import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import * as httpMock from '../../../../test/http-mock'; import { logger, mocked, partial } from '../../../../test/util'; import { GlobalConfig } from '../../../config/global'; import { REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND, REPOSITORY_RENAMED, } from '../../../constants/error-messages'; import { BranchStatus, PrState, VulnerabilityAlert } from '../../../types'; import * as repository from '../../../util/cache/repository'; import * as _git from '../../../util/git'; import * as _hostRules from '../../../util/host-rules'; import { setBaseUrl } from '../../../util/http/github'; import { toBase64 } from '../../../util/string'; import { hashBody } from '../pr-body'; import type { CreatePRConfig, RepoParams, UpdatePrConfig } from '../types'; import type { ApiPageCache, GhRestPr } from './types'; import * as github from '.'; const githubApiHost = ''; jest.mock('delay'); jest.mock('../../../util/host-rules'); const hostRules: jest.Mocked = mocked(_hostRules); jest.mock('../../../util/git'); const git: jest.Mocked = mocked(_git); describe('modules/platform/github/index', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); github.resetConfigs(); setBaseUrl(githubApiHost); git.branchExists.mockReturnValue(true); git.isBranchStale.mockResolvedValue(true); git.getBranchCommit.mockReturnValue( '0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e' ); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ token: '123test', }); const repoCache = repository.getCache(); delete repoCache.platform; }); describe('initPlatform()', () => { it('should throw if no token', async () => { await expect(github.initPlatform({} as any)).rejects.toThrow( 'Init: You must configure a GitHub personal access token' ); }); it('should throw if user failure', async () => { httpMock.scope(githubApiHost).get('/user').reply(404); await expect( github.initPlatform({ token: '123test' } as any) ).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should support default endpoint no email access', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/user') .reply(200, { login: 'renovate-bot', }) .get('/user/emails') .reply(400); expect( await github.initPlatform({ token: '123test' } as any) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should support default endpoint no email result', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/user') .reply(200, { login: 'renovate-bot', }) .get('/user/emails') .reply(200, [{}]); expect( await github.initPlatform({ token: '123test' } as any) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should support gitAuthor and username', async () => { expect( await github.initPlatform({ token: '123test', username: 'renovate-bot', gitAuthor: '', } as any) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should support default endpoint with email', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/user') .reply(200, { login: 'renovate-bot', }) .get('/user/emails') .reply(200, [ { email: '', }, ]); expect( await github.initPlatform({ token: '123test' } as any) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should support custom endpoint', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .head('/') .reply(200, '', { 'x-github-enterprise-version': '3.0.15' }) .get('/user') .reply(200, { login: 'renovate-bot', }) .get('/user/emails') .reply(200, [ { email: '', }, ]); expect( await github.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', token: '123test', }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should support custom endpoint without version', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .head('/') .reply(200) .get('/user') .reply(200, { login: 'renovate-bot', }) .get('/user/emails') .reply(200, [ { email: '', }, ]); expect( await github.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', token: '123test', }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getRepos', () => { it('should return an array of repos', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/user/repos?per_page=100') .reply(200, [ { full_name: 'a/b', }, { full_name: 'c/d', }, null, ]); const repos = await github.getRepos(); expect(repos).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should return an array of repos when using Github App endpoint', async () => { //Use Github App token await github.initPlatform({ endpoint: githubApiHost, username: 'renovate-bot', gitAuthor: 'Renovate Bot', token: 'x-access-token:123test', }); httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/installation/repositories?per_page=100') .reply(200, { repositories: [ { full_name: 'a/b', }, { full_name: 'c/d', }, null, ], }); const repos = await github.getRepos(); expect(repos).toStrictEqual(['a/b', 'c/d']); }); }); function initRepoMock( scope: httpMock.Scope, repository: string, other: any = {} ): void {`/graphql`).reply(200, { data: { repository: { isFork: false, isArchived: false, nameWithOwner: repository, autoMergeAllowed: true, hasIssuesEnabled: true, mergeCommitAllowed: true, rebaseMergeAllowed: true, squashMergeAllowed: true, defaultBranchRef: { name: 'master', target: { oid: '1234', }, }, ...other, }, }, }); } function forkInitRepoMock( scope: httpMock.Scope, repository: string, forkExisted: boolean, forkDefaulBranch = 'master' ): void { scope // repo info .post(`/graphql`) .reply(200, { data: { repository: { isFork: false, isArchived: false, nameWithOwner: repository, hasIssuesEnabled: true, mergeCommitAllowed: true, rebaseMergeAllowed: true, squashMergeAllowed: true, defaultBranchRef: { name: 'master', target: { oid: '1234', }, }, }, }, }) // getRepos .get('/user/repos?per_page=100') .reply( 200, forkExisted ? [{ full_name: 'forked/repo', default_branch: forkDefaulBranch }] : [] ) // getBranchCommit .post(`/repos/${repository}/forks`) .reply(200, { full_name: 'forked/repo', default_branch: forkDefaulBranch, }); } describe('initRepo', () => { it('should rebase', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); const config = await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); expect(config).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should fork when forkMode', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); forkInitRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo', false); const config = await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', forkMode: true, } as any); expect(config).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should update fork when forkMode', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); forkInitRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo', true); scope.patch('/repos/forked/repo/git/refs/heads/master').reply(200); const config = await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', forkMode: true, } as any); expect(config).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('detects fork default branch mismatch', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); forkInitRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo', true, 'not_master');'/repos/forked/repo/git/refs').reply(200); scope.patch('/repos/forked/repo').reply(200); scope.patch('/repos/forked/repo/git/refs/heads/master').reply(200); const config = await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', forkMode: true, } as any); expect(config).