import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import { getManagerList } from '../manager'; import { configRegexPredicate, isConfigRegex, regEx } from '../util/regex'; import * as template from '../util/template'; import { hasValidSchedule, hasValidTimezone } from '../workers/branch/schedule'; import { RenovateConfig, ValidationMessage } from './common'; import { RenovateOptions, getOptions } from './definitions'; import { resolveConfigPresets } from './presets'; import * as managerValidator from './validation-helpers/managers'; const options = getOptions(); let optionTypes: Record; export interface ValidationResult { errors: ValidationMessage[]; warnings: ValidationMessage[]; } const managerList = getManagerList(); function isManagerPath(parentPath: string): boolean { return ( /^regexManagers\[[0-9]+]$/.test(parentPath) || managerList.includes(parentPath) ); } export async function validateConfig( config: RenovateConfig, isPreset?: boolean, parentPath?: string ): Promise { if (!optionTypes) { optionTypes = {}; options.forEach((option) => { optionTypes[] = option.type; }); } let errors: ValidationMessage[] = []; let warnings: ValidationMessage[] = []; function getDeprecationMessage(option: string): string { const deprecatedOptions = { branchName: `Direct editing of branchName is now deprecated. Please edit branchPrefix, additionalBranchPrefix, or branchTopic instead`, commitMessage: `Direct editing of commitMessage is now deprecated. Please edit commitMessage's subcomponents instead.`, prTitle: `Direct editing of prTitle is now deprecated. Please edit commitMessage subcomponents instead as they will be passed through to prTitle.`, }; return deprecatedOptions[option]; } function isIgnored(key: string): boolean { const ignoredNodes = [ '$schema', 'depType', 'npmToken', 'packageFile', 'forkToken', 'repository', 'vulnerabilityAlertsOnly', 'vulnerabilityAlert', 'copyLocalLibs', // deprecated - functionality is now enabled by default 'prBody', // deprecated ]; return ignoredNodes.includes(key); } function validateAliasObject( key: string, val: Record ): boolean { if (key === 'aliases') { for (const value of Object.values(val)) { if (!is.urlString(value)) { return false; } } } return true; } for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(config)) { const currentPath = parentPath ? `${parentPath}.${key}` : key; // istanbul ignore if if (key === '__proto__') { errors.push({ depName: 'Config security error', message: '__proto__', }); continue; // eslint-disable-line } if (key === 'fileMatch') { if (parentPath === undefined) { errors.push({ depName: 'Config error', message: `"fileMatch" may not be defined at the top level of a config and must instead be within a manager block`, }); } else if (!isManagerPath(parentPath)) { warnings.push({ depName: 'Config warning', message: `"fileMatch" must be configured in a manager block and not here: ${parentPath}`, }); } } if ( !isIgnored(key) && // We need to ignore some reserved keys !(is as any).function(val) // Ignore all functions ) { if (getDeprecationMessage(key)) { warnings.push({ depName: 'Deprecation Warning', message: getDeprecationMessage(key), }); } const templateKeys = [ 'branchName', 'commitBody', 'commitMessage', 'prTitle', 'semanticCommitScope', ]; if ((key.endsWith('Template') || templateKeys.includes(key)) && val) { try { let res = template.compile(val.toString(), config); res = template.compile(res, config); template.compile(res, config); } catch (err) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Invalid template in config path: ${currentPath}`, }); } } if (!optionTypes[key]) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Invalid configuration option: ${currentPath}`, }); } else if (key === 'schedule') { const [validSchedule, errorMessage] = hasValidSchedule(val as string[]); if (!validSchedule) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Invalid ${currentPath}: \`${errorMessage}\``, }); } } else if ( ['allowedVersions', 'matchCurrentVersion'].includes(key) && isConfigRegex(val) ) { if (!configRegexPredicate(val)) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Invalid regExp for ${currentPath}: \`${val}\``, }); } } else if (key === 'timezone' && val !== null) { const [validTimezone, errorMessage] = hasValidTimezone(val as string); if (!validTimezone) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `${currentPath}: ${errorMessage}`, }); } } else if (val != null) { const type = optionTypes[key]; if (type === 'boolean') { if (val !== true && val !== false) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Configuration option \`${currentPath}\` should be boolean. Found: ${JSON.stringify( val )} (${typeof val})`, }); } } else if (type === 'array' && val) { if (!is.array(val)) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Configuration option \`${currentPath}\` should be a list (Array)`, }); } else { for (const [subIndex, subval] of val.entries()) { if (is.object(subval)) { const subValidation = await module.exports.validateConfig( subval, isPreset, `${currentPath}[${subIndex}]` ); warnings = warnings.concat(subValidation.warnings); errors = errors.concat(subValidation.errors); } } if (key === 'extends') { const tzRe = /^:timezone\((.