import type { ExecOptions as ChildProcessExecOptions } from 'child_process'; import { dirname, join } from 'upath'; import { getGlobalConfig } from '../../config/global'; import { TEMPORARY_ERROR } from '../../constants/error-messages'; import { logger } from '../../logger'; import { DockerOptions, ExecResult, Opt, RawExecOptions, rawExec, } from './common'; import { generateDockerCommand, removeDockerContainer } from './docker'; import { getChildProcessEnv } from './env'; type ExtraEnv = Record; export interface ExecOptions extends ChildProcessExecOptions { cwdFile?: string; extraEnv?: Opt; docker?: Opt; } function getChildEnv({ extraEnv = {}, env: forcedEnv = {}, }: ExecOptions): ExtraEnv { const { customEnvVariables: globalConfigEnv } = getGlobalConfig(); const inheritedKeys = Object.entries(extraEnv).reduce( (acc, [key, val]) => val === null || val === undefined ? acc : [...acc, key], [] ); const parentEnv = getChildProcessEnv(inheritedKeys); const childEnv = Object.entries({ ...extraEnv, ...parentEnv, ...globalConfigEnv, ...forcedEnv, }).reduce( (acc, [key, val]) => val === null || val === undefined ? acc : { ...acc, [key]: val.toString() }, {} ); return childEnv; } function dockerEnvVars( extraEnv: ExtraEnv, childEnv: ExtraEnv ): string[] { const extraEnvKeys = Object.keys(extraEnv || {}); return extraEnvKeys.filter( (key) => typeof childEnv[key] === 'string' && childEnv[key].length > 0 ); } function getCwd({ cwd, cwdFile }: ExecOptions): string { const { localDir: defaultCwd } = getGlobalConfig(); const paramCwd = cwdFile ? join(defaultCwd, dirname(cwdFile)) : cwd; return paramCwd || defaultCwd; } function getRawExecOptions(opts: ExecOptions): RawExecOptions { const execOptions: ExecOptions = { ...opts }; delete execOptions.extraEnv; delete execOptions.docker; delete execOptions.cwdFile; const childEnv = getChildEnv(opts); const cwd = getCwd(opts); const rawExecOptions: RawExecOptions = { encoding: 'utf-8', ...execOptions, env: childEnv, cwd, }; // Set default timeout to 15 minutes rawExecOptions.timeout = rawExecOptions.timeout || 15 * 60 * 1000; // Set default max buffer size to 10MB rawExecOptions.maxBuffer = rawExecOptions.maxBuffer || 10 * 1024 * 1024; return rawExecOptions; } function isDocker({ docker }: ExecOptions): boolean { const { binarySource } = getGlobalConfig(); return binarySource === 'docker' && !!docker; } interface RawExecArguments { rawCommands: string[]; rawOptions: RawExecOptions; } async function prepareRawExec( cmd: string | string[], opts: ExecOptions = {} ): Promise { const { docker } = opts; const { customEnvVariables } = getGlobalConfig(); const rawOptions = getRawExecOptions(opts); let rawCommands = typeof cmd === 'string' ? [cmd] : cmd; if (isDocker(opts)) { logger.debug('Using docker to execute'); const extraEnv = { ...opts.extraEnv, ...customEnvVariables }; const childEnv = getChildEnv(opts); const envVars = dockerEnvVars(extraEnv, childEnv); const cwd = getCwd(opts); const dockerOptions: DockerOptions = { ...docker, cwd, envVars }; const dockerCommand = await generateDockerCommand( rawCommands, dockerOptions ); rawCommands = [dockerCommand]; } return { rawCommands, rawOptions }; } export async function exec( cmd: string | string[], opts: ExecOptions = {} ): Promise { const { docker } = opts; const { dockerChildPrefix } = getGlobalConfig(); const { rawCommands, rawOptions } = await prepareRawExec(cmd, opts); const useDocker = isDocker(opts); let res: ExecResult | null = null; for (const rawCmd of rawCommands) { const startTime =; if (useDocker) { await removeDockerContainer(docker.image, dockerChildPrefix); } logger.debug({ command: rawCommands }, 'Executing command'); logger.trace({ commandOptions: rawOptions }, 'Command options'); try { res = await rawExec(rawCmd, rawOptions); } catch (err) { logger.debug({ err }, 'rawExec err'); if (useDocker) { await removeDockerContainer(docker.image, dockerChildPrefix).catch( (removeErr: Error) => { const message: string = err.message; throw new Error( `Error: "${removeErr.message}" - Original Error: "${message}"` ); } ); } if (err.signal === `SIGTERM`) { logger.debug( { err }, 'exec interrupted by SIGTERM - run needs to be aborted' ); throw new Error(TEMPORARY_ERROR); } throw err; } const durationMs = Math.round( - startTime); if (res) { logger.debug( { cmd: rawCmd, durationMs, stdout: res.stdout, stderr: res.stderr, }, 'exec completed' ); } } return res; }