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should squash', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post(`/graphql`) .reply(200, { data: { repository: { isFork: false, isArchived: false, nameWithOwner: 'some/repo', hasIssuesEnabled: true, mergeCommitAllowed: true, rebaseMergeAllowed: false, squashMergeAllowed: true, defaultBranchRef: { name: 'master', target: { oid: '1234', }, }, }, }, }); const config = await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); expect(config).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should merge', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post(`/graphql`) .reply(200, { data: { repository: { isFork: false, isArchived: false, nameWithOwner: 'some/repo', hasIssuesEnabled: true, mergeCommitAllowed: true, rebaseMergeAllowed: false, squashMergeAllowed: false, defaultBranchRef: { name: 'master', target: { oid: '1234', }, }, }, }, }); const config = await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); expect(config).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should not guess at merge', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post(`/graphql`) .reply(200, { data: { repository: { defaultBranchRef: { name: 'master', target: { oid: '1234', }, }, }, }, }); const config = await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); expect(config).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should throw error if archived', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post(`/graphql`) .reply(200, { data: { repository: { isArchived: true, nameWithOwner: 'some/repo', hasIssuesEnabled: true, defaultBranchRef: { name: 'master', target: { oid: '1234', }, }, }, }, }); await expect( github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any) ).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('throws not-found', async () => { httpMock.scope(githubApiHost).post(`/graphql`).reply(404); await expect( github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any) ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); }); it('should throw error if renamed', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post(`/graphql`) .reply(200, { data: { repository: { nameWithOwner: 'some/other', hasIssuesEnabled: true, defaultBranchRef: { name: 'master', target: { oid: '1234', }, }, }, }, }); await expect( github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any) ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_RENAMED); }); it('should not be case sensitive', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post(`/graphql`) .reply(200, { data: { repository: { nameWithOwner: 'Some/repo', hasIssuesEnabled: true, defaultBranchRef: { name: 'master', target: { oid: '1234', }, }, }, }, }); const result = await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/Repo', } as any); expect(result.defaultBranch).toBe('master'); expect(result.isFork).toBeFalse(); }); }); describe('getRepoForceRebase', () => { it('should detect repoForceRebase', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/repos/undefined/branches/undefined/protection') .reply(200, { required_pull_request_reviews: { dismiss_stale_reviews: false, require_code_owner_reviews: false, }, required_status_checks: { strict: true, contexts: [], }, restrictions: { users: [ { login: 'rarkins', id: 6311784, type: 'User', site_admin: false, }, ], teams: [], }, }); const res = await github.getRepoForceRebase(); expect(res).toBeTrue(); }); it('should handle 404', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/repos/undefined/branches/undefined/protection') .reply(404); const res = await github.getRepoForceRebase(); expect(res).toBeFalse(); }); it('should handle 403', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/repos/undefined/branches/undefined/protection') .reply(403); const res = await github.getRepoForceRebase(); expect(res).toBeFalse(); }); it('should throw 401', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get('/repos/undefined/branches/undefined/protection') .reply(401); await expect( github.getRepoForceRebase() ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getPrList()', () => { const t = DateTime.fromISO('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00'); const t1 ={ minutes: 1 }).toISO(); const t2 ={ minutes: 2 }).toISO(); const t3 ={ minutes: 3 }).toISO(); const t4 ={ minutes: 4 }).toISO(); const pr1: GhRestPr = { number: 1, head: { ref: 'branch-1', sha: '111', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, base: { repo: { pushed_at: '' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'PR #1', created_at: t1, updated_at: t1, mergeable_state: 'clean', node_id: '12345', }; const pr2: GhRestPr = { ...pr1, number: 2, head: { ref: 'branch-2', sha: '222', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'PR #2', updated_at: t2, }; const pr3: GhRestPr = { ...pr1, number: 3, head: { ref: 'branch-3', sha: '333', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'PR #3', updated_at: t3, }; const pagePath = (x: number, perPage = 100) => `/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=${perPage}&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=${x}`; const pageLink = (x: number) => `<${githubApiHost}${pagePath(x)}>; rel="next"`; it('fetches single page', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope.get(pagePath(1)).reply(200, [pr1]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); const res = await github.getPrList(); expect(res).toMatchObject([{ number: 1, title: 'PR #1' }]); }); it('fetches multiple pages', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get(pagePath(1)) .reply(200, [pr3], { link: `${pageLink(2)}, ${pageLink(3).replace('next', 'last')}`, }) .get(pagePath(2)) .reply(200, [pr2], { link: pageLink(3) }) .get(pagePath(3)) .reply(200, [pr1]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); const res = await github.getPrList(); expect(res).toMatchObject([{ number: 1 }, { number: 2 }, { number: 3 }]); }); it('synchronizes cache', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get(pagePath(1)) .reply(200, [pr3], { link: `${pageLink(2)}, ${pageLink(3).replace('next', 'last')}`, }) .get(pagePath(2)) .reply(200, [pr2]) .get(pagePath(3)) .reply(200, [pr1]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); const res1 = await github.getPrList(); scope .get(pagePath(1, 20)) .reply(200, [{ ...pr3, updated_at: t4, title: 'PR #3 (updated)' }], { link: `${pageLink(2)}`, }) .get(pagePath(2, 20)) .reply(200, [{ ...pr2, updated_at: t4, title: 'PR #2 (updated)' }], { link: `${pageLink(3)}`, }) .get(pagePath(3, 20)) .reply(200, [{ ...pr1, updated_at: t4, title: 'PR #1 (updated)' }]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); const res2 = await github.getPrList(); expect(res1).toMatchObject([ { number: 1, title: 'PR #1' }, { number: 2, title: 'PR #2' }, { number: 3, title: 'PR #3' }, ]); expect(res2).toMatchObject([ { number: 1, title: 'PR #1 (updated)' }, { number: 2, title: 'PR #2 (updated)' }, { number: 3, title: 'PR #3 (updated)' }, ]); }); describe('Url cleanup', () => { type GhRestPrWithUrls = GhRestPr & { url: string; example_url: string; repo: { example_url: string; }; }; type PrCache = ApiPageCache; const prWithUrls = (): GhRestPrWithUrls => ({ ...pr1, url: '', example_url: '', _links: { foo: { href: '' } }, repo: { example_url: '' }, }); it('removes url data from response', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope.get(pagePath(1)).reply(200, [prWithUrls()]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); await github.getPrList(); const repoCache = repository.getCache(); const prCache = repoCache.platform?.github?.prCache as PrCache; expect(prCache).toMatchObject({ items: {} }); const item = prCache.items[1]; expect(item).toBeDefined(); expect(item._links).toBeUndefined(); expect(item.