import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import * as _hostRules from '../../util/host-rules'; import { RepoParams, Platform } from '../common'; import { REPOSITORY_DISABLED } from '../../constants/error-messages'; import { BRANCH_STATUS_FAILED, BRANCH_STATUS_PENDING, BRANCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, } from '../../constants/branch-constants'; describe('platform/azure', () => { let hostRules: jest.Mocked; let azure: Platform; let azureApi: jest.Mocked; let azureHelper: jest.Mocked; let GitStorage; beforeEach(async () => { // reset module jest.resetModules(); jest.mock('./azure-got-wrapper'); jest.mock('./azure-helper'); jest.mock('../git/storage'); jest.mock('../../util/host-rules'); hostRules = require('../../util/host-rules'); require('../../util/sanitize').sanitize = jest.fn(input => input); azure = await import('.'); azureApi = require('./azure-got-wrapper'); azureHelper = require('./azure-helper'); GitStorage = require('../git/storage').Storage; GitStorage.mockImplementation(() => ({ initRepo: jest.fn(), cleanRepo: jest.fn(), getFileList: jest.fn(), branchExists: jest.fn(() => true), isBranchStale: jest.fn(() => false), setBaseBranch: jest.fn(), getBranchLastCommitTime: jest.fn(), getAllRenovateBranches: jest.fn(), getCommitMessages: jest.fn(), getFile: jest.fn(), commitFilesToBranch: jest.fn(), mergeBranch: jest.fn(), deleteBranch: jest.fn(), getRepoStatus: jest.fn(), })); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ token: 'token', }); await azure.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', token: 'token', }); }); afterEach(() => { azure.cleanRepo(); }); // do we need the args? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function getRepos(_token: string, _endpoint: string) { azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getRepositories: jest.fn(() => [ { name: 'repo1', project: { name: 'prj1', }, }, { name: 'repo2', project: { name: 'prj1', }, }, ]), } as any) ); return azure.getRepos(); } describe('initPlatform()', () => { it('should throw if no endpoint', () => { expect.assertions(1); expect(() => azure.initPlatform({})).toThrow(); }); it('should throw if no token', () => { expect.assertions(1); expect(() => azure.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', }) ).toThrow(); }); it('should init', async () => { expect( await azure.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', token: 'token', }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getRepos()', () => { it('should return an array of repos', async () => { const repos = await getRepos( 'sometoken', '' ); expect(azureApi.gitApi.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(repos).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); function initRepo(args?: Partial | string) { azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getRepositories: jest.fn(() => [ { name: 'some-repo', id: '1', privateRepo: true, isFork: false, defaultBranch: 'defBr', project: { name: 'some-repo', }, }, { name: 'repo2', project: { name: 'prj2', }, }, ]), } as any) ); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getBranch: jest.fn(() => ({ commit: { commitId: '1234' } })), } as any) ); azureHelper.getProjectAndRepo.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ project: 'some-repo', repo: 'some-repo', })); if (is.string(args)) { return azure.initRepo({ repository: args, } as any); } return azure.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', ...args, } as any); } describe('getRepoStatus()', () => { it('exists', async () => { await initRepo(); expect(await azure.getRepoStatus()).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('cleanRepo()', () => { it('exists', async () => { await azure.cleanRepo(); }); }); describe('initRepo', () => { it(`should initialise the config for a repo`, async () => { const config = await initRepo({ repository: 'some-repo', }); expect(azureApi.gitApi.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(config).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('throws disabled', async () => { expect.assertions(1); azureHelper.getFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('{ "enabled": false }'); await expect( initRepo({ repository: 'some-repo', optimizeForDisabled: true }) ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_DISABLED); }); }); describe('getRepoForceRebase', () => { it('should return false', async () => { expect(await azure.getRepoForceRebase()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('findPr(branchName, prTitle, state)', () => { it('returns pr if found it open', async () => { azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue([]) .mockReturnValueOnce([ { pullRequestId: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', state: 'open', }, ]), getPullRequestCommits: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), } as any) ); azureHelper.getNewBranchName.mockImplementationOnce( () => 'refs/heads/branch-a' ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ number: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', state: 'open', } as any) ); const res = await azure.