL_HOST_ERROR ); }); }); });