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(item.example_url).toBeUndefined(); expect(item.repo.example_url).toBeUndefined(); }); it('removes url data from existing cache', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope.get(pagePath(1, 20)).reply(200, []); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); const repoCache = repository.getCache(); const prCache: PrCache = { items: { 1: prWithUrls() } }; repoCache.platform = { github: { prCache } }; await github.getPrList(); const item = prCache.items[1]; expect(item._links).toBeUndefined(); expect(item.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(item.example_url).toBeUndefined(); expect(item.repo.example_url).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('Body compaction', () => { type PrCache = ApiPageCache; const prWithBody = (body: string): GhRestPr => ({ ...pr1, body, }); it('compacts body from response', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope.get(pagePath(1)).reply(200, [prWithBody('foo')]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); await github.getPrList(); const repoCache = repository.getCache(); const prCache = repoCache.platform?.github?.prCache as PrCache; expect(prCache).toMatchObject({ items: {} }); const item = prCache.items[1]; expect(item).toBeDefined(); expect(item.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(item.bodyStruct).toEqual({ hash: hashBody('foo') }); }); it('removes url data from existing cache', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope.get(pagePath(1)).reply(200, [prWithBody('foo')]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); const repoCache = repository.getCache(); const prCache: PrCache = { items: { 1: prWithBody('bar'), 2: prWithBody('baz') }, }; repoCache.platform = { github: { prCache } }; await github.getPrList(); expect(prCache.items[2]).toBeUndefined(); const item = prCache.items[1]; expect(item).toBeDefined(); expect(item.body).toBeUndefined(); expect(item.bodyStruct).toEqual({ hash: hashBody('foo') }); }); }); }); describe('getBranchPr(branchName)', () => { beforeEach(() => { GlobalConfig.reset(); }); it('should return null if no PR exists', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, []); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const pr = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it('should cache and return the PR object', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 90, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'other/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'PR from another repo', }, { number: 91, base: { sha: '1234' }, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'Some title', }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const pr = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); const pr2 = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(pr2).toEqual(pr); }); it('should reopen and cache autoclosed PR', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 90, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'other/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, }, { number: 91, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, title: 'old title - autoclosed', state: PrState.Closed, closed_at:{ days: 6 }).toISO(), }, ]) .post('/repos/some/repo/git/refs') .reply(201) .patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/91') .reply(200, { number: 91, base: { sha: '1234' }, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'old title', }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const pr = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); const pr2 = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot({ number: 91 }); expect(pr2).toEqual(pr); }); it('dryrun - skip autoclosed PR reopening', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); GlobalConfig.set({ dryRun: 'full' }); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 1, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, title: 'old title - autoclosed', state: PrState.Closed, closed_at:{ days: 6 }).toISO(), }, ]); await github.initRepo(partial({ repository: 'some/repo' })); await expect(github.getBranchPr('somebranch')).resolves.toBeNull(); expect( 'DRY-RUN: Would try to reopen autoclosed PR' ); }); it('aborts reopen if PR is too old', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 90, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'other/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, }, { number: 91, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, title: 'old title - autoclosed', state: PrState.Closed, closed_at:{ days: 7 }).toISO(), }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const pr = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it('aborts reopening if branch recreation fails', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 91, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, title: 'old title - autoclosed', state: PrState.Closed, closed_at:{ minutes: 10 }).toISO(), }, ]) .post('/repos/some/repo/git/refs') .reply(201) .patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/91') .reply(422); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const pr = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it('aborts reopening if PR reopening fails', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 91, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, title: 'old title - autoclosed', state: PrState.Closed, closed_at:{ minutes: 10 }).toISO(), }, ]) .post('/repos/some/repo/git/refs') .reply(422); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const pr = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it('should cache and return the PR object in fork mode', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); forkInitRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo', true); scope .patch('/repos/forked/repo/git/refs/heads/master') .reply(200) .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 90, base: { sha: '1234' }, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'other/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'Some title', }, { number: 91, base: { sha: '1234' }, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'Wrong PR', }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', forkMode: true, } as any); const pr = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); const pr2 = await github.getBranchPr('somebranch'); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot({ number: 90 }); expect(pr2).toEqual(pr); }); }); describe('getBranchStatus()', () => { it('returns success if ignoreTests true', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await expect( github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any) ).toResolve(); }); it('should pass through success', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/status') .reply(200, { state: 'success', }) .