import { NugetDatasource } from '../modules/datasource/nuget'; import { add, clear, find, findAll, getAll, hostType, hosts, } from './host-rules'; describe('util/host-rules', () => { beforeEach(() => { clear(); }); describe('add()', () => { it('throws if both domainName and hostName', () => { expect(() => add({ hostType: 'azure', domainName: '', hostName: '', } as never) ).toThrow(); }); it('throws if both domainName and baseUrl', () => { expect(() => add({ hostType: 'azure', domainName: '', matchHost: '', } as never) ).toThrow(); }); it('throws if both hostName and baseUrl', () => { expect(() => add({ hostType: 'azure', hostName: '', matchHost: '', } as never) ).toThrow(); }); it('supports baseUrl-only', () => { add({ matchHost: 'https://some.endpoint', username: 'user1', password: 'pass1', }); expect(find({ url: 'https://some.endpoint/v3/' })).toEqual({ password: 'pass1', username: 'user1', }); }); }); describe('find()', () => { beforeEach(() => { clear(); }); it('warns and returns empty for bad search', () => { expect(find({ abc: 'def' } as any)).toEqual({}); }); it('needs exact host matches', () => { add({ hostType:, hostName: '', username: 'root', password: 'p4$$w0rd', token: undefined, } as never); expect(find({ hostType: })).toEqual({}); expect( find({ hostType:, url: '' }) ).not.toEqual({}); expect( find({ hostType:, url: '' }) ).not.toEqual({}); expect( find({ hostType:, url: '' }) ).toEqual({}); }); it('matches on empty rules', () => { add({ enabled: true, }); expect( find({ hostType:, url: '' }) ).toEqual({ enabled: true }); }); it('matches on hostType', () => { add({ hostType:, token: 'abc', }); expect( find({ hostType:, url: 'https://nuget.local/api' }) ).toEqual({ token: 'abc' }); }); it('matches on domainName', () => { add({ domainName: '', token: 'def', } as never); expect( find({ hostType:, url: '' }) .token ).toBe('def'); expect( find({ hostType:, url: '' }).token ).toBe('def'); expect( find({ hostType:, url: '' }) .token ).toBeUndefined(); }); it('matches on specific path', () => { // Initialized platform holst rule add({ hostType: 'github', matchHost: '', token: 'abc', }); // specific host rule for using other token in different org add({ hostType: 'github', matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); // Initialized generic host rule for github platform add({ hostType: 'github', matchHost: '', token: 'abc', }); expect( find({ hostType: 'github', url: '', }).token ).toBe('def'); }); it('matches for several hostTypes when no hostType rule is configured', () => { add({ matchHost: '', token: 'abc', }); expect( find({ hostType: 'github', url: '', }).token ).toBe('abc'); expect( find({ hostType: 'github-releases', url: '', }).token ).toBe('abc'); }); it('matches if hostType is configured and host rule is filtered with datasource', () => { add({ hostType: 'github', matchHost: '', token: 'abc', }); add({ hostType: 'github-tags', matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); expect( find({ hostType: 'github-tags', url: '', }).token ).toBe('def'); }); it('matches on hostName', () => { add({ hostName: 'nuget.local', token: 'abc', } as never); expect( find({ hostType:, url: 'https://nuget.local/api' }) ).toEqual({ token: 'abc' }); }); it('matches on matchHost with protocol', () => { add({ matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBeUndefined(); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBe('def'); expect( find({ hostType:, url: '', }).token ).toBe('def'); }); it('matches on matchHost without protocol', () => { add({ matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBe('def'); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBe('def'); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBeUndefined(); }); it('matches on matchHost with dot prefix', () => { add({ matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBe('def'); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBeUndefined(); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBeUndefined(); }); it('matches on matchHost with port', () => { add({ matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBe('def'); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBeUndefined(); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBeUndefined(); }); it('host with port is interpreted as empty', () => { add({ matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBe('def'); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBe('def'); expect(find({ url: '' }).token).toBe('def'); }); it('matches on hostType and endpoint', () => { add({ hostType:, matchHost: 'https://nuget.local/api', token: 'abc', }); expect( find({ hostType:, url: 'https://nuget.local/api' }) .token ).toBe('abc'); }); it('matches on endpoint subresource', () => { add({ hostType:, matchHost: 'https://nuget.local/api', token: 'abc', }); expect( find({ hostType:, url: 'https://nuget.local/api/sub-resource', }) ).toEqual({ token: 'abc' }); }); it('matches shortest matchHost first', () => { add({ matchHost: 'https://nuget.local/api', token: 'longest', }); add({ matchHost: 'https://nuget.local/', token: 'shortest', }); expect( find({ url: 'https://nuget.local/api/sub-resource', }) ).toEqual({ token: 'longest' }); }); }); describe('hosts()', () => { it('returns hosts', () => { add({ hostType:, token: 'aaaaaa', }); add({ hostType:, matchHost: 'https://nuget.local/api', token: 'abc', }); add({ hostType:, hostName: 'my.local.registry', token: 'def', } as never); add({ hostType:, matchHost: 'another.local.registry', token: 'xyz', }); add({ hostType:, matchHost: 'https://yet.another.local.registry', token: '123', }); const res = hosts({ hostType:, }); expect(res).toEqual([ 'nuget.local', 'my.local.registry', 'another.local.registry', 'yet.another.local.registry', ]); }); }); describe('findAll()', () => { it('warns and returns empty for bad search', () => { expect(findAll({ abc: 'def' } as any)).toEqual([]); }); it('needs exact host matches', () => { const hostRule = { hostType: 'nuget', hostName: '', username: 'root', password: 'p4$$w0rd', }; add(hostRule); expect(findAll({ hostType: 'nuget' })).toEqual([ { hostType: 'nuget', password: 'p4$$w0rd', resolvedHost: '', username: 'root', matchHost: '', }, ]); }); }); describe('getAll()', () => { it('returns all host rules', () => { const hostRule1 = { hostType: 'nuget', matchHost: '', username: 'root', password: 'p4$$w0rd', }; const hostRule2 = { hostType: 'github', matchHost: '', token: 'token', }; add(hostRule1); add(hostRule2); expect(getAll()).toMatchObject([hostRule1, hostRule2]); }); }); describe('hostType()', () => { it('return hostType', () => { add({ hostType: 'github', token: 'aaaaaa', }); add({ hostType: 'github', matchHost: '', token: 'abc', }); add({ hostType: 'github-changelog', matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); expect( hostType({ url: '', }) ).toBe('github-changelog'); }); it('returns null', () => { add({ hostType: 'github', token: 'aaaaaa', }); add({ hostType: 'github', matchHost: '', token: 'abc', }); add({ hostType: 'github-changelog', matchHost: '', token: 'def', }); expect( hostType({ url: '', }) ).toBe('github-changelog'); expect( hostType({ url: '', }) ).toBeNull(); }); }); });