+)\)$/; for (const subval of val) { if (is.string(subval)) { if (tzRe.test(subval)) { const [, timezone] = tzRe.exec(subval); const [validTimezone, errorMessage] = hasValidTimezone( timezone ); if (!validTimezone) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `${currentPath}: ${errorMessage}`, }); } } } else { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Warning', message: `${currentPath}: preset value is not a string`, }); } } } const selectors = [ 'matchPaths', 'matchLanguages', 'matchBaseBranches', 'matchManagers', 'matchDatasources', 'matchDepTypes', 'matchPackageNames', 'matchPackagePatterns', 'excludePackageNames', 'excludePackagePatterns', 'matchCurrentVersion', 'matchSourceUrlPrefixes', 'matchUpdateTypes', ]; if (key === 'packageRules') { for (const packageRule of val) { let hasSelector = false; if (is.object(packageRule)) { const resolvedRule = await resolveConfigPresets( packageRule as RenovateConfig, config ); errors.push( ...managerValidator.check({ resolvedRule, currentPath }) ); for (const pKey of Object.keys(resolvedRule)) { if (selectors.includes(pKey)) { hasSelector = true; } } if (!hasSelector) { const message = `${currentPath}: Each packageRule must contain at least one selector (${selectors.join( ', ' )}). If you wish for configuration to apply to all packages, it is not necessary to place it inside a packageRule at all.`; errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message, }); } } else { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `${currentPath} must contain JSON objects`, }); } } } if (key === 'regexManagers') { const allowedKeys = [ 'description', 'fileMatch', 'matchStrings', 'matchStringsStrategy', 'depNameTemplate', 'lookupNameTemplate', 'datasourceTemplate', 'versioningTemplate', ]; // TODO: fix types for (const regexManager of val as any[]) { if ( Object.keys(regexManager).some( (k) => !allowedKeys.includes(k) ) ) { const disallowedKeys = Object.keys(regexManager).filter( (k) => !allowedKeys.includes(k) ); errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Regex Manager contains disallowed fields: ${disallowedKeys.join( ', ' )}`, }); } else if (!is.nonEmptyArray(regexManager.fileMatch)) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Each Regex Manager must contain a fileMatch array`, }); } else { let validRegex = false; for (const matchString of regexManager.matchStrings) { try { regEx(matchString); validRegex = true; } catch (e) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Invalid regExp for ${currentPath}: \`${String( matchString )}\``, }); } } if (validRegex) { const mandatoryFields = [ 'depName', 'currentValue', 'datasource', ]; for (const field of mandatoryFields) { if ( !regexManager[`${field}Template`] && !regexManager.matchStrings.some((matchString) => matchString.includes(`(?<${field}>`) ) ) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Regex Managers must contain ${field}Template configuration or regex group named ${field}`, }); } } } } } } if ( key === 'matchPackagePatterns' || key === 'excludePackagePatterns' ) { for (const pattern of val as string[]) { if (pattern !== '*') { try { regEx(pattern); } catch (e) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Invalid regExp for ${currentPath}: \`${pattern}\``, }); } } } } if (key === 'fileMatch') { for (const fileMatch of val as string[]) { try { regEx(fileMatch); } catch (e) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Invalid regExp for ${currentPath}: \`${fileMatch}\``, }); } } } if ( (selectors.includes(key) || key === 'matchCurrentVersion') && !/p.*Rules\[\d+\]$/.test(parentPath) && // Inside a packageRule (parentPath || !isPreset) // top level in a preset ) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `${currentPath}: ${key} should be inside a \`packageRule\` only`, }); } } } else if (type === 'string') { if (!is.string(val)) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Configuration option \`${currentPath}\` should be a string`, }); } } else if ( type === 'object' && currentPath !== 'compatibility' && currentPath !== 'constraints' && currentPath !== 'force.constraints' ) { if (is.plainObject(val)) { if (key === 'aliases') { if (!validateAliasObject(key, val)) { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Invalid alias object configuration`, }); } } else { const ignoredObjects = options .filter((option) => option.freeChoice) .map((option) =>; if (!ignoredObjects.includes(key)) { const subValidation = await module.exports.validateConfig( val, isPreset, currentPath ); warnings = warnings.concat(subValidation.warnings); errors = errors.concat(subValidation.errors); } } } else { errors.push({ depName: 'Configuration Error', message: `Configuration option \`${currentPath}\` should be a json object`, }); } } } } } function sortAll(a: ValidationMessage, b: ValidationMessage): number { // istanbul ignore else: currently never happen if (a.depName === b.depName) { return a.message > b.message ? 1 : -1; } // istanbul ignore next: currently never happen return a.depName > b.depName ? 1 : -1; } errors.sort(sortAll); warnings.sort(sortAll); return { errors, warnings }; }