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/check-runs?per_page=100') .reply(200, []); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const res = await github.getBranchStatus('somebranch'); expect(res).toEqual(; }); it('should pass through failed', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/status') .reply(200, { state: 'failure', }) .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/check-runs?per_page=100') .reply(200, []); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const res = await github.getBranchStatus('somebranch'); expect(res).toEqual(; }); it('defaults to pending', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/status') .reply(200, { state: 'unknown', }) .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/check-runs?per_page=100') .reply(200, []); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const res = await github.getBranchStatus('somebranch'); expect(res).toEqual(BranchStatus.yellow); }); it('should fail if a check run has failed', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/status') .reply(200, { state: 'pending', statuses: [], }) .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/check-runs?per_page=100') .reply(200, { total_count: 2, check_runs: [ { id: 23950198, status: 'completed', conclusion: 'success', name: 'Travis CI - Pull Request', }, { id: 23950195, status: 'completed', conclusion: 'failure', name: 'Travis CI - Branch', }, ], }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const res = await github.getBranchStatus('somebranch'); expect(res).toEqual(; }); it('should succeed if no status and all passed check runs', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/status') .reply(200, { state: 'pending', statuses: [], }) .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/check-runs?per_page=100') .reply(200, { total_count: 3, check_runs: [ { id: 2390199, status: 'completed', conclusion: 'skipped', name: 'Conditional GitHub Action', }, { id: 23950198, status: 'completed', conclusion: 'success', name: 'Travis CI - Pull Request', }, { id: 23950195, status: 'completed', conclusion: 'success', name: 'Travis CI - Branch', }, ], }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const res = await github.getBranchStatus('somebranch'); expect(res).toEqual(; }); it('should fail if a check run is pending', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/status') .reply(200, { state: 'pending', statuses: [], }) .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/somebranch/check-runs?per_page=100') .reply(200, { total_count: 2, check_runs: [ { id: 23950198, status: 'completed', conclusion: 'success', name: 'Travis CI - Pull Request', }, { id: 23950195, status: 'pending', name: 'Travis CI - Branch', }, ], }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const res = await github.getBranchStatus('somebranch'); expect(res).toEqual(BranchStatus.yellow); }); }); describe('getBranchStatusCheck', () => { it('returns state if found', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e/statuses' ) .reply(200, [ { context: 'context-1', state: 'success', }, { context: 'context-2', state: 'pending', }, { context: 'context-3', state: 'failure', }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token', } as any); const res = await github.getBranchStatusCheck( 'renovate/future_branch', 'context-2' ); expect(res).toEqual(BranchStatus.yellow); }); it('returns null', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e/statuses' ) .reply(200, [ { context: 'context-1', state: 'success', }, { context: 'context-2', state: 'pending', }, { context: 'context-3', state: 'error', }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const res = await github.getBranchStatusCheck('somebranch', 'context-4'); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('setBranchStatus', () => { it('returns if already set', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e/statuses' ) .reply(200, [ { context: 'some-context', state: 'pending', }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'some-branch', context: 'some-context', description: 'some-description', state: BranchStatus.yellow, url: 'some-url', }) ).toResolve(); }); it('sets branch status', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e/statuses' ) .reply(200, [ { context: 'context-1', state: 'state-1', }, { context: 'context-2', state: 'state-2', }, { context: 'context-3', state: 'state-3', }, ]) .post( '/repos/some/repo/statuses/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e' ) .reply(200) .get('/repos/some/repo/commits/some-branch/status') .reply(200, {}) .get( '/repos/some/repo/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e/statuses' ) .reply(200, {}); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'some-branch', context: 'some-context', description: 'some-description', state:, url: 'some-url', }) ).toResolve(); }); }); describe('findIssue()', () => { it('returns null if no issue', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }); const res = await github.findIssue('title-3'); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('finds issue', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .get('/repos/undefined/issues/2') .reply(200, { body: 'new-content' }); const res = await github.findIssue('title-2'); expect(res).not.toBeNull(); }); }); describe('ensureIssue()', () => { it('creates issue', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .post('/repos/some/repo/issues') .reply(200); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'new-title', body: 'new-content', }); expect(res).toBe('created'); }); it('creates issue if not ensuring only once', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'closed', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/1') .reply(404); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-1', body: 'new-content', }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('does not create issue if ensuring only once', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' });'/graphql').reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'closed', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }); const once = true; const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-1', body: 'new-content', once, }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('creates issue with labels', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [], }, }, }, }) .post('/repos/some/repo/issues') .reply(200); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'new-title', body: 'new-content', labels: ['Renovate', 'Maintenance'], }); expect(res).toBe('created'); }); it('closes others if ensuring only once', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 3, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'closed', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/3') .reply(404); const once = true; const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-1', body: 'new-content', once, }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('updates issue', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/2') .reply(200, { body: 'new-content' }) .patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/2') .reply(200); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-3', reuseTitle: 'title-2', body: 'newer-content', }); expect(res).toBe('updated'); }); it('updates issue with labels', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/2') .reply(200, { body: 'new-content' }) .patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/2') .reply(200); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-3', reuseTitle: 'title-2', body: 'newer-content', labels: ['Renovate', 'Maintenance'], }); expect(res).toBe('updated'); }); it('skips update if unchanged', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/2') .reply(200, { body: 'newer-content' }); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-2', body: 'newer-content', }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('deletes if duplicate', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, { number: 1, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/1') .reply(200) .