import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import minimatch from 'minimatch'; import { RenovateConfig } from '../../config'; import { MANAGER_LOCKFILE_ERROR, PLATFORM_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, PLATFORM_BAD_CREDENTIALS, PLATFORM_INTEGRATION_UNAUTHORIZED, PLATFORM_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, REPOSITORY_CHANGED, SYSTEM_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE, WORKER_FILE_UPDATE_FAILED, } from '../../constants/error-messages'; import { logger } from '../../logger'; import { getAdditionalFiles } from '../../manager/npm/post-update'; import { platform } from '../../platform'; import { BranchStatus, PrState } from '../../types'; import { ExternalHostError } from '../../types/errors/external-host-error'; import { emojify } from '../../util/emoji'; import { exec } from '../../util/exec'; import { readLocalFile, writeLocalFile } from '../../util/fs'; import { deleteBranch, getRepoStatus, branchExists as gitBranchExists, isBranchModified, } from '../../util/git'; import { regEx } from '../../util/regex'; import { BranchConfig, PrResult, ProcessBranchResult } from '../common'; import { checkAutoMerge, ensurePr } from '../pr'; import { tryBranchAutomerge } from './automerge'; import { prAlreadyExisted } from './check-existing'; import { commitFilesToBranch } from './commit'; import { getUpdatedPackageFiles } from './get-updated'; import { shouldReuseExistingBranch } from './reuse'; import { isScheduledNow } from './schedule'; import { setStability, setUnpublishable } from './status-checks'; // TODO: proper typings function rebaseCheck(config: RenovateConfig, branchPr: any): boolean { const titleRebase = branchPr.title && branchPr.title.startsWith('rebase!'); const labelRebase = branchPr.labels && branchPr.labels.includes(config.rebaseLabel); const prRebaseChecked = branchPr.body && branchPr.body.includes(`- [x] `); return titleRebase || labelRebase || prRebaseChecked; } const rebasingRegex = /\*\*Rebasing\*\*: .*/; export async function processBranch( branchConfig: BranchConfig, prLimitReached?: boolean, commitLimitReached?: boolean ): Promise { const config: BranchConfig = { ...branchConfig }; const dependencies = config.upgrades .map((upgrade) => upgrade.depName) .filter((v) => v) // remove nulls (happens for lock file maintenance) .filter((value, i, list) => list.indexOf(value) === i); // remove duplicates logger.debug( { dependencies }, `processBranch with ${branchConfig.upgrades.length} upgrades` ); logger.trace({ config }, 'branch config'); await platform.setBaseBranch(config.baseBranch); const branchExists = await gitBranchExists(config.branchName); const branchPr = await platform.getBranchPr(config.branchName); logger.debug(`branchExists=${branchExists}`); const dependencyDashboardCheck = (config.dependencyDashboardChecks || {})[ config.branchName ]; // istanbul ignore if if (dependencyDashboardCheck) { logger.debug( 'Branch has been checked in Dependency Dashboard: ' + dependencyDashboardCheck ); } if (branchPr) { config.rebaseRequested = rebaseCheck(config, branchPr); logger.debug(`Branch pr rebase requested: ${config.rebaseRequested}`); } try { logger.debug(`Branch has ${dependencies.length} upgrade(s)`); // Check if branch already existed const existingPr = branchPr ? undefined : await prAlreadyExisted(config); if (existingPr && !dependencyDashboardCheck) { logger.debug( { prTitle: config.prTitle }, 'Closed PR already exists. Skipping branch.' ); if (existingPr.state === PrState.Closed) { const topic = `Renovate Ignore Notification`; let content; if (config.updateType === 'major') { content = `As this PR has been closed unmerged, Renovate will ignore this upgrade and you will not receive PRs for *any* future ${config.newMajor}.x releases. However, if you upgrade to ${config.newMajor}.x manually then Renovate will then reenable updates for minor and patch updates automatically.