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a', prTitle: 'branch a pr', state: 'open', }); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns pr if found not open', async () => { azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue([]) .mockReturnValueOnce([ { pullRequestId: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', state: 'closed', }, ]), getPullRequestCommits: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), } as any) ); azureHelper.getNewBranchName.mockImplementationOnce( () => 'refs/heads/branch-a' ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ number: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', state: 'closed', } as any) ); const res = await azure.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a', prTitle: 'branch a pr', state: '!open', }); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns pr if found it close', async () => { azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue([]) .mockReturnValueOnce([ { pullRequestId: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', state: 'closed', }, ]), getPullRequestCommits: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), } as any) ); azureHelper.getNewBranchName.mockImplementationOnce( () => 'refs/heads/branch-a' ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ number: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', state: 'closed', } as any) ); const res = await azure.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a', prTitle: 'branch a pr', state: 'closed', }); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns pr if found it all state', async () => { azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue([]) .mockReturnValueOnce([ { pullRequestId: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', state: 'closed', }, ]), getPullRequestCommits: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), } as any) ); azureHelper.getNewBranchName.mockImplementationOnce( () => 'refs/heads/branch-a' ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ number: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', state: 'closed', } as any) ); const res = await azure.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a', prTitle: 'branch a pr', }); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getPrList()', () => { it('returns empty array', async () => { azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest.fn(() => []), } as any) ); expect(await azure.getPrList()).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('getBranchPr(branchName)', () => { it('should return null if no PR exists', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ findPr: jest.fn(() => false), getPr: jest.fn(() => { 'myPRName'; }), } as any) ); const pr = await azure.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it('should return the pr', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue([]) .mockReturnValueOnce([ { pullRequestId: 1, sourceRefName: 'refs/heads/branch-a', title: 'branch a pr', status: 2, }, ]), getPullRequestCommits: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), } as any) ); azureHelper.getNewBranchName.mockImplementation( () => 'refs/heads/branch-a' ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementation( () => ({ pullRequestId: 1, number: 1, head: { ref: 'branch-a' }, title: 'branch a pr', isClosed: false, } as any) ); const pr = await azure.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getBranchStatus(branchName, requiredStatusChecks)', () => { it('return success if requiredStatusChecks null', async () => { await initRepo('some-repo'); const res = await azure.getBranchStatus('somebranch', null); expect(res).toEqual(BRANCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); }); it('return failed if unsupported requiredStatusChecks', async () => { await initRepo('some-repo'); const res = await azure.getBranchStatus('somebranch', ['foo']); expect(res).toEqual(BRANCH_STATUS_FAILED); }); it('should pass through success', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getBranch: jest.fn(() => ({ aheadCount: 0 })), } as any) ); const res = await azure.getBranchStatus('somebranch', []); expect(res).toEqual(BRANCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); }); it('should pass through failed', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getBranch: jest.fn(() => ({ aheadCount: 123 })), } as any) ); const res = await azure.getBranchStatus('somebranch', []); expect(res).toEqual(BRANCH_STATUS_PENDING); }); }); describe('getPr(prNo)', () => { it('should return null if no prNo is passed', async () => { const pr = await azure.getPr(0); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it('should return null if no PR is returned from azure', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest.fn(() => []), } as any) ); const pr = await azure.getPr(1234); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it('should return a pr in the right format', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue([]) .mockReturnValueOnce([ { pullRequestId: 1234, }, ]), getPullRequestLabels: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue([{ active: true, name: 'renovate' }]), getPullRequestCommits: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([ { author: { name: 'renovate', }, }, ]), } as any) ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementation( () => ({ pullRequestId: 1234, } as any) ); const pr = await azure.getPr(1234); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should return a pr thats been modified', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation( () => ({ getPullRequests: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue([]) .mockReturnValueOnce([ { pullRequestId: 1234, }, ]), getPullRequestLabels: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), getPullRequestCommits: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([ { author: { name: 'renovate', }, }, { author: { name: 'end user', }, }, ]), } as any) ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementation( () => ({ pullRequestId: 1234, isModified: false, } as any) ); const pr = await azure.getPr(1234); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('createPr()', () => { it('should create and return a PR object', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ createPullRequest: jest.fn(() => ({ pullRequestId: 456, displayNumber: `Pull Request #456`, })), createPullRequestLabel: jest.fn(() => ({})), } as any) ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementation( () => ({ displayNumber: 'Pull Request #456', number: 456, pullRequestId: 456, } as any) ); const pr = await azure.createPr({ branchName: 'some-branch', prTitle: 'The Title', prBody: 'Hello world', labels: ['deps', 'renovate'], }); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should create and return a PR object from base branch', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ createPullRequest: jest.fn(() => ({ pullRequestId: 456, displayNumber: `Pull Request #456`, })), createPullRequestLabel: jest.fn(() => ({})), } as any) ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementation( () => ({ displayNumber: 'Pull Request #456', number: 456, pullRequestId: 456, } as any) ); const pr = await azure.createPr({ branchName: 'some-branch', prTitle: 'The Title', prBody: 'Hello world', labels: ['deps', 'renovate'], useDefaultBranch: true, }); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should create and return a PR object with auto-complete set', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); const prResult = { pullRequestId: 456, displayNumber: `Pull Request #456`, createdBy: { id: 123, }, }; const prUpdateResult = { ...prResult, autoCompleteSetBy: { id:, }, completionOptions: { squashMerge: true, deleteSourceBranch: true, }, }; const updateFn = jest .fn(() => prUpdateResult) .mockName('updatePullRequest'); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ createPullRequest: jest.fn(() => prResult), createPullRequestLabel: jest.fn(() => ({})), updatePullRequest: updateFn, } as any) ); azureHelper.getRenovatePRFormat.mockImplementation(x => x as any); const pr = await azure.createPr({ branchName: 'some-branch', prTitle: 'The Title', prBody: 'Hello world', labels: ['deps', 'renovate'], useDefaultBranch: false, platformOptions: { azureAutoComplete: true }, }); expect(updateFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('updatePr(prNo, title, body)', () => { it('should update the PR', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); const updatePullRequest = jest.fn(); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ updatePullRequest, } as any) ); await azure.updatePr(1234, 'The New Title', 'Hello world again'); expect(updatePullRequest.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should update the PR without description', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); const updatePullRequest = jest.fn(); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ updatePullRequest, } as any) ); await azure.updatePr(1234, 'The New Title - autoclose'); expect(updatePullRequest.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('ensureComment', () => { it('adds comment if missing', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); const gitApiMock = { createThread: jest.fn(() => [{ id: 123 }]), getThreads: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([ { comments: [{ content: 'end-user comment', id: 1 }], id: 2, }, ]), updateComment: jest.fn(() => ({ id: 123 })), }; azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation(() => gitApiMock as any); await azure.ensureComment({ number: 42, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'some\ncontent', }); expect(gitApiMock.createThread.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(gitApiMock.updateComment.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('updates comment if missing', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); const gitApiMock = { createThread: jest.fn(() => [{ id: 123 }]), getThreads: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([ { comments: [{ content: 'end-user comment', id: 1 }], id: 3, }, { comments: [{ content: '### some-subject\n\nsome\ncontent', id: 2 }], id: 4, }, ]), updateComment: jest.fn(() => ({ id: 123 })), }; azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation(() => gitApiMock as any); await azure.ensureComment({ number: 42, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'some\nnew\ncontent', }); expect(gitApiMock.createThread.