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/2') .reply(200, { body: 'newer-content' }); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-1', body: 'newer-content', }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('creates issue if reopen flag false and issue is not open', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'close', title: 'title-2', }, ], }, }, }, }) .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/2') .reply(200, { body: 'new-content' }) .post('/repos/some/repo/issues') .reply(200); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-2', body: 'new-content', once: false, shouldReOpen: false, }); expect(res).toBe('created'); }); it('does not create issue if reopen flag false and issue is already open', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' }); scope .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, ], }, }, }, }) .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/2') .reply(200, { body: 'new-content' }); const res = await github.ensureIssue({ title: 'title-2', body: 'new-content', once: false, shouldReOpen: false, }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('ensureIssueClosing()', () => { it('closes issue', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { issues: { pageInfo: { startCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, }, nodes: [ { number: 2, state: 'open', title: 'title-2', }, { number: 1, state: 'open', title: 'title-1', }, ], }, }, }, }) .patch('/repos/undefined/issues/2') .reply(200); await expect(github.ensureIssueClosing('title-2')).toResolve(); }); }); describe('deleteLabel(issueNo, label)', () => { it('should delete the label', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope.delete('/repos/some/repo/issues/42/labels/rebase').reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect(github.deleteLabel(42, 'rebase')).toResolve(); }); }); describe('addAssignees(issueNo, assignees)', () => { it('should add the given assignees to the issue', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo');'/repos/some/repo/issues/42/assignees').reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.addAssignees(42, ['someuser', 'someotheruser']) ).toResolve(); }); }); describe('addReviewers(issueNo, reviewers)', () => { it('should add the given reviewers to the PR', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo');'/repos/some/repo/pulls/42/requested_reviewers').reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.addReviewers(42, ['someuser', 'someotheruser', 'team:someteam']) ).toResolve(); }); }); describe('ensureComment', () => { it('add comment if not found', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/42/comments?per_page=100') .reply(200, []) .post('/repos/some/repo/issues/42/comments') .reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.ensureComment({ number: 42, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'some\ncontent', }) ).toResolve(); }); it('adds comment if found in closed PR list', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/2499/comments?per_page=100') .reply(200, [ { id: 419928791, body: '[![CLA assistant check](](
All committers have signed the CLA.', }, { id: 420006957, body: ':tada: This PR is included in version 13.63.5 :tada:\n\nThe release is available on:\n- [npm package (@latest dist-tag)](\n- [GitHub release](\n\nYour **[semantic-release](** bot :package::rocket:', }, ]) .post('/repos/some/repo/issues/2499/comments') .reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.ensureComment({ number: 2499, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'some\ncontent', }) ).toResolve(); }); it('add updates comment if necessary', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/42/comments?per_page=100') .reply(200, [{ id: 1234, body: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }]) .patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/comments/1234') .reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.ensureComment({ number: 42, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'some\ncontent', }) ).toResolve(); }); it('skips comment', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/42/comments?per_page=100') .reply(200, [{ id: 1234, body: '### some-subject\n\nsome\ncontent' }]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.ensureComment({ number: 42, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'some\ncontent', }) ).toResolve(); }); it('handles comment with no description', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/42/comments?per_page=100') .reply(200, [{ id: 1234, body: '!merge' }]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); await expect( github.ensureComment({ number: 42, topic: null, content: '!merge', }) ).toResolve(); }); }); describe('ensureCommentRemoval', () => { it('deletes comment by topic if found', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/42/comments?per_page=100') .reply(200, [{ id: 1234, body: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }]) .delete('/repos/some/repo/issues/comments/1234') .reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); await expect( github.ensureCommentRemoval({ type: 'by-topic', number: 42, topic: 'some-subject', }) ).toResolve(); }); it('deletes comment by content if found', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/issues/42/comments?per_page=100') .reply(200, [{ id: 1234, body: 'some-content' }]) .delete('/repos/some/repo/issues/comments/1234') .reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); await expect( github.ensureCommentRemoval({ type: 'by-content', number: 42, content: 'some-content', }) ).toResolve(); }); }); describe('findPr(branchName, prTitle, state)', () => { it('returns true if no title and all state', async () => { const scope = httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 2, head: { ref: 'branch-a', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' }, }, title: 'branch a pr', state: PrState.Open, user: { login: 'not-me' }, }, { number: 1, head: { ref: 'branch-a', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' }, }, title: 'branch a pr', state: PrState.Open, user: { login: 'me' }, }, ]); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token', renovateUsername: 'me', } as any); const res = await github.