`; } else if (config.updateType === 'digest') { content = `As this PR has been closed unmerged, Renovate will ignore this upgrade updateType and you will not receive PRs for *any* future ${config.depName}:${config.currentValue} digest updates. Digest updates will resume if you update the specified tag at any time.`; } else { content = `As this PR has been closed unmerged, Renovate will now ignore this update (${config.newValue}). You will still receive a PR once a newer version is released, so if you wish to permanently ignore this dependency, please add it to the \`ignoreDeps\` array of your renovate config.`; } content += '\n\nIf this PR was closed by mistake or you changed your mind, you can simply rename this PR and you will soon get a fresh replacement PR opened.'; if (!config.suppressNotifications.includes('prIgnoreNotification')) { if (config.dryRun) { 'DRY-RUN: Would ensure closed PR comment in PR #' + existingPr.number ); } else { await platform.ensureComment({ number: existingPr.number, topic, content, }); } } if (branchExists) { if (config.dryRun) {'DRY-RUN: Would delete branch ' + config.branchName); } else { await deleteBranch(config.branchName); } } } else if (existingPr.state === PrState.Merged) { logger.debug( { pr: existingPr.number }, 'Merged PR is blocking this branch' ); } return 'already-existed'; } // istanbul ignore if if (!branchExists && config.dependencyDashboardApproval) { if (dependencyDashboardCheck) { logger.debug(`Branch ${config.branchName} is approved for creation`); } else { logger.debug(`Branch ${config.branchName} needs approval`); return 'needs-approval'; } } if ( !branchExists && prLimitReached && !dependencyDashboardCheck && !config.vulnerabilityAlert ) { logger.debug('Reached PR limit - skipping branch creation'); return 'pr-limit-reached'; } if ( commitLimitReached && !dependencyDashboardCheck && !config.vulnerabilityAlert ) { logger.debug('Reached commits limit - skipping branch'); return 'commit-limit-reached'; } if (branchExists) { logger.debug('Checking if PR has been edited'); if (branchPr) { logger.debug('Found existing branch PR'); if (branchPr.state !== PrState.Open) { logger.debug( 'PR has been closed or merged since this run started - aborting' ); throw new Error(REPOSITORY_CHANGED); } const branchIsModified = await isBranchModified(config.branchName); if ( branchIsModified || (branchPr.targetBranch && branchPr.targetBranch !== branchConfig.baseBranch) ) { logger.debug({ prNo: branchPr.number }, 'PR has been edited'); if (dependencyDashboardCheck || config.rebaseRequested) { logger.debug('Manual rebase has been requested for PR'); } else { const newBody = branchPr.body?.replace( rebasingRegex, '**Rebasing**: Renovate will not automatically rebase this PR, because other commits have been found.' ); if (newBody !== branchPr.body) { logger.debug( 'Updating existing PR to indicate that rebasing is not possible' ); await platform.updatePr({ number: branchPr.number, prTitle: branchPr.title, prBody: newBody, }); } return 'pr-edited'; } } } } // Check schedule config.isScheduledNow = isScheduledNow(config); if (!config.isScheduledNow && !dependencyDashboardCheck) { if (!branchExists) { logger.debug('Skipping branch creation as not within schedule'); return 'not-scheduled'; } if (config.updateNotScheduled === false && !config.rebaseRequested) { logger.debug('Skipping branch update as not within schedule'); return 'not-scheduled'; } // istanbul ignore if if (!branchPr) { logger.debug('Skipping PR creation out of schedule'); return 'not-scheduled'; } logger.debug( 'Branch + PR exists but is not scheduled -- will update if necessary' ); } if ( config.updateType !