import fs from 'fs'; import _got from '../../util/got'; import * as nuget from '.'; import * as _hostRules from '../../util/host-rules'; const hostRules: any = _hostRules; jest.mock('../../util/got'); jest.mock('../../util/host-rules'); const got: any = _got; const pkgListV3 = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV3.json', 'utf8' ); const pkgListV3WithoutProkjectUrl = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV3_withoutProjectUrl.json', 'utf8' ); const pkgListV3NoGitHubProjectUrl = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV3_noGitHubProjectUrl.json', 'utf8' ); const pkgInfoV3FromNuget = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitv3_nuget-org.xml', 'utf8' ); const pkgListV2 = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV2.xml', 'utf8' ); const pkgListV2NoGitHubProjectUrl = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV2_noGitHubProjectUrl.xml', 'utf8' ); const pkgListV2NoRelease = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV2_no_release.xml', 'utf8' ); const pkgListV2WithoutProjectUrl = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV2_withoutProjectUrl.xml', 'utf8' ); const pkgListV2Page1of2 = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV2_paginated_1.xml', 'utf8' ); const pkgListV2Page2of2 = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/nunitV2_paginated_2.xml', 'utf8' ); const nugetIndexV3 = fs.readFileSync( 'lib/datasource/nuget/__fixtures__/indexV3.json', 'utf8' ); const configNoRegistryUrls = { lookupName: 'nunit', }; const configV3V2 = { lookupName: 'nunit', registryUrls: [ '', '', ], }; const configV2 = { lookupName: 'nunit', registryUrls: [''], }; const configV3 = { lookupName: 'nunit', registryUrls: [''], }; const configV3NotNugetOrg = { lookupName: 'nunit', registryUrls: ['https://myprivatefeed/index.json'], }; describe('datasource/nuget', () => { beforeEach(() => global.renovateCache.rmAll()); describe('getPkgReleases', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); hostRules.hosts = jest.fn(() => []); global.repoCache = {}; }); it(`can't detect nuget feed version`, async () => { const config = { lookupName: 'nunit', registryUrls: ['#$'], }; expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...config, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('extracts feed version from registry URL hash', async () => { const config = { lookupName: 'nunit', registryUrls: ['https://my-registry#protocolVersion=3'], }; await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...config, }); expect(got.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual('https://my-registry/'); }); it('queries the default nuget feed if no registries are supplied', async () => { await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configNoRegistryUrls, }); expect(got.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual( '' ); }); it(`can't get packages list (v3)`, async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(nugetIndexV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ statusCode: 500, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3, }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it(`empty packages list (v3)`, async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(nugetIndexV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse('{"totalHits": 0}'), statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3, }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for empty result (v3v2)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({}); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3V2, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for empty result (v2)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({}); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV2, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for empty result (v3)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({}); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for non 200 (v3v2)', async () => { got.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 500, }) ); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3V2, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for non 200 (v3)', async () => { got.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 500, }) ); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for non 200 (v3)', async () => { got.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.reject({ statusCode: 500, }) ); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV2, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for unknown error (v3v2)', async () => { got.mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error(); }); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3V2, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for unknown error in getPkgReleasesFromV3Feed (v3)', async () => { got.mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error(); }); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for unknown error in getQueryUrlForV3Feed (v3)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(nugetIndexV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error(); }); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null for unknown error (v2)', async () => { got.mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error(); }); expect( await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV2, }) ).toBeNull(); }); it('processes real data (v3) feed is a', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(nugetIndexV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(pkgListV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: pkgInfoV3FromNuget, statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3, }); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(res.sourceUrl).toBeDefined(); }); it('processes real data (v3) feed is not a', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(nugetIndexV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(pkgListV3), statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3NotNugetOrg, }); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(res.sourceUrl).toBeDefined(); }); it('processes real data (v3) feed is not a with mismatch', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(nugetIndexV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(pkgListV3), statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3NotNugetOrg, lookupName: 'nun', }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('processes real data without project url (v3)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(nugetIndexV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(pkgListV3WithoutProkjectUrl), statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3NotNugetOrg, }); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(res.sourceUrl).not.toBeDefined(); }); it('processes real data with no github project url (v3)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(nugetIndexV3), statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: JSON.parse(pkgListV3NoGitHubProjectUrl), statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV3NotNugetOrg, }); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('processes real data (v2)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: pkgListV2, statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV2, }); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(res.sourceUrl).toBeDefined(); }); it('processes real data no relase (v2)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: pkgListV2NoRelease, statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV2, }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('processes real data without project url (v2)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: pkgListV2WithoutProjectUrl, statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV2, }); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(res.sourceUrl).not.toBeDefined(); }); it('processes real data with no github project url (v2)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: pkgListV2NoGitHubProjectUrl, statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV2, }); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('handles paginated results (v2)', async () => { got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: pkgListV2Page1of2, statusCode: 200, }); got.mockReturnValueOnce({ body: pkgListV2Page2of2, statusCode: 200, }); const res = await nuget.getPkgReleases({ ...configV2, }); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); });