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a', }); expect(res).toBeDefined(); }); it('returns true if not open', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 1, head: { ref: 'branch-a', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, title: 'branch a pr', state: PrState.Closed, }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); const res = await github.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a', state: PrState.NotOpen, }); expect(res).toBeDefined(); }); it('caches pr list', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 1, head: { ref: 'branch-a', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, title: 'branch a pr', state: PrState.Open, }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as never); let res = await github.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a' }); expect(res).toBeDefined(); res = await github.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a', prTitle: 'branch a pr', }); expect(res).toBeDefined(); res = await github.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-a', prTitle: 'branch a pr', state: PrState.Open, }); expect(res).toBeDefined(); res = await github.findPr({ branchName: 'branch-b' }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('createPr()', () => { it('should create and return a PR object', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .post('/repos/some/repo/pulls') .reply(200, { number: 123, head: { repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, }) .post('/repos/some/repo/issues/123/labels') .reply(200, []); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = await github.createPr({ sourceBranch: 'some-branch', targetBranch: 'dev', prTitle: 'The Title', prBody: 'Hello world', labels: ['deps', 'renovate'], }); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 123 }); }); it('should use defaultBranch', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo');'/repos/some/repo/pulls').reply(200, { number: 123, head: { repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = await github.createPr({ sourceBranch: 'some-branch', targetBranch: 'master', prTitle: 'The Title', prBody: 'Hello world', labels: null, }); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 123 }); }); it('should create a draftPR if set in the settings', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo');'/repos/some/repo/pulls').reply(200, { number: 123, head: { repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' }, ref: 'some-branch' }, }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = await github.createPr({ sourceBranch: 'some-branch', targetBranch: 'master', prTitle: 'PR draft', prBody: 'This is a result of a draft', labels: null, draftPR: true, }); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 123 }); }); describe('automerge', () => { const createdPrResp = { number: 123, node_id: 'abcd', head: { repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, }; const graphqlAutomergeResp = { data: { enablePullRequestAutoMerge: { pullRequest: { number: 123, }, }, }, }; const graphqlAutomergeErrorResp = { ...graphqlAutomergeResp, errors: [ { type: 'UNPROCESSABLE', message: 'Pull request is not in the correct state to enable auto-merge', }, ], }; const prConfig: CreatePRConfig = { sourceBranch: 'some-branch', targetBranch: 'dev', prTitle: 'The Title', prBody: 'Hello world', labels: ['deps', 'renovate'], platformOptions: { usePlatformAutomerge: true }, }; const mockScope = async (repoOpts: any = {}): Promise => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo', repoOpts); scope .post('/repos/some/repo/pulls') .reply(200, createdPrResp) .post('/repos/some/repo/issues/123/labels') .reply(200, []); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token', } as any); return scope; }; const graphqlGetRepo = { method: 'POST', url: '', graphql: { query: { repository: {} } }, }; const restCreatePr = { method: 'POST', url: '', }; const restAddLabels = { method: 'POST', url: '', }; const graphqlAutomerge = { method: 'POST', url: '', graphql: { mutation: { __vars: { $pullRequestId: 'ID!', $mergeMethod: 'PullRequestMergeMethod!', }, enablePullRequestAutoMerge: { __args: { input: { pullRequestId: '$pullRequestId', mergeMethod: '$mergeMethod', }, }, }, }, variables: { pullRequestId: 'abcd', mergeMethod: 'REBASE', }, }, }; it('should skip automerge if disabled in repo settings', async () => { await mockScope({ autoMergeAllowed: false }); const pr = await github.createPr(prConfig); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 123 }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchObject([ graphqlGetRepo, restCreatePr, restAddLabels, ]); }); it('should set automatic merge', async () => { const scope = await mockScope();'/graphql').reply(200, graphqlAutomergeResp); const pr = await github.createPr(prConfig); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 123 }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchObject([ graphqlGetRepo, restCreatePr, restAddLabels, graphqlAutomerge, ]); }); it('should handle GraphQL errors', async () => { const scope = await mockScope();'/graphql').reply(200, graphqlAutomergeErrorResp); const pr = await github.createPr(prConfig); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 123 }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchObject([ graphqlGetRepo, restCreatePr, restAddLabels, graphqlAutomerge, ]); }); it('should handle REST API errors', async () => { const scope = await mockScope();'/graphql').reply(500); const pr = await github.createPr(prConfig); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 123 }); expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchObject([ graphqlGetRepo, restCreatePr, restAddLabels, graphqlAutomerge, ]); }); }); }); describe('getPr(prNo)', () => { it('should return null if no prNo is passed', async () => { const pr = await github.getPr(0); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it('should return PR', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 2499, head: { ref: 'renovate/delay-4.x', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' }, }, title: 'build(deps): update dependency delay to v4.0.1', state: PrState.Closed, }, { number: 2500, head: { ref: 'renovate/jest-monorepo', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' }, }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'chore(deps): update dependency jest to v23.6.0', }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const pr = await github.getPr(2500); expect(pr).toBeDefined(); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should return closed PR', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 2500, head: { ref: 'renovate/jest-monorepo', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' }, }, title: 'chore(deps): update dependency jest to v23.6.0', state: PrState.Closed, }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as any); const pr = await github.getPr(2500); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 2500, state: PrState.Closed }); }); it('should return merged PR', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 2500, head: { ref: 'renovate/jest-monorepo', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' }, }, title: 