== 'lockFileMaintenance' && config.unpublishSafe && config.canBeUnpublished && (config.prCreation === 'not-pending' || /* istanbul ignore next */ config.prCreation === 'status-success') ) { logger.debug( 'Skipping branch creation due to unpublishSafe + status checks' ); return 'pending'; } if ( config.upgrades.some( (upgrade) => upgrade.stabilityDays && upgrade.releaseTimestamp ) ) { // Only set a stability status check if one or more of the updates contain // both a stabilityDays setting and a releaseTimestamp config.stabilityStatus =; // Default to 'success' but set 'pending' if any update is pending const oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; for (const upgrade of config.upgrades) { if (upgrade.stabilityDays && upgrade.releaseTimestamp) { const daysElapsed = Math.floor( (new Date().getTime() - new Date(upgrade.releaseTimestamp).getTime()) / oneDay ); if ( !dependencyDashboardCheck && daysElapsed < upgrade.stabilityDays ) { logger.debug( { depName: upgrade.depName, daysElapsed, stabilityDays: upgrade.stabilityDays, }, 'Update has not passed stability days' ); config.stabilityStatus = BranchStatus.yellow; } } } // Don't create a branch if we know it will be status 'pending' if ( !dependencyDashboardCheck && !branchExists && config.stabilityStatus === BranchStatus.yellow && ['not-pending', 'status-success'].includes(config.prCreation) ) { logger.debug('Skipping branch creation due to stability days not met'); return 'pending'; } } // istanbul ignore if if ( dependencyDashboardCheck === 'rebase' || config.dependencyDashboardRebaseAllOpen ) { logger.debug('Manual rebase requested via Dependency Dashboard'); config.reuseExistingBranch = false; } else { Object.assign(config, await shouldReuseExistingBranch(config)); } logger.debug(`Using reuseExistingBranch: ${config.reuseExistingBranch}`); const res = await getUpdatedPackageFiles(config); // istanbul ignore if if (res.artifactErrors && config.artifactErrors) { res.artifactErrors = config.artifactErrors.concat(res.artifactErrors); } Object.assign(config, res); if (config.updatedPackageFiles?.length) { logger.debug( `Updated ${config.updatedPackageFiles.length} package files` ); } else { logger.debug('No package files need updating'); } const additionalFiles = await getAdditionalFiles( config, branchConfig.packageFiles ); config.artifactErrors = (config.artifactErrors || []).concat( additionalFiles.artifactErrors ); config.updatedArtifacts = (config.updatedArtifacts || []).concat( additionalFiles.updatedArtifacts ); if (config.updatedArtifacts?.length) { logger.debug( { updatedArtifacts: => === '|delete|' ? `${f.contents} (delete)` : ), }, `Updated ${config.updatedArtifacts.length} lock files` ); } else { logger.debug('No updated lock files in branch'); } if ( /* Only run post-upgrade tasks if there are changes to package files... */ (config.updatedPackageFiles?.length > 0 || /* ... or changes to artifacts */ config.updatedArtifacts?.length > 0) && global.trustLevel === 'high' && is.nonEmptyArray(config.allowedPostUpgradeCommands) ) { logger.debug( { tasks: config.postUpgradeTasks, allowedCommands: config.allowedPostUpgradeCommands, }, 'Checking for post-upgrade tasks' ); const commands = config.postUpgradeTasks.commands || []; const fileFilters = config.postUpgradeTasks.fileFilters || []; if (is.nonEmptyArray(commands)) { // Persist updated files in file system so any executed commands can see them for (const file of config.updatedPackageFiles.concat( config.updatedArtifacts )) { if ( !== '|delete|') { let contents; if (typeof file.contents === 'string') { contents = Buffer.from(file.contents); } else { contents = file.contents; } await writeLocalFile(, contents); } } for (const cmd of commands) { if ( !config.allowedPostUpgradeCommands.some((pattern) => regEx(pattern).test(cmd) ) ) { logger.warn( { cmd, allowedPostUpgradeCommands: config.allowedPostUpgradeCommands, }, 'Post-upgrade task did not match any on allowed list' ); } else { logger.debug({ cmd }, 'Executing post-upgrade task'); const execResult = await exec(cmd, { cwd: config.localDir, }); logger.debug({ cmd, ...execResult }, 'Executed post-upgrade task'); } } const status = await getRepoStatus(); for (const relativePath of status.modified.concat(status.not_added)) { for (const pattern