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(gitApiMock.updateComment.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does nothing if comment exists and is the same', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); const gitApiMock = { createThread: jest.fn(() => [{ id: 123 }]), getThreads: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([ { comments: [{ content: 'end-user comment', id: 1 }], id: 3, }, { comments: [{ content: '### some-subject\n\nsome\ncontent', id: 2 }], id: 4, }, ]), updateComment: jest.fn(() => ({ id: 123 })), }; azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation(() => gitApiMock as any); await azure.ensureComment({ number: 42, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'some\ncontent', }); expect(gitApiMock.createThread.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(gitApiMock.updateComment.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does nothing if comment exists and is the same when there is no topic', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); const gitApiMock = { createThread: jest.fn(() => [{ id: 123 }]), getThreads: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([ { comments: [{ content: 'some\ncontent', id: 2 }], id: 4, }, ]), updateComment: jest.fn(() => ({ id: 123 })), }; azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation(() => gitApiMock as any); await azure.ensureComment({ number: 42, topic: null, content: 'some\ncontent', }); expect(gitApiMock.createThread.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(gitApiMock.updateComment.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('ensureCommentRemoval', () => { it('deletes comment if found', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation( () => ({ getThreads: jest.fn(() => [ { comments: [{ content: '### some-subject\n\nblabla' }], id: 123, }, ]), updateThread: jest.fn(), } as any) ); await azure.ensureCommentRemoval(42, 'some-subject'); expect(azureApi.gitApi).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); it('nothing should happen, no number', async () => { await azure.ensureCommentRemoval(0, 'test'); expect(azureApi.gitApi).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); it('comment not found', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation( () => ({ getThreads: jest.fn(() => [ { comments: [{ content: 'stupid comment' }], id: 123 }, ]), updateThread: jest.fn(), } as any) ); await azure.ensureCommentRemoval(42, 'some-subject'); expect(azureApi.gitApi).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); }); describe('Assignees', () => { it('addAssignees', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation( () => ({ createThread: jest.fn(() => [{ id: 123 }]), getThreads: jest.fn(() => []), } as any) ); await azure.addAssignees(123, ['']); expect(azureApi.gitApi).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); }); describe('Reviewers', () => { it('addReviewers', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementation( () => ({ getRepositories: jest.fn(() => [{ id: '1', project: { id: 2 } }]), createPullRequestReviewer: jest.fn(), } as any) ); azureApi.coreApi.mockImplementation( () => ({ getTeams: jest.fn(() => [ { id: 3, name: 'abc' }, { id: 4, name: 'def' }, ]), getTeamMembersWithExtendedProperties: jest.fn(() => [ { identity: { displayName: 'jyc', uniqueName: 'jyc', id: 123 } }, ]), } as any) ); await azure.addReviewers(123, ['', 'jyc', 'def']); expect(azureApi.gitApi).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); }); describe('getPrBody(input)', () => { it('returns updated pr body', () => { const input = ' plus also [a link]('; expect(azure.getPrBody(input)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('Not supported by Azure DevOps (yet!)', () => { it('setBranchStatus', async () => { const res = await azure.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'test', context: 'test', description: 'test', state: 'test', url: 'test', }); expect(res).toBeUndefined(); }); it('mergePr', async () => { const res = await azure.mergePr(0, undefined); expect(res).toBe(false); }); // to become async? it('getPrFiles', async () => { const res = await azure.getPrFiles(46); expect(res).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('getVulnerabilityAlerts()', () => { it('returns empty', async () => { const res = await azure.getVulnerabilityAlerts(); expect(res).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('deleteLabel()', () => { it('Should delete a label', async () => { await initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); azureApi.gitApi.mockImplementationOnce( () => ({ deletePullRequestLabels: jest.fn(), } as any) ); await azure.deleteLabel(1234, 'rebase'); expect(azureApi.gitApi.mock.calls).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); });