'chore(deps): update dependency jest to v23.6.0', state: PrState.Closed, merged_at:, }, ]); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo' } as any); const pr = await github.getPr(2500); expect(pr).toMatchObject({ number: 2500, state: PrState.Merged }); }); it('should return null if no PR is returned from GitHub', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, []) .get('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1234') .reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = await github.getPr(1234); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); it(`should return a PR object - 0`, async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, []) .get('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1234') .reply(200, { number: 1234, state: PrState.Closed, base: { sha: 'abc' }, head: { sha: 'def', ref: 'some/branch' }, merged_at: 'sometime', title: 'Some title', labels: [{ name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' }], assignee: { login: 'foobar' }, created_at: '01-01-2022', }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token', } as any); const pr = await github.getPr(1234); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot({ state: 'merged' }); }); it(`should return a PR object - 1`, async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, []) .get('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1234') .reply(200, { number: 1234, state: PrState.Open, mergeable_state: 'dirty', base: { sha: '1234' }, head: { ref: 'some/branch' }, commits: 1, title: 'Some title', assignees: [{ login: 'foo' }], requested_reviewers: [{ login: 'bar' }], }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token', } as any); const pr = await github.getPr(1234); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it(`should return a PR object - 2`, async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, []) .get('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1234') .reply(200, { number: 1234, state: PrState.Open, base: { sha: '5678' }, head: { ref: 'some/branch' }, commits: 1, title: 'Some title', }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token', } as any); const pr = await github.getPr(1234); expect(pr).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('updatePr(prNo, title, body)', () => { it('should update the PR', async () => { const pr: UpdatePrConfig = { number: 1234, prTitle: 'The New Title', prBody: 'Hello world again', }; const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope.patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1234').reply(200, pr); await expect(github.updatePr(pr)).toResolve(); }); it('should update and close the PR', async () => { const pr: UpdatePrConfig = { number: 1234, prTitle: 'The New Title', prBody: 'Hello world again', state: PrState.Closed, }; const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope.patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1234').reply(200, pr); await expect(github.updatePr(pr)).toResolve(); }); }); describe('mergePr(prNo)', () => { it('should merge the PR', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .get( '/repos/some/repo/pulls?per_page=100&state=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&page=1' ) .reply(200, [ { number: 1234, base: { sha: '1234' }, head: { ref: 'somebranch', repo: { full_name: 'some/repo' } }, state: PrState.Open, title: 'Some PR', }, ]) .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1234/merge') .reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const prBefore = await github.getPr(1234); // fetched remotely const mergeResult = await github.mergePr({ id: 1234, branchName: 'somebranch', }); const prAfter = await github.getPr(1234); // obtained from cache expect(mergeResult).toBeTrue(); expect(prBefore?.state).toBe(PrState.Open); expect(prAfter?.state).toBe(PrState.Merged); }); it('should handle merge error', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1234/merge') .replyWithError('merge error'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = { number: 1234, head: { ref: 'someref', }, }; expect( await github.mergePr({ branchName: '', id: pr.number, }) ).toBeFalse(); }); }); describe('massageMarkdown(input)', () => { it('returns updated pr body', () => { const input = ' plus also [a link]('; expect(github.massageMarkdown(input)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('returns not-updated pr body for GHE', async () => { const scope = httpMock .scope('') .head('/') .reply(200, '', { 'x-github-enterprise-version': '3.1.7' }) .get('/user') .reply(200, { login: 'renovate-bot', }) .get('/user/emails') .reply(200, {}); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', token: '123test', }); hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ token: '123test', }); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', } as any); const input = ' plus also [a link]('; expect(github.massageMarkdown(input)).toEqual(input); }); }); describe('mergePr(prNo) - autodetection', () => { it('should try rebase first', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope.put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1235/merge').reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = { number: 1235, head: { ref: 'someref', }, }; expect( await github.mergePr({ branchName: '', id: pr.number, }) ).toBeTrue(); }); it('should try squash after rebase', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1236/merge') .reply(400, 'no rebasing allowed'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = { number: 1236, head: { ref: 'someref', }, }; expect( await github.mergePr({ branchName: '', id: pr.number, }) ).toBeFalse(); }); it('should try merge after squash', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1237/merge') .reply(405, 'no rebasing allowed') .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1237/merge') .reply(405, 'no squashing allowed') .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1237/merge') .reply(200); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = { number: 1237, head: { ref: 'someref', }, }; expect( await github.mergePr({ branchName: '', id: pr.number, }) ).toBeTrue(); }); it('should give up', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); scope .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1237/merge') .reply(405, 'no rebasing allowed') .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1237/merge') .replyWithError('no squashing allowed') .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1237/merge') .replyWithError('no merging allowed') .put('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1237/merge') .replyWithError('never gonna give you up'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const pr = { number: 1237, head: { ref: 'someref', }, }; expect( await github.mergePr({ branchName: '', id: pr.number, }) ).toBeFalse(); }); }); describe('getVulnerabilityAlerts()', () => { it('returns empty if error', async () => { httpMock.scope(githubApiHost).post('/graphql').reply(200, {}); const res = await github.getVulnerabilityAlerts(); expect(res).toHaveLength(0); }); it('returns array if found', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { vulnerabilityAlerts: { edges: [ { node: { securityAdvisory: { severity: 'HIGH', references: [] }, securityVulnerability: { package: { ecosystem: 'NPM', name: 'left-pad', range: '0.0.2', }, vulnerableVersionRange: '0.0.2', firstPatchedVersion: { identifier: '0.0.3' }, }, vulnerableManifestFilename: 'foo', vulnerableManifestPath: 'bar', } as VulnerabilityAlert, }, ], }, }, }, }); const res = await github.getVulnerabilityAlerts(); expect(res).toHaveLength(1); }); it('returns array if found on GHE', async () => { const gheApiHost = ''; httpMock .scope(gheApiHost) .head('/') .reply(200, '', { 'x-github-enterprise-version': '3.0.15' }) .get('/user') .reply(200, { login: 'renovate-bot' }) .get('/user/emails') .reply(200, {}); httpMock .scope(gheApiHost) .