of fileFilters) { if (minimatch(relativePath, pattern)) { logger.debug( { file: relativePath, pattern }, 'Post-upgrade file saved' ); const existingContent = await readLocalFile(relativePath); config.updatedArtifacts.push({ name: relativePath, contents: existingContent, }); } } } for (const relativePath of status.deleted || []) { for (const pattern of fileFilters) { if (minimatch(relativePath, pattern)) { logger.debug( { file: relativePath, pattern }, 'Post-upgrade file removed' ); config.updatedArtifacts.push({ name: '|delete|', contents: relativePath, }); } } } } } if (config.artifactErrors?.length) { if (config.releaseTimestamp) { logger.debug(`Branch timestamp: ` + config.releaseTimestamp); const releaseTimestamp = DateTime.fromISO(config.releaseTimestamp); if ({ days: 1 }) < DateTime.local()) { logger.debug( 'PR is older than a day, raise PR with lock file errors' ); } else if (branchExists) { logger.debug( 'PR is less than a day old but branchExists so updating anyway' ); } else { logger.debug('PR is less than a day old - raise error instead of PR'); throw new Error(MANAGER_LOCKFILE_ERROR); } } else { logger.debug('PR has no releaseTimestamp'); } } config.forceCommit = !!dependencyDashboardCheck || config.rebaseRequested || branchPr?.isConflicted; const commitHash = await commitFilesToBranch(config); // istanbul ignore if if (branchPr && platform.refreshPr) { await platform.refreshPr(branchPr.number); } if (!commitHash && !branchExists) { return 'no-work'; } if (commitHash) { const action = branchExists ? 'updated' : 'created';{ commitHash }, `Branch ${action}`); } // Set branch statuses await setStability(config); await setUnpublishable(config); // break if we pushed a new commit because status check are pretty sure pending but maybe not reported yet if ( !dependencyDashboardCheck && !config.rebaseRequested && commitHash && (config.requiredStatusChecks?.length || config.prCreation !== 'immediate') ) { logger.debug({ commitHash }, `Branch status pending`); return 'pending'; } // Try to automerge branch and finish if successful, but only if branch already existed before this run if (branchExists || !config.requiredStatusChecks) { const mergeStatus = await tryBranchAutomerge(config); logger.debug(`mergeStatus=${mergeStatus}`); if (mergeStatus === 'automerged') { logger.debug('Branch is automerged - returning'); return 'automerged'; } if ( mergeStatus === 'automerge aborted - PR exists' || mergeStatus === 'branch status error' || mergeStatus === 'failed' ) { logger.debug({ mergeStatus }, 'Branch automerge not possible'); config.forcePr = true; config.branchAutomergeFailureMessage = mergeStatus; } } } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { if (err.statusCode === 404) { throw new Error(REPOSITORY_CHANGED); } if (err.message === PLATFORM_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { logger.debug('Passing rate-limit-exceeded error up'); throw err; } if (err.message === REPOSITORY_CHANGED) { logger.debug('Passing repository-changed error up'); throw err; } if ( err.message && err.message.startsWith('remote: Invalid username or password') ) { logger.debug('Throwing bad credentials'); throw new Error(PLATFORM_BAD_CREDENTIALS); } if ( err.message && err.message.startsWith( 'ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host' ) ) { logger.debug('Throwing bad credentials'); throw new Error(PLATFORM_BAD_CREDENTIALS); } if (err.message === PLATFORM_BAD_CREDENTIALS) { logger.debug('Passing bad-credentials error up'); throw err; } if (err.message === PLATFORM_INTEGRATION_UNAUTHORIZED) { logger.debug('Passing integration-unauthorized error up'); throw err; } if (err.message === MANAGER_LOCKFILE_ERROR) { logger.debug('Passing lockfile-error up'); throw err; } if (err.message && err.message.includes('space left on device')) { throw new Error(SYSTEM_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE); } if (err.message === SYSTEM_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE) { logger.debug('Passing disk-space error up'); throw err; } if (err.message.startsWith('Resource not accessible by integration')) { logger.debug('Passing 403 error up'); throw err; } if (err.message === WORKER_FILE_UPDATE_FAILED) { logger.warn('Error updating branch: update failure'); } else if (err.message.startsWith('bundler-')) { // we have already warned inside the bundler artifacts error handling, so just return return 'error'; } else if ( err.messagee && err.message.includes('fatal: Authentication failed') ) { throw new Error(PLATFORM_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR); } else if (!(err instanceof ExternalHostError)) { logger.error({ err }, `Error updating branch: ${err.message}`); } // Don't throw here - we don't want to stop the other renovations return 'error'; } try { logger.debug('Ensuring PR'); logger.debug( `There are ${config.errors.length} errors and ${config.warnings.length} warnings` ); const { prResult: result, pr } = await ensurePr(config); // TODO: ensurePr should check for automerge itself if (result === PrResult.AwaitingApproval) { return 'needs-pr-approval'; } if ( result === PrResult.AwaitingGreenBranch || result === PrResult.AwaitingNotPending ) { return 'pending'; } if (pr) { const topic = emojify(':warning: Artifact update problem'); if (config.artifactErrors?.length) { logger.warn( { artifactErrors: config.artifactErrors }, 'artifactErrors' ); let content = `Renovate failed to update `; content += config.artifactErrors.length > 1 ? 'artifacts' : 'an artifact'; content += ' related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is.'; content += emojify( `\n\n:recycle: Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the following happens:\n\n` ); content += ' - any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or \n'; content += ' - the branch becomes conflicted, or\n'; content += ' - you check the rebase/retry checkbox if found above, or\n'; content += ' - you rename this PR\'s title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually'; content += '\n\nThe artifact failure details are included below:\n\n'; config.artifactErrors.forEach((error) => { content += `##### File name: ${error.lockFile}\n\n`; content += `\`\`\`\n${error.stderr}\n\`\`\`\n\n`; }); if ( !( config.suppressNotifications.includes('artifactErrors') || config.suppressNotifications.includes('lockFileErrors') ) ) { if (config.dryRun) { 'DRY-RUN: Would ensure lock file error comment in PR #' + pr.number ); } else { await platform.ensureComment({ number: pr.number, topic, content, }); } } const context = `renovate/artifacts`; const description = 'Artifact file update failure'; const state =; const existingState = await platform.getBranchStatusCheck( config.branchName, context ); // Check if state needs setting if (existingState !== state) { logger.debug(`Updating status check state to failed`); if (config.dryRun) { 'DRY-RUN: Would set branch status in ' + config.branchName ); } else { await platform.setBranchStatus({ branchName: config.branchName, context, description, state, }); } } } else { if (config.updatedArtifacts?.length) { // istanbul ignore if if (config.dryRun) { 'DRY-RUN: Would ensure comment removal in PR #' + pr.number ); } else { // Remove artifacts error comment only if this run has successfully updated artifacts await platform.ensureCommentRemoval({ number: pr.number, topic }); } } const prAutomerged = await checkAutoMerge(pr, config); if (prAutomerged) { return 'automerged'; } } } } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { if ( err instanceof ExternalHostError || [PLATFORM_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, REPOSITORY_CHANGED].includes(err.message) ) { logger.debug('Passing PR error up'); throw err; } // Otherwise don't throw here - we don't want to stop the other renovations logger.error({ err }, `Error ensuring PR: ${err.message}`); } if (!branchExists) { return 'pr-created'; } return 'done'; }