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { vulnerabilityAlerts: { edges: [ { node: { securityAdvisory: { severity: 'HIGH', references: [] }, securityVulnerability: { package: { ecosystem: 'NPM', name: 'left-pad', range: '0.0.2', }, vulnerableVersionRange: '0.0.2', firstPatchedVersion: { identifier: '0.0.3' }, }, vulnerableManifestFilename: 'foo', vulnerableManifestPath: 'bar', } as VulnerabilityAlert, }, ], }, }, }, }); await github.initPlatform({ endpoint: gheApiHost, token: '123test', }); const res = await github.getVulnerabilityAlerts(); expect(res).toHaveLength(1); }); it('returns empty if disabled', async () => { // prettier-ignore httpMock.scope(githubApiHost).post('/graphql').reply(200, {data: {repository: {}}}); const res = await github.getVulnerabilityAlerts(); expect(res).toHaveLength(0); }); it('handles network error', async () => { // prettier-ignore httpMock.scope(githubApiHost).post('/graphql').replyWithError('unknown error'); const res = await github.getVulnerabilityAlerts(); expect(res).toHaveLength(0); }); it('calls logger.debug with only items that include securityVulnerability', async () => { httpMock .scope(githubApiHost) .post('/graphql') .reply(200, { data: { repository: { vulnerabilityAlerts: { edges: [ { node: { securityAdvisory: { severity: 'HIGH', references: [] }, securityVulnerability: { package: { ecosystem: 'NPM', name: 'left-pad', }, vulnerableVersionRange: '0.0.2', firstPatchedVersion: { identifier: '0.0.3' }, }, vulnerableManifestFilename: 'foo', vulnerableManifestPath: 'bar', }, }, { node: { securityAdvisory: { severity: 'HIGH', references: [] }, securityVulnerability: null, vulnerableManifestFilename: 'foo', vulnerableManifestPath: 'bar', }, }, ], }, }, }, }); await github.getVulnerabilityAlerts(); expect(logger.logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { alerts: { 'npm/left-pad': { '0.0.2': '0.0.3' } } }, 'GitHub vulnerability details' ); expect(logger.logger.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('getJsonFile()', () => { it('returns file content', async () => { const data = { foo: 'bar' }; const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope.get('/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json').reply(200, { content: toBase64(JSON.stringify(data)), }); const res = await github.getJsonFile('file.json'); expect(res).toEqual(data); }); it('returns file content in json5 format', async () => { const json5Data = ` { // json5 comment foo: 'bar' } `; const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope.get('/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json5').reply(200, { content: toBase64(json5Data), }); const res = await github.getJsonFile('file.json5'); expect(res).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }); }); it('returns file content from given repo', async () => { const data = { foo: 'bar' }; const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'different/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'different/repo', token: 'token', } as any); scope.get('/repos/different/repo/contents/file.json').reply(200, { content: toBase64(JSON.stringify(data)), }); const res = await github.getJsonFile('file.json', 'different/repo'); expect(res).toEqual(data); }); it('returns file content from branch or tag', async () => { const data = { foo: 'bar' }; const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope.get('/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json?ref=dev').reply(200, { content: toBase64(JSON.stringify(data)), }); const res = await github.getJsonFile('file.json', 'some/repo', 'dev'); expect(res).toEqual(data); }); it('throws on malformed JSON', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope.get('/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json').reply(200, { content: toBase64('!@#'), }); await expect(github.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('throws on errors', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope .get('/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json') .replyWithError('some error'); await expect(github.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow(); }); }); describe('pushFiles', () => { beforeEach(() => { git.prepareCommit.mockImplementation(({ files }) => Promise.resolve({ parentCommitSha: '1234567', commitSha: '7654321', files, }) ); git.fetchCommit.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('0abcdef')); }); it('returns null if pre-commit phase has failed', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); git.prepareCommit.mockResolvedValueOnce(null); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); const res = await github.commitFiles({ branchName: 'foo/bar', files: [ { type: 'addition', path: '', contents: 'foobar' }, { type: 'deletion', path: 'baz' }, { type: 'deletion', path: 'qux' }, ], message: 'Foobar', }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('returns null on REST error', async () => { const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any);'/repos/some/repo/git/trees').replyWithError('unknown'); const res = await github.commitFiles({ branchName: 'foo/bar', files: [{ type: 'addition', path: '', contents: 'foobar' }], message: 'Foobar', }); expect(res).toBeNull(); }); it('commits and returns SHA string', async () => { git.pushCommitToRenovateRef.mockResolvedValueOnce(); git.listCommitTree.mockResolvedValueOnce([]); git.branchExists.mockReturnValueOnce(false); const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope .post('/repos/some/repo/git/trees') .reply(200, { sha: '111' }) .post('/repos/some/repo/git/commits') .reply(200, { sha: '222' }) .post('/repos/some/repo/git/refs') .reply(200); const res = await github.commitFiles({ branchName: 'foo/bar', files: [{ type: 'addition', path: '', contents: 'foobar' }], message: 'Foobar', }); expect(res).toBe('0abcdef'); }); it('performs rebase', async () => { git.pushCommitToRenovateRef.mockResolvedValueOnce(); git.listCommitTree.mockResolvedValueOnce([]); git.branchExists.mockReturnValueOnce(true); const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost); initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo'); await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any); scope .post('/repos/some/repo/git/trees') .reply(200, { sha: '111' }) .post('/repos/some/repo/git/commits') .reply(200, { sha: '222' }) .patch('/repos/some/repo/git/refs/heads/foo/bar') .reply(200); const res = await github.commitFiles({ branchName: 'foo/bar', files: [{ type: 'addition', path: '', contents: 'foobar' }], message: 'Foobar', }); expect(res).toBe